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About doox

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    Hip-deep in Shallow Tenacity

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  1. I'd rather the Pens made a play for him, instead of handcuffing themselves with Jack Johnson.
  2. Pretty much everyone from Pittsburgh in my Facebook feed posted, "Let's go Vegas" or "Let's go Fleury!" after the game was over. Can't say I can argue that sentiment.
  3. The wife and I lucked out and got decent seats in the lower section for last night's game. My voice still isn't back to 100% after the first period (mostly Malkin's fault).
  4. No worries. I was wondering why someone hadn't already mentioned this...
  5. Ah, sorry - I usually only check this thread and a few others. Yeah, we can claim how the NFL loves/hates certain teams, how the NBA reffing is rigged, or how the NHL's punishment system needs overhauling, but to see blatant abuse with no attempt to disguise it is pretty shocking.
  6. Here's a fascinating twitter thread about obvious corruption in the KHL: http://thesportsdaily.com/the-pensblog/believe-it-or-not-the-khl-seems-to-be-pretty-corrupt-shocking/
  7. Ugh. And they kept it going during the intermission to get his "expert" opinion on the game so far. It was tough to watch.
  8. Well I know where I'm going when the zombie apocalypse hits.
  9. Jim Wright is an excellent writer, and pens a lot of essays for his site: Stone Kettle Station. This article was particularly strong, IMO, and his one line really sticks with me and explains a lot about how he got elected: "Trump is what stupid people think a smart guy sounds like."
  10. I definitely think that's true to a certain degree, but Kuhnhackl is one of his WBS guys. And at a certain point, he was most likely heavily involved in the decision to trade for both Mckegg and Reaves...you'd think that'd make them "his" guys, rather than the guys he inherited when he first got there.
  11. True. It was debatable on calling up him or Jarry, but they went with the "hot hand" on a small sample size. To that point, DeSmith was statistically doing better. I don't quite understand Sullivan this year. He's riding his top guys till their wheels fall off, even though his team has played a shitload of hockey in the past couple years. He limits the 4th line's playing time considerably and has played Murray back-to-back nights a couple times, now. I don't get it.
  12. I don't get it. Not the whole goals for and against differential, which is slightly alarming (although it's early, yet). Not just starting Murray over DeSmith last night, even though Murray played the night before. Not just throwing DeSmith to the wolves with a minute or 2 left in the first, instead of letting the period end and starting him in the 2nd. But now the Pens are sending him back to WBS after one game that was practically decided before he entered it? Poor guy never had a chance.
  13. Seems the Pens got their long-awaited 3rd line center. Sheahan from Detroit for Wilson and a 5th rounder.
  14. Are they selling out their games? I'm wondering how tough it would be for me to get tickets as I pass through vegas on a random week on short notice.
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