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Daniel Buying in at Casinos

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Daniel does not have an account on full tilt.It's not even thanksgiving yet, there is no reason to say merry christmas for exactly one month.
Do you know why?Because FT is more rigged than PS.At PS you can see your hands before they were dealt.At FT you can see your hands and all your opponents' hands and the board cards befire they were dealt.
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Daniel does not have an account on full tilt.It's not even thanksgiving yet, there is no reason to say merry christmas for exactly one month.
Do you know why?Because FT is more rigged than PS.At PS you can see your hands before they were dealt.At FT you can see your hands and all your opponents' hands and the board cards befire they were dealt.
Do you know why?Perhaps Daniel said he does not have an account there?
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Daniel does not have an account on full tilt.It's not even thanksgiving yet, there is no reason to say merry christmas for exactly one month.
check the date Captain Ignore the Obvious
hahaha what a moron....
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Daniel does not have an account on full tilt.It's not even thanksgiving yet, there is no reason to say merry christmas for exactly one month.
Do you know why?Because FT is more rigged than PS.At PS you can see your hands before they were dealt.At FT you can see your hands and all your opponents' hands and the board cards befire they were dealt.
How do you know that. I play on FT and I just got done playing on PSand I would have to say that PS is horrible.
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