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Everything posted by bmwmcoupe

  1. funny i ustoo teach tennis also before turning pro, my advice is please wait till you consanstly make more then 15k a month before quitting any job, Very hard to get loans when u are professional poker player, so u gotta put alot of cash down. I don't regret at all turning pro im 22 drive a 80k car and a brand new condo, just saying this to say, its possible to make it. I had the best year of my life last year and i wish you the same
  2. Im suprised how bad the play on hsp is
  3. The only fish station was on my left, i coulda been abit more aggressive but u gotta understand 1 raise and u were commited and could be a 35k mistake. More i look at the deal the more i feel like it was the only option, we had no time, if u took more time anybody coulda been out and lose the 30k that we agreed on a chop. The deal worked out for everybody. If we were on ps and the game coulda been paused, i woulda asked for 85k ya im cheap and hate tourneys, i try to limit my expenses for tourneys.During the whole tourney i tried to have a nice atmoshphere, Joking around so i dont get nervou
  4. If i send you the hand history you will see that all tourney i was being ultra agressivewere you watching the same game i was? guy called my all in with k 10, qj, a 6those were 3 all ins i was in,
  5. that final table was the biggest crapshoot, I was looking to chop whenever i could, If blinds were reasonable i wouldnt of asked for any deal, and i really don't think i was playing tenatively if you see the hand history you will understand. That aq hand was standard but i did get really lucky. I doubled my roll in 1 night very happy about the situation
  6. yes i did send it right after the tourney, it came to 77k canadian, I said it more as ajoke then anything else but i did say it, so i sent it. I didnt have the chips to callI really don't think i acted out of line at all, i regret joking about the 1k, and when i gave guy crap for the 9s. THE THing is phatique wasnt chatting and i am pretty sure is chat was off. You gotta understand the circumstances, we had no time to make the deal, support couldnt pause the game. we all had 6bb in play we were flipping a coin for 30k, crazy if u ask me
  7. Ya i will try to get get into one of is games and say thank you, problem is i withdrew al my money from ft and i doubt he looks at observer chatgot the hand history, post your emails, and please comment, i got extremely lucky on 2 pots, 1 i made a awful read, the other was pretty standard
  8. 1- If we had proper time to make a deal he wouldnt of gotten the full amount, full tilt wasnt really supporting us to make a deal, we were rushed to make a deal and it was key that he agreed, 5th place was 44k2- blinds were 25-50k we all had 300k in chips and chip leader had 3m, he played is big stack really well3- deal not done in time, i could of been out next hand only had 6 bb in play
  9. About to get the hand history for the full event, anybody interested in having it
  10. wow that was the fastest withdrawal processed i have ever seen 1 min from resquest into my neteller account
  11. hehe i just bought a 06 bmw m coupe, and a condo this year, so not much i wanna buy now, My roll was very healthy before this tourney not sure if i should pad it or just throw it in investements. I dont want to get into 10-20 nl games right away i already think the 5-10 games have big enough swings
  12. decided to make multiple withdraws threw netellerGod damm ft support is bad
  13. Cool part is i was 2 cheap to buy in for 500$ so i won threw a sat for 24$Other cool fact about this tourney, 10 hands into the tourney i folded qs on a 10 high raibpw board, usually never make that kinda lay down in a tourney he showed ks
  14. Just wanted to thank everybody for railing me in the full tilt main event, it was great fun2 questions:how can i get my hand history for all the event?whats the best way to withdraw 77k, neteller? or check or bank transfer?1 2 3 FCPFCPFCPFCPFCP
  15. i would like to get back to that pocket 9 hand, i think its actually a very interesting hand i will be thinking about it int he next few days
  16. ok its fixed, i didnt think i acted to imature, i mean i was really pumped, and i was just having fun with the rail
  17. I got 74k in my account instead of 70k, what should i do?
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