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Everything posted by mcsoupman

  1. Just to clarify, I hear not all Christian colleges loose site of the Bible.One can not pick and choose which portions to obey and follow and which to exclude. That being said, from my readings there are instructions that were for a specific place and time. OP, Paul tells women to be silent in church. Women were not schooled in those days. They had questions that were disruptive to the service. He said ask your man at home, not during church. There are other examples in the Bible of women leaders and teachers.
  2. mcsoupman


    Nice find.Serious question here, where do islamic fundamentalist groups get the hatred of Israel? Is it because of the nation state created by Brittian? All I hear about is how several communities have sworn to the ahnialaiton (sp) of Isreal. I even heard that the movie, The Passion of the Christ was extremely popular in Islamic states because it put a negative light on Jews.
  3. Then if we are all a product of random chance augemented by natural selection, how do you know that your genetic make up is right? How do you know that your molecular brain makeup is right or best? Maybe you are the begining of another mutation? Lets follow that train and see where it takes us.
  4. I would say irresponsible capitalism is the reason for irresponsible greed. Well the tool anyway. Selfish amoralistic desires are the actual cause.
  5. Ok, then you said 200 million years I believe before, and an evolutionist scientist claims it would take 3 billion years just of sexual organs to develop. It doesn't compute. If the glove doesn't fit, you must aquit!!
  6. back again. Both of you missed the reference. I muddled it a little. My quote said that sexual mutations would need to take about 3 billion years to accomplish. The earth would have to be older than that.The maybes and could haves refer to the sexual mutation devolopment process. Here is what that sounds like to me. Well maybe if a thousand mosquitos could visit McDonalds for me they could come back each with a small amount of soda. That accumulation of soda could then be enough to fill my cup. It is possible.Crow, how does quoting an evolution scientist kill credibilty for a creationi
  7. time killing forum posts
  8. QFTI loved the Never Ending Story and the best of allCloak and Dagger!!!!
  9. There is no God and we are all created from random chance from aliens that deposited magic dust in a void in the universe that impoded but grew exponentially into me!Funny stuff I know.
  10. I did maybe I should have qualified, with resonable explanation of sex, here is what if found. "Recombination probably evolved ~ 3 billion years ago as a mechanism of DNA repair; sex evolved ~ 1-2 billion years ago in the early eukaryotes; the reason is unclear but it its likely that it is maintained in the current day by selection. "Amazing how the age of the earth keeps getting older to justify evolution. It is filled with "maybe's" and "could haves" I could say the same about your arguments. "you lied." Just keep adding all these mysterious pairs to the equation. The reality is it doesn
  11. lol not all comments need to be acknowledged. JK I was trying to address both of you at the same time. 3 billion sure does add to the possibility, but it is still not probable. My point was that was with just 5 coincidental mutations. How many mutations have to happen to go from muck to advance human life forms? I will even spot you a protozoa or two. See where I am going?
  12. You guys are great, thanks for chatting with me. Sorry, I will have to pick this up later I guess I actually have to accomplish something today.
  13. Just like your "facts" fit your emotions nicely. Random chance is a better feel good than God.
  14. Maybe so, but serious, you think that just five is enough to make that happen? Again you have the problem of the woodpecker. Seriously, it doesn't happen. The probability doesn't hold up. You are a number guy. You like poker. Do you like those chances? That is worse than betting to hit a royal flush 10 times in a row. How many hands have to be dealt for that to happen? We have countless websites dealing thousands of hands per minute. If that had happened we would have heard about it not only here but everywhere. Could it happen? Yes. Is it really probable to ever happen in our lif
  15. Sluggo,Ready? If the mutation rate were .00001 (1 in 100,000) and average mutation rate) and if the occurrence of each mutation doubled the chance of another mutation occurring in the same cell, the probablility that five simultaneous mutations would occure in any one individual woule be 1 x 10 to the 22 (sorry don't know how to write that here). This means taht if the population averaged 100 million individuals and if the average generation lasted about one day, such an event as the appearance of five simultaneous mutations in one individual, would be expected once in every 274 billion year
  16. Sure, if it could only happen in that time frame. But the evoltion of a dinosaur into a bird would have to take longer than 200 million years. Just think about how many transformations would have to happen, and then how many of those would have to happen simultanously and that is just from a dinosaur to a bird. What about the fawna to suppor the life of the transition or the transition to the dinosaur in the first place. Even if this could happen, the probability is so minute even many scientists claim that it is statistically zero chance.I have faith yes, and I know that is something that
  17. where?Here is anothe quote from the site sluggo mentioned"Dr Werner Gitt, Director and Professor at the German Federal Institute of Physics and Technology, makes it clear that one of the things we know absolutely for sure from science, is that information cannot arise from disorder by chance. It always takes (greater) information to produce information, and ultimately information is the result of intelligence: "
  18. Sluggo, I actually appreciate most of your comments. I rarely see you flame people. I think you cause us all to think, and for some, that is way too difficult. I know you choose certain topics to trap thought (ie, does your mom know you prefer farm animals?"), but at least you interact in a meaningful discussion.I'm tired of the "I know you are but what am I comments." I may fail, but I try to reflect, study, and pray before posting.
  19. I agree, but that also doesn't speak the probability that a reptile could change into a bird and then even so, one like the woodpecker with highly differentiated attributes that could not happen independently of each other.
  20. Here is a quote taken from the website that Sluggo referred to. It sort of has the element of Creation vs evolution, not creation vs science."However, here is the difference: Evolutionists believe that, over millions of years, one kind of animal has changed into a totally different kind. However, creationists, based on the Bible’s account of origins, believe that God created separate kinds of animals and plants to reproduce their own kind—therefore one kind will not turn into a totally different kind.‘Now this can be tested in the present. The scientific observations support the creationist i
  21. Crow,You amaze me, sometimes you are flaming people, and yet sometimes you have very rational conversation.Ok, here is the question I have for you. You are a poker player right? To play good poker, you have to understand odds. Mutation is as the heart of evolution. Without it there are no transitional creatures, there is no common ancestry etc. Every scientist I am aware of admits that the majority of mutations are harmful. There is a rarity that a mutation is actually beneficial. Now the odds of one good mutation is rare, what about several good mutations happening at the same time. N
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