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Everything posted by FlopBeforeFolding

  1. I found watching YouTube videos of professional players helped me understand poker a lot more and observing the table after folding on my hands helped, too. I.e. when you're in the middle of playing a table and you fold your hand, instead of just spacing out on your phone or getting the attention of a waitress for a drink I'll observe the players that are still finishing up their hands and watching how they hand certain hands. Did the bluff? If so, what were the facial expressions and movements they were making at the time they were bluffing and use it to my advantage on the next hand. I a
  2. The first thing I would recommend is to have patience. You're putting too much thought on being the next big poker star that you may get in over your head and make minor mistakes just because you're trying too hard. Studying everything you can on poker and playing multiple tables at a time will not make you a pro. Too many people run themselves ragged trying to turn this game into a full-time career and things go the opposite. My brother quit a really good paying job because he was winning a lot of money, more money than he'd make in three months of his regular salary, after a few good hands (
  3. I know this thread is old, but a lot of beginners can get sound advice from this. I started out similarly. Don't give into the temptation or the intimidating urgings of others to jump stakes; you've got a good solid plan!
  4. The same processing as Bovada and the cash out is not a problem. I play a lot of their sit and go's.
  5. Thank you for sharing all of the video links. I need all the help I can get because lately I've just been in a poker fog where my losing streak is beginning to cause me to take a leave of absence from the world of poker. The last time I took a much needed break from playing poker I came back refreshed and entered a winning streak. I'm going to check out these youtube videos.
  6. Journey and Michael Jackson. Timeless music is always my favorite and I like to play "Bad" while playing online poker. It makes me feel tough and that I have complete authority over the table increasing my chances of having a good run of the table as confidence plays a lot in how well I do with any given hand. I've won many hands while listening to these two and now I consider them my lucky charms.
  7. Is it bad to waste a fake "calling in sick" day to catch up on housework? I called out from work just last week because I ran out of time during the weekend to finish mowing my lawn and cleaning the shutters. I guess doing more work at home than you would do at your physical job location is the lamest but most practical way to spend a "get out of work free" day. LOL. I seriously need to get my priorities in check and treat myself to a lazy day on the couch watching TV. Eh, forget TV, to spend it playing poker.
  8. Is it bad to waste a fake "calling in sick" day to catch up on housework? I called out from work just last week because I ran out of time during the weekend to finish mowing my lawn and cleaning the shutters. I guess doing more work at home than you would do at your physical job location is the lamest but most practical way to spend a "get out of work free" day. LOL. I seriously need to get my priorities in check and treat myself to a lazy day on the couch watching TV. Eh, forget TV, to spend it playing poker.
  9. Just try to play, and observe each and every opponent. I can't stress this enough. When I first began playing poker I would fold a hand and doddle around looking at my surroundings whether it was waiters/waitresses bringing trays full of drinks or checking my phone for Facebook status updates when I should've instead been watching the players that were still playing their hands and study their moves, how they handle certain types of cards whether it eas pocket aces or pair of twos.
  10. Hi there! Spades is a very fun trick-taking game that is similar to playing hearts if you've ever played that game. There are four players and two to a team. You either pick your partner or pull a card from the deck to determine partners. When the dealer deals out the cards, you look at your hand and count how many spades you hold. The number of spades in your hand signifies how many tricks you can make. You and your partner combine a number of tricks you can use on the other two players. The object of the game is to make all of the tricks you predicted you would win. A spade trumps an
  11. Many people gave valid reasons to why it isn't a good idea to think of poker as your career, and I'd like to add a bit more. There are a plethora of factors involved when contemplating playing poker pro style, and a lot of these factors have to deal with your work ethic, your living situation and your skill level. It is possible to make a living playing, but that possibility is as little as someone in your music class becoming the next Michael Jackson or Eric Clapton (I'm giving away my age, I mean Justin Bieber or Jusitin Timberlake). If you know in your mind that it is a game of
  12. I love playing spades because of the rush of trumping somebody's card however it's a cutthroat game and a few friends from the past used to get overly excited in a negative way when they've realized that their partner exaggerated their ability to play spades. It's still a classic I hold dear, but I prefer not to play it that much like many other card games that have been sock drawered figuratively speaking. You really need to be on the same level as your partner or the game will not be fun.
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