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Everything posted by DOG

  1. DOG


    No just one more post.Bank of Montreal JS. QFT
  2. Actually that was me driving. Very nice Mister B. So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it.
  3. Hey cockgobbler. Clean out your mailbox.
  4. DOG

    Would U Hit It?

    I don't. Besides, Eli Manning isn't your type.
  5. Nope, just shooting up some heroin with some crack whore after some anal.seeyouinhellRon
  6. Cally the Virgin Mary to Myrle Beach. Mary to Myrtle Beach.
  7. Don't feel bad big boy! Jump on in there.
  8. Yes there is Lori.Sometimes there are no answers.You all (even Turd and Speedz) are in my prayers.
  9. ...resulting in a small weinis.You'll fit right in.Stop in anytime.
  10. Like you need to ask.First round is on me.
  11. You'll get nothing and like it.
  12. He's a dirty Jew and deserved it for that raise.
  13. you winyou always do.same time tonight?
  14. Oh, and to some people putting your hand to god means nothing because there is no god. Watch it Tubby. Don't make me shut down McDonalds. fag
  15. Hear me now and believe me later. I AM Real.
  16. Actually, I am not into that BJ stuff. If memory serves my correct you have had your weinis sucked by better gheyer men than me.
  17. personal foul on #99 - That's just too ghey for me.Count me oot.
  18. Sick as a dog, whats your storySick as a dog, a cat got your toungeSick as a dog, youll be sorrySick as a dog, cause youre really aint that youngSay goodnight
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