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Everything posted by Andromeda

  1. oh, I finally signed up for CR as well. I ended up getting the second tier membership but only because apparently the videos aren't mac compatible...once they are, I'll be upgrading for sure.
  2. you sir, are a nit. how are you supposed to pay for a trip to Vegas for us all now???dude, back is feeling WAAAAAAY better. We are definitely going to play HU this week and I will take all your money. It goes to a good cause - my being able to sit fund (aka doctor's payments)
  3. this is EXACTLY how I dislocated my tail bone...at least it was my own shit and not someone else's.I would totally rather be playing poker right now.
  4. the difference, and I know this is hard to believe, is that I have a live-in gf who will take care of me. In fact, she took off work today to make sure I made it to the Doctor's office and then afterwards made me a pear cake.
  5. woohoo, I have officially dislocated my tailbone for the 3rd time in 2 months.at least I haven't had to go to work for 3 days and have the next two off. This is the first time I've been able to actually get up so the first place I go: the poker forum. god I'm addicted.
  6. eh, totally over it - just throwing it out for conversation. Since I would like to play live and in tourneys someday, I was more curious how to handle this live...very easy to ignore a chat box...not so easy to ignore someone in front of your face.
  7. fcukin LOL boysthat Greenstein quote is genius, I gotta remember that one.
  8. def. was confident about the play - nothing made me question what I did, just made me question how to deal with someone who is just being a punk, spouting nonsense and not listening to reason.
  9. sorry, I flipped over to the game to check the score...it was still scoreless but you know what happens anytime I watch a Wakefield game...
  10. Last night I was playing on FTP and for the first time, managed to get really aggravated by a player. In my first hand at the table, I had pocket QQs, the board came K95 - while I'm worried about the overcard, I'm also not that concerned with losing a pot or my measly $4 buy-in at a .05/.10 table. SB checks to me, I bet the pot, he calls. Turn is a 7, I don't really put him on anything and at this point really the only thing he could have was a king and I am still willing to lose the pot if that's the case. He pushes all in, at this point most of my stack is already in the pot so I'm prett
  11. haha, no doubt - I was merely trying to joke that I haven't signed up yet. Trust me, food aplenty at my house, just had some other stuff I needed to take care of. I have the privledge of not living paycheck to paycheck and I like to keep it that way.
  12. I actually am waiting until Friday to sign up but when I do I will let you know so you can check it out; had some other stuff come up and while I could afford it, I felt eating was the better expenditure.
  13. the ruling by the casino is making me tilt and I wasn't even there. harsh.
  14. You and me both...this is why I said (even though the difference is the bluff and a called hand as mentioned) I don't win the pot automatically if I muck the best hand because my inexperience of knowing what hand rankings are. It's not like she flipped them up and thought she lost...she totally mucked her cards, face down. Player ignorance should not skirt the rule, horrible call by the casino.The only time a player in a cash game has to actually show the cards is a winning hand on the showdown, correct? How can a player not involved in the hand even ask for the cards to be turned over? I'
  15. that's it, you've officially used that image too many times.
  16. donk move him moving all in with an open-ended straight draw...gotta love a suck out on the turn though.
  17. rule #9 from Robert's rules on poker (which I'm assuming are the norm since almost any site I've been on refers to them for rulings)9. You must declare that you are playing the board before you throw your cards away; otherwise you relinquish all claim to the pot. (The rule for tournament play is you must retain your hand and show it if asked, in order to win part of the pot.)I read this as - you muck your cards, you can't win the pot - regardless of if you had the best hand or not. granted the rule I picked doesn't necessarily answer the question at hand but it was the closest one I could fin
  18. maybe it depends on the casino but you aren't required to show your cards in cash games...she chose to muck her hand, how can they take them out of the muck and say she won the pot? I mean, if I was bluffed off a hand and I had the nuts and mucked, I don't automatically win the pot anyways because a player uninvolved in the pot wanted to see the cards. Did she okay showing her cards from the muck or did the dealer just do it? If so, I think you could make a solid case here.
  19. mine looks like an Ewok.http://a37.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images...d2b81d47204.jpg
  20. no one cares that Nate kicked my dog in the face? repeatedly???
  21. true, but if I push basically $30 on a $12 pot, do you think villain would call even with a set, hoping he outkicks me?
  22. I don't really consider this a bad beat though, tough call, I made it...I was more curious if there was any way I could not have hemmoraged my entire stack on this or if my destiny was just sealed.
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