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Help With My Cash Game

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I am horrible at cash games.. I always seem to fight to break even at the most. Can anyone explain why or help me become a strong cash game player? I've been thinking and maybe its because I'm 1) tight agg and this doesnt fit cash games? I usually make my money from sng's being tag 2) I don't like to bet my money itself, more as I'd rather bet chips (something mental?) 3) I always seemed to get pushed around in cash games. Right now my br is at $250, but I can hardly make fifty cents on cash games fr .02/.05 tables, should i move down to the .01/.02 or just keep working on my current table? What can i do to make myself better? I seem to do much better at sng's and headsup tables, should i just stick to that?

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If you think there is some winning formula to cash games that can be learned by reading one post, you're sadly mistaken. Here is some general advice though: 1) Read the 2+2 books - Small Stakes Hold 'em, Hold 'em for Advance Players, The Theory of Poker, NL Hold 'em Theory. 2) Post hands in the strategy forums. Plenty of people there that can help you with how you play your hands. Most of them will be brutally honest with you though, so if you play a hand horribly, you'll know. Don't take it personal. They aren't there to flame you, they are there to help. 3) Play more cash games. This should be obvious. The moe you play, the better you'll get. Experience is a big factor.

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I am horrible at cash games.. I always seem to fight to