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Everything posted by SweetDee

  1. No, I would not.That being said, if a Muslim buddy and I went to church I wouldn't excpect him to pray, or even bow his head. Just be respectful is all. So, while I would not bow to Mecca I would also not throw a hissy fit and have to leave the room, and if they invited me to a concert with a Muslim slant I would go. Why not? What's the worse that could possibly happen? I relax for a few hours and hear some new stuff. This just plays into the usual Mantra- Christianity bad and intolerable, everything else should be tolerated because, well, Christianity says you should, better be tolerable Chri
  2. Sure. God means many things. No one is saying you have to, say, convert or we will chop your head off. They are saying, enjoy some music. Or don't, I don't care. Either way sit down, if not, you will do dishes or whatever maintenance work they were apparently assigned.I just can't imagine that I would be that up in arms about something so trivial. I went to this Motivational thing awhile back, Zig Zigler whatever the guys name is that hosts them, and there was definitely a christian theme here and there, even though it was work focused. I had paid to take everyone at work to go, and I felt bad
  3. He is saying when our backs are against the wall we are the one nation left that used to just kill them all, in their house. With any luck we still have that instinct somewhere. This was actually something I was talking at work about, how in the past "civilian casualties" were not an issue, because that's how you win a war, you make the populace give up. Kill them all, no quarter until surrender. What he is saying is that willfullness is not gone, which in my mind is good. It means when shit goes too far there will be those ready to do what needs to be done. He also said kill, kill, kill, whic
  4. Out of curiosity, when a soldier swears himself in, who does he swear to? God and country? Right?As far as accommodate, sure. On the flip side, should we not expect the same? Like, if you get to build a Mosque near ground zero amongst protest shouldn't you at least sit through a damn concert? Seriously, it's not asking much. I have sat through Alanis Morrisette multiple times, it was pure torture, but I like to get laid, so I man up.And, it's really not a bad song, but better than his music is his hair, especially in the 90's, highlights are the shit.
  5. As a third side note, the writer actually called it an "incredible" story. That word has officially lost it's meaning.
  6. What if it was some shitty band like Staind? Would this be an issue then? It's pretty simple- Army says we want you to do X as a cohesive unit. Instead of making you do it, if you are such an outright pussy that you must have an alternative because Michael W. Smith is such a horrifying evening, well, then, because you are a complete baby who can't manage to ignore someone talk and sing for two hours, you get to do Y instead. And, Y will suck as bad as you think Smith will. Lesson? Sometimes we do shit we don't want to do when we sign our life and minds away for a few years. A secondary lesson
  7. Can't see how this could possibly be right, Seiver has been loose aggressive and can be and mixed it up with all kinds of hands. He has been talkative, looked to push some buttons, a bit of a villian at times. He *might* be talking to/about someone like Russo, who has really just basically played premium/mid-level hands and gotten lucky/paid off,and really hasn't talked a whole lot. She may be cute in some peoples books but she also may be the most boring player on the show so far.
  8. Would you be okay with a house sized bust of Hitler being built next to the house Anne Frank holed up in? Right next door, where people could take photos with it, and a live person dressed as a German Nazi, ready to take your 5 dollars for a picture, all the while people touring the Anne Frank house as well. The best part is that 5 dollars goes directly to a Skinhead organization, who while they have never been found to do anything illegal have released many statements applauding illegal, heinous activity in the name of the White Race. Worst yet, they call themselves a Christian organization.T
  9. To be fair he hasn't exactly always saved the Jews. Last I heard the Holocaust actually did happen, even though the numbers might be inflated a bit.
  10. I can see why you said this, because he threw in "great destruction" but all that would be necessary to make his point would be that certain group of people not being obedient to God in the future. No possible way to know if the above is in fact true, since we cannot see the future. That being said, I have always thought that here on earth God isn't the prevailing issue when it comes to many tragedies, in that most don't choose to follow him. Being that he only grants protection to those who follow him, the rest of the world would be Satans realm, unless God specifically chose to step in, and
  11. I anticipate he will throw his support behind "Christian" KKK groups in Arizona any day now.
  12. That's only half the scripture, it's actually only half the sentence. Never mind, I want to publicly apologize to Jeepster, he was right. You are a complete waste of time.
