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GG so sick.Full Tilt Poker Game #2330763929: $14,000 Guarantee (17172156), Table 27 - 20000/40000 Ante 5000 - No Limit Hold'em - 19:38:30 ET - 2007/05/01Seat 2: Svein3 (1,203,650)Seat 3: K-Rock2525 (902,350)Svein3 antes 5,000K-Rock2525 antes 5,000K-Rock2525 posts the small blind of 20,000Svein3 posts the big blind of 40,000The button is in seat #3*** HOLE CARDS ***K-Rock2525 calls 20,000Svein3 checks*** FLOP *** [4h 8c 7h]K-Rock2525: thxSvein3 bets 40,000K-Rock2525 calls 40,000*** TURN *** [4h 8c 7h] [6h]Svein3 bets 120,000K-Rock2525 raises to 285,000Svein3 raises to 1,118,650, and is all inK-Rock2525 calls 532,350, and is all inSvein3 shows [6s 4d]K-Rock2525 shows [5h 5d]Uncalled bet of 301,300 returned to Svein3*** RIVER *** [4h 8c 7h 6h] [6d]Svein3 shows a full house, Sixes full of FoursK-Rock2525 shows a straight, Eight highSvein3 wins the pot (1,804,700) with a full house, Sixes full of FoursK-Rock2525 stands upSvein3 stands up*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 1,804,700 | Rake 0Board: [4h 8c 7h 6h 6d]Seat 2: Svein3 (big blind) showed [6s 4d] and won (1,804,700) with a full house, Sixes full of FoursSeat 3: K-Rock2525 (small blind) showed [5h 5d] and lost with a straight, Eight high

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PokerStars Game #9705345698: Tournament #49237514, $20+$2 Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (600/1200) - 2007/05/01 - 21:09:26 (ET)Table '49237514 3' 9-max Seat #2 is the buttonSeat 1: pokerMJ (48171 in chips) Seat 2: tonyrwc (16014 in chips) Seat 3: L00d3r (24959 in chips) Seat 4: red4novak (39848 in chips) Seat 5: HOUSTONROYAL (73242 in chips) Seat 6: stpkb (5035 in chips) Seat 7: Chucky085 (10955 in chips) Seat 8: BongBob (41624 in chips) Seat 9: K-Rock2525 (10152 in chips) pokerMJ: posts the ante 75tonyrwc: posts the ante 75L00d3r: posts the ante 75red4novak: posts the ante 75HOUSTONROYAL: posts the ante 75stpkb: posts the ante 75Chucky085: posts the ante 75BongBob: posts the ante 75K-Rock2525: posts the ante 75L00d3r: posts small blind 600red4novak: posts big blind 1200*** HOLE CARDS ***HOUSTONROYAL: folds stpkb: folds Chucky085: folds BongBob: folds K-Rock2525: raises 8877 to 10077 and is all-inpokerMJ: calls 10077tonyrwc: folds L00d3r: folds red4novak: folds *** FLOP *** [8c Td 7c]*** TURN *** [8c Td 7c] [5s]*** RIVER *** [8c Td 7c 5s] [5c]red4novak said, "gg"*** SHOW DOWN ***K-Rock2525: shows [Qd 7d] (two pair, Sevens and Fives)pokerMJ: shows [Ac Jc] (a flush, Ace high)pokerMJ collected 22629 from pot

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