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Losing Gracefully

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Did anyone see that huge "Tuna" guy (I don't know his name, they were calling him Tuna though) whine and browbeat Hoyt Corkins when his Aces were cracked on the PPT last night?In summary, Big Fat Tuna Guy (hereafter known as BFTG) has A-A and Corkins has J-J, BFTG did a great job of acting to get Corkins to call his all in bet.Corkins saw the J in the dealers hand and said "I see a Jack!" excitedly before the flop was spread out ... which is understandable.BFTG starts bellyaching and saying "Let it go to the begger since he's beggin for it" (or something like that... he was whining about his hands all night in a thick drawl made harder to understand by his big floppy jowls)He continued his whining and went up to Corkins and said "Not very 'professional' of you." before ambling off to destroy some innocent buffet.WHAT.THE.HELL.Apparently in BFTG's world, it is professional to cry like a little baby when you lose but not professional to get excited when you crack someones Aces. Anyway, that just really bothered me. Mostly because it was directed at Hoyt Corkins who seems like one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet ( not play against though) but also because I hate when people feel the need to lecture, berate etc. the person who knocked them out. Just shut up and leave if you can't be a real professional (or just a person with basic manners) and shake hands, congratulate your opponents and leave gracefully.

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