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Everything posted by magnus72

  1. I got the $216 and she came home early so we are going out together i guess lol.....big time suckouts i had in the final three though
  2. Currently 2/9 first one i entered tonight. Girlfriend left pissed I was playing already. We wills ee how pissed she is in the morning 190883964
  3. got second , got screwed last hand, two pair is no godo heds up...probably givng stakes tommrowo thanks everyone
  4. Im heads up and drunk and late for a fantasy football draft, come root me on lolnveer finished higher than 4th i ont think
  5. First final table in one of these in a long time 3/9 right now.182127999
  6. yeah it doesat least if you are going to click on the link for the thread read the original post. especially if a poster like Gruven is the one making it.
  7. count me in as the whoever does give two shits is stupid! That is one of the worst beats I have seen, with two outs on the river. If I am reading it rigth it is in day three of the tournament every poker player dreams of; the main event. On top of that gruven had been a great member for a long time. Even if you dont follow hockey you can appreciate his poker interviews on his free podcasts. To just throw total disreagard to what he had to say about his final hand on DAY 3 is beyond my comprehension. ill get off your nuts about it but is totally rude to treat Gruven like that IMO.
  8. FU Baxterdont even care if you go to 4bb or if you are already there....thats still a dickhead commetn and even if you were being funny its bullshit in a thread where a respected memeber posts his bad beat in the biggest tournamnet of the year.
  9. Im back!OK now you can say FCP officailly sucks.
  10. got 4th for 50 cents...started the day with 8 cents in my account and now have .55 so ill play around with that before i redeposit lol
  11. I was pretty sad when Kiki died, but happier than hell when they brought her back to life!
  12. Serge I shipped to you on Stars a little over two months ago when I actaully had money in my account. You said it was alright to prepay for this so I sent it that day.
  13. In.I shipped you the money like a month and a half ago.
  14. I got bored and wanted to watch the end of the football game. Shoved top pair on a 722 board and guy next to me had Jacks. GL horsies
  15. PokerStars Game #22081266483: Tournament #120801359, $4.00+$0.40 Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (600/1200) - 2008/11/16 1:15:34 ETTable '120801359 10' 9-max Seat #3 is the buttonSeat 1: cgpointledge (20525 in chips) Seat 2: Saturn21 (12186 in chips) Seat 3: LilShugaMama (99077 in chips) Seat 4: ialewis1 (4866 in chips) Seat 5: Bad_Be3T (37567 in chips) Seat 6: puente78 (22490 in chips) Seat 8: Inatailspin (40514 in chips) Seat 9: magnus72fcp (32775 in chips) cgpointledge: posts the ante 125Saturn21: posts the ante 125LilShugaMama: posts the ante 125ialewis1: posts the ante 125Bad_Be3T: posts th
  16. im watching the fight on there othewise would be there
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