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Where's Al Gore On This Important Issue?

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blah blah blah, yes al gore's house is a lot bigger than most people's and therefore uses more energy. SHOCKER.
It's kind of ironic that he bitches and moans about the average American using less energy when he uses more than 20 times the average American in a year.Let's not even discuss his use of a private jet to get to and from his speaking engagements.from http://www.tennesseepolicy.org/main/articl...?article_id=367Al Gore’s Personal Energy Use Is His Own “Inconvenient Truth”Gore’s home uses more than 20 times the national averageLast night, Al Gore’s global-warming documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, collected an Oscar for best documentary feature, but the Tennessee Center for Policy Research has found that Gore deserves a gold statue for hypocrisy. Gore’s mansion, located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES). In his documentary, the former Vice President calls on Americans to conserve energy by reducing electricity consumption at home. The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, Gore devoured nearly 221,000 kWh—more than 20 times the national average. Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh—guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. As a result of his energy consumption, Gore’s average monthly electric bill topped $1,359. Since the release of An Inconvenient Truth, Gore’s energy consumption has increased from an average of 16,200 kWh per month in 2005, to 18,400 kWh per month in 2006. Gore’s extravagant energy use does not stop at his electric bill. Natural gas bills for Gore’s mansion and guest house averaged $1,080 per month last year. “As the spokesman of choice for the global warming movement, Al Gore has to be willing to walk the walk, not just talk the talk, when it comes to home energy use,” said Tennessee Center for Policy Research President Drew Johnson. In total, Gore paid nearly $30,000 in combined electricity and natural gas bills for his Nashville estate in 2006.Care to comment, mk?
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It's people like him having these sprawling mansions that is causing the destruction of the habitat for the tree octopus. There's not many left, we have to act now. Everyone got all excited about the spotted owl, but nobody seems to care about this beautiful creature.

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A new environmental concern that Mr. Fuel-Inefficient Mansion can't be bothered with: Save the Tree Octopus!
I'm especially disturbed by this part of the page (found in the FAQs):Why are Sasquatch allowed to gather Tree Octopuses if the octopuses are endangered? No one allows a Sasquatch to do anything; they just do it.Sasquatch have been gathering Tree Octopuses since before Humans settled in their habitats. They form a symbiotic relationship. We value our limbs and don't question this.Those Sasquatch are gonna have to be taught a different way to live too if the poor tree octopus is going to live. I've said those damned Sasquatch are a menace to society anyway. Always running around dodging into trees before you can get a proper shot on them.
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obviously, since al gore occasionally utilizes transportation such as airplanes and automobiles and lives in a house that needs to be heated, he is a massive hypocrite and should not be trusted on any issue. EVAR.once the ALmobile (you know, perpetual motion, fusion, no loss of energy, no pollution) is invented i'm certain he will be the first to cruise around in it. and yes, he will take credit for having invented it.

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once the ALmobile (you know, perpetual motion, fusion, no loss of energy, no pollution) is invented i'm certain he will be the first to cruise around in it. and yes, he will take credit for having invented it.
So until a better solution, such as, oh maybe a hybrid vehicle (just as an example) is invented, he should just take private jets everywhere? And he needs a mansion why?Hypocrisy is an ugly thing, and yes, it does discredit the messenger. If you go around saying "you are destroying the earth creating a crisis", and then do all the things you say are causing this crisis, then you apparently don't believe yourself, so why should anyone else believe you?Kind of like Michael Moore and socialism.And the republicans protecting us from child predators.
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obviously, since al gore occasionally utilizes transportation such as airplanes and automobiles and lives in a house that needs to be heated, he is a massive hypocrite and should not be trusted on any issue. EVAR.once the ALmobile (you know, perpetual motion, fusion, no loss of energy, no pollution) is invented i'm certain he will be the first to cruise around in it. and yes, he will take credit for having invented it.
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So until a better solution, such as, oh maybe a hybrid vehicle (just as an example) is invented, he should just take private jets everywhere? And he needs a mansion why?Hypocrisy is an ugly thing, and yes, it does discredit the messenger. If you go around saying "you are destroying the earth creating a crisis", and then do all the things you say are causing this crisis, then you apparently don't believe yourself, so why should anyone else believe you?Kind of like Michael Moore and socialism.And the republicans protecting us from child predators.
correct.This has nothing to do with me not believing that there is enough long term data to say that global warming is a fact.... this is about how the 'champion' of the cause doesn't give a crap about what he is doing to effect the environment, but only what everyone else does. It's sick. The Academy was basically worshiping him like God on Sunday night, and for what? If he isn't doing anything about it, and he is the pinnacle of greatness for the issue then why should I even remotely think that it's something I should care about? I shouldn't and I don't.
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correct.This has nothing to do with me not believing that there is enough long term data to say that global warming is a fact.... this is about how the 'champion' of the cause doesn't give a crap about what he is doing to effect the environment, but only what everyone else does. It's sick. The Academy was basically worshiping him like God on Sunday night, and for what? If he isn't doing anything about it, and he is the pinnacle of greatness for the issue then why should I even remotely think that it's something I should care about? I shouldn't and I don't.
This is disingenuous. If Al gore lived in a solar powered one room shack, you wouldn't care more or less about global warming.
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even if he lived in a cardboard box, you earth donks would say "aww, what a hypocrite, why didn't he recycle that noise???"
You don't think there's a slight difference between flying private jets and living in a huge mansion compared to a modest lifestyle? Seriously, if the spokesperson can't walk the walk, then their cause is worthless. Period.
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You don't think there's a slight difference between flying private jets and living in a huge mansion compared to a modest lifestyle? Seriously, if the spokesperson can't walk the walk, then their cause is worthless. Period.
This is disingenuous also. You already think the 'cause is worthless, and are only looking for reasons to discredit it.
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This is disingenuous. If Al gore lived in a solar powered one room shack, you wouldn't care more or less about global warming.
This wasn't directed at me, but I agree. The fact that Al Gore is a grandstanding hypocrite has nothing to do with the factual basis of human-caused global warming. It does mean that Al Gore can be safely ignored, and, due to his making this a pop-science subject, it means that much of the information that the public knows about it is really misinformation. People who get their science from Al Gore, 60 Minutes, and your typical city newspaper are almost certainly misinformed. A much better starting place would be here. People who read write these have credibility. Hypocrite politicians do not.EDIT: Notice how the subject of this thread, the plight of the tree octopus, has been eclipsed by Al Gore's grandstanding again!
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BUT WHAT ABOUT THE SASQUATCHES?Don't you people care that one of their food sources is quickly going away? If we don't do something about this you're gonna have sasquatches going through your trash cans at night. Nobody wants to live in a world where you have to lock your trash cans up unless you want to be picking up sasquatch poop every morning. Sasquatch poop is not as fun as it sounds.

