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Zealous Donkey

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Everything posted by Zealous Donkey

  1. http://reason.tv/roughcut/show/hayek-vs-ke...-sequel-sneak-pHere is the full video the crowd was watching at the beginning of the reasontv clip.
  2. blah, blah, blah, facts, facts, facts, So sick of you guys always demanding "evidence" and stuff every time I try to make an argument.
  3. No. abortion was a lot less frequent, though it certainly existed, and there were unwanted pregnancies, which were hidden but the fact is, school children weren't having sex back then, it wasn't impossible for a whole bunch of highschoolers to manage to make it through high school without having sex. Places where birth control is freely available, raises the amount of sexual activity which raises the amount of unwanted pregnancies, because even people who are willing to use birth control don't use it every time. (especially true of young people). Now there may be places that provide the arm
  4. So what, f*c* skinny people, wormy looking bastards. Places where condoms and birth control are more freely available is where most unwanted births occur? Now how do explain that?Stopping people from having sex is impossible, but certainly you would agree that 50 years ago teenage pregnacies and single motherhood was fairly rare by todays standards. Yet contaceptives were also rare back in that time. Contraceptives are only a no no in the Catholic Church. Abortion is a no no, but not contraception.
  5. But overweight people, and smokers, ect. pay more for health insurance. As far as marriage, sex ed ect, I am much more lib on these things but I understand why conservatives bitch about them. If you want to live a promiscuous lifestyle and put condoms in boxes of crackerjacks that's fine with me, but don't make those who decide to marry and raise their own kids pay for those who don't. Unsupported children of single mothers are a great drain on this society. So you(not meaning you personally Cane) anti-religious zealots who blame everything bad in the world on religion, ignore the cost of
  6. But they have already banned what you can cook food in, haven't they. The whole 0 transfat thingy? I hate that govt. interferes in our lives in this way, but the 0 transfat thing will probably extend a lot of lives.
  7. He wasn't that spot on, but he did say fast food would be next in line after cigarettes.
  8. If you like Christie, you would probably like Mitch Daniels even more, but same problem, he says he won't run and I believe him. It is a shame that running for president has become such a nasty business, Daniels wife is crazy, (or at least she used to be) and he won't run because he doesn't want all that personal stuff made a public spectacle. Funny that the main stream media won't look into why Obama kicked off his campaign in the house of a domestic terrorist that killed a policeman, but would be more than willing to run with any narrative media matters, ect. want to push.
  9. VP candadate in '12You need to stay on his ass about this poker situation. Call or write him at least once a week.
  10. Rush Limbaugh predicted this would happen 15 years ago, but I don't think even he knew how spot on he was going to be.
  11. I'll take bets that Rubio is on the '12 republican ticket.
  12. Yep, in the Casino, the saying is when you get promoted you are that much closer to the door. Middle managers are fired all the time, while you have to do something blatent to get bounced out of a dealer job. Hell the other night a fist fight broke out in the break room between two dealers, and neither one was fired.
  13. I am talking about someone starting out. I understand there are alot of skilled workers displaced at this time. They are in a somewhat different situation, though not impossible.(at least not here) I think there are people in Central Missouri not willing to work. I know two of the prisons are hiring but don't have applicants and the Casino I work for has about a page full of openings.
  14. I stand corrected. But if Moss comes to Missouri I will get him a job with the Rams.
  15. Bullshit!!! I could get anyone a job tomorrow no matter what color they are if they are willing to work.
  16. So, why bother trying eh? Sit on you ass and draw a check any way you can? Hey, your argument is carrying the day, in fact it has been for 20+ years now. So what do you want to do exactly? Give out more freebies to "the poor" who are as enlightened as you are and know that no matter how hard they work or what decisions they make they are going to always be poor. Is that what your saying, if not what is your point? I will grant you that it would be very difficult for some people to become filthy rich, but to become not poor, in this country is not difficult at all, unless you make terribl
  17. Well, the Washington Post is a little late to the party, but better late than never. They actually did some real life reporting.There is your typical left-wing spin throughout the article but they did actually do some digging and, for them, this is about as balanced a story as you'll find. Brietbart Commentary:http://bigjournalism.com/abreitbart/2010/1...-race-policies/The Washington Post Article:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...0102203982.html
  18. I don't understand why that is considered a racist comment. Isn't it at least possible the Clinton recognized the utter lack of qualifications Obama had for president of the United States, that someone with Obama's experience level would have been far enough down the pecking order that he would be relegated to fetching coffee for the real players. Obama's qualifications for president:1. Went to Ivy League school, all details of which are completely covered up to this day. 2. Law Degree3. Helping get Asbestos removed from Chicago housing project. 4. Being elected to a Senate seat that was o
  19. Which is exactly the point Juan was making. Not that NPR really gave a shit about what he was saying. They are in the middle of a big pledge drive. This was done to give a boost to that effort.
  20. For those of you who only know Rush Limbaugh through left-wing caricatures (and judging by comments in this forum that would include most of you, especially Daniel) this may show him to you in a somewhat different light. It will also help you understand BG's sense of humor. http://livefeed.hollywoodreporter.com/2010...view-video.html
  21. Without objection, I will submit this article on New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to the official record here in Daniel's Poker Bloghttp://article.nationalreview.com/438955/c...l-foster?page=8
  22. I am not sure, but that may be the USS Cole which was hit from the outside. I believe they rammed it with boat filled with explosives.Here is link to read about it. It was a suicide attack. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Cole_(DDG-67)
  23. Growing up when she grew up and where she grew up, yes, I probably should be cutting her some more slack, but enough is enough, maybe she isn't racist for thinking Breitbart is, but she is making wrongful accusations which started this whole thing in the first place. Can't we all just get along?Breitbart is a little too emotional and hot headed, but not racist. His emotions will end up getting him in something he can't get out of. In the same way I worry about Chris Christie, he seems to be taking the curves awful fast and he if he slips up one time, the media will never let up on him.
  24. Well, I don't understand you. Are you saying she has a right to be racist? Racists views are shaped for a variety of reasons all of them reasonable in the mind of the racist. I don't automatically think the white man who killed her father was necessarily guilty of anything. I admit I have read nothing about the case but I don't accept her at her word that her father was wrongfully killed. Maybe he was maybe he wasn't. She is either stupid or a racist. Saying that Breitbart wants to put blacks back into slavery. If she wants to call Breitbart racist then she needs to have some proof
  25. Maybe not, she is having a lot of trouble keeping her mouth shut, and throwing around a lot of false accusations herself. She seems like a text book racist/race baiter to me. Breitbart has had a backlash, and I think she is getting ready to get one of her own. But I hear Willie Nelson is on her side, so she has that going for her. We'll see, but I don't think this is over.
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