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About tdmlb24

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    Poker Forum Nut

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  1. When they say a raise of 3x of 200, they mean to 600.Its a fact, dont argue
  2. Why are you so mad about it?It was a bad play, yes, but not bad of a cash man
  3. and Purr of Aces just got knocked out, he is an online pro
  4. Yes, TIJO is left who is brenes
  5. Are you drunk? Or just have mental problems?Best On Line Site Bar None. And I'm sure it will get better.I'm just saying since the Full Tilt tourney is in need of people and the Stars tourney gets 50-60 a week.Better reasons there is more in the stars tourney than in the FT one...1) It's $10 at stars and $20 at FT.2) More people at FCP play at stars.3) The stars one was set up first.4) There has been talk of prizes from the start. Which just happened.Is that enough??Yes
  6. Are you drunk? Or just have mental problems?Best On Line Site Bar None. And I'm sure it will get better.I'm just saying since the Full Tilt tourney is in need of people and the Stars tourney gets 50-60 a week.
  7. People aren't playing at Full Tilt because they do know a crap site when they see it
  8. Final table in a single table SNG. Wasn't everyone?Nope
  9. And who was the moron who came up with a topic like this?
  10. There is a huge difference between a sponsor paying the 10k to the tournament and a TD giving free entry to a player.If the TD, casino, or whomever, doesn't put the money up in place of Tilly putting the money up I think that there would have to be something illegal in that
  11. Last years commercial was amazing.
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