  13. You have 2 choices, a piece of Key Lime Pie and a Chunk of raw liver, which do you choose?No matter which, a choice is made. Now, you can say one is better than the other but you have the absolute freedom to choose either or. Even if the pie was wrapped in cotton candy, wishes and cocaine, and the liver was wrapped in human stomach lining and dog shit, you still would have a choice. No one could take that away from you, until it was taken away and you were left with only one option. Which, in that instance you would find people upset because they still wanted to at least make the choice, they
  14. Honestly, the discussion those other 2 guys are having is way better. Sorry, but anyone who can't see that they have choices every day and no one is making them do anything is just not playing with a full deck.
  15. You don't think the gay bar will be blown up by Muslim extremists? Or you really think they will be tolerant? I'm inclined to think, based on recent history, they won't be.
  16. I don't see it that way. A murderer, having slaughtered 100 people and and ate all of them with his bare hands, was still created perfect and IS still perfect, as far as his created form goes. Who he is now is entirely his own choosing, rightly so. As far as I know from a biblical point of view we were created with the express intent to serve God but don't have to, if we don't want to. If that isn't a perfect creation from an entity who had the power to create robots I don't know what is. Think about- you could snap your fingers and create that which has no other choice but to be what you want
  17. Actually, I meant every word. No insult, no humor. Sometimes, even on the internet, people just mean what they say.
  18. Maybe, but you did get to hang out at a Bowling Alley, so it wasn't a total loss.Also, I am not seeing it as fatalistic as you see it I guess. You have a choice- do B and receive Heaven, do B and receive Hell. You can choose not to play (Kick the ball) but ultimately Christ will come back anyway for judgement, it's not like you choosing to ignore/not play/go against Gods will changes anything. That being said, hopefully you at least had a good time kicking the ball while you had the chance to kick, whatever path you took.Incidentally, this stuff interests me but more conceptually than anything
  19. "Christians just think that some good things are evil and get a bias view."I hope I am quoting things right, one the one hand I think I made a mistake even posting in this thread because most of what Greatest said is a mess. On the other hand, I wanted to focus on the line I quoted, I think this may be where you lose it altogether from the perspective of Christianity. My mom is a devout Christian, and tells me on a regular basis that the world is going to end, etc., that these are the end times because of....pick your poison. She has a plethora of reasons. Now, all of them from a Christian per
  20. Actually, that's really good criticism. I haven't really committed to posting on a regular basis on this site, so looking back over some of my posts, they reflect that mindset. Too many quick comments with no real substance behind them. So, in the interest of not coming off like a simpleton when I do happen to post I will load it up with a bounty of questions and personal insights to whatever issue it is that has struck my fancy enough to make me say something.
  21. I wonder if technically it could still happen? Meaning, Satan was an Angel at one point, with the freedom to choose to be whatever he wanted. I don't follow The Bible a whole lot but I don't remember ever being told that Angels couldn't still go Apeshit again, if they wanted too. I wonder if, within Gods plan, is there room for other contingencies? Like, a whole alternate reality that still conforms with this plan but because of free will other things are going on as well. Is it possible that right now Angels are defecting, but it doesn't matter because, well, it's not like a place needs to be
  22. No, you said I was a simpleton. For that, nothing but AIDS penis will do.Seriously, you don't know me. I don't know you. What I can gather so far from our "relationship" as it were is you like to make judgment calls with no real information in front of you from which to judge. This could mean many things, but I will go with the safe play and guess that you are just not all that happy of person.Take that Xanax, you'll feel better. It won't be real, but for 6 to 8 hours you can pretend around the normal folk. Hey, what they don't know isn't going to hurt them, right? Prescription drugs for the w
  23. No, just a guy who checks Daniels site once in awhile and posts if something tickles his fancy, that's all. The BG guy does amuse me, though.
  24. Touching. If you were looking for a troll like reaction you won't find it here, although the first thought I had after reading your well thought out post was if I had a Penis with AIDS on it I would shove it in your mouth. Rush would probably approve.
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