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BUT WHAT ABOUT THE SASQUATCHES?Don't you people care that one of their food sources is quickly going away? If we don't do something about this you're gonna have sasquatches going through your trash cans at night. Nobody wants to live in a world where you have to lock your trash cans up unless you want to be picking up sasquatch poop every morning. Sasquatch poop is not as fun as it sounds.
The only Sasquatch I've ever seen was this hairy "Bear" trucker that I blew in the parking lot of my local casino so I could buy in to the 20 dollar daily tourniment. I'm still picking the pubes out of my teeth.
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BUT WHAT ABOUT THE SASQUATCHES?Don't you people care that one of their food sources is quickly going away? If we don't do something about this you're gonna have sasquatches going through your trash cans at night. Nobody wants to live in a world where you have to lock your trash cans up unless you want to be picking up sasquatch poop every morning. Sasquatch poop is not as fun as it sounds.
I've heard that humans are causing the extinction of sasquatches. Did you know that sasquatches share 98% of our genetic matter, closer than any living animal, including chimpanzees? If we lose them, we are losing a vital link to our past (not to mention the possibility of harvesting them as organ donors).
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This is disingenuous. If Al gore lived in a solar powered one room shack, you wouldn't care more or less about global warming.
You don't think there's a slight difference between flying private jets and living in a huge mansion compared to a modest lifestyle? Seriously, if the spokesperson can't walk the walk, then their cause is worthless. Period.
This is, like, one of the more basic logical fallacies. I'm a college dropout, and even I understand that while hypocrisy might look bad, it does very little in terms of the soundness of an argument. I have no opinion on the matter, but "Al Gore lives in a big house, therefore his arguments concerning the plight of the human race vis a vis the Ozone layer are meaningless" seems like a laughably flimsy argument. And it seems that way because, you know, it is.wang
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This wasn't directed at me, but I agree. The fact that Al Gore is a grandstanding hypocrite has nothing to do with the factual basis of human-caused global warming. It does mean that Al Gore can be safely ignored, and, due to his making this a pop-science subject, it means that much of the information that the public knows about it is really misinformation. People who get their science from Al Gore, 60 Minutes, and your typical city newspaper are almost certainly misinformed. A much better starting place would be here. People who read write these have credibility. Hypocrite politicians do not.EDIT: Notice how the subject of this thread, the plight of the tree octopus, has been eclipsed by Al Gore's grandstanding again!
no, what this thread should tell everyone is that you can be safely ignored. it's obvious that a person such as yourself would find something "hypocritical" in al gore absolutely no matter what he did or how he chose to live his life. he's dedicated a large portion of his life to a cause that you think is silly. ok. don't attempt to make deeply ridiculous arguments to discredit his character. any person participating in modern society will be 'guilty' to some degree of contributing to global warming. you're reaching here. this article was obviously a silly little g.o.p. smear campaign, and only idiots will think it "means something". gore's been getting a lot of positive press, and they're just trying to play defense. way to help them out. gj.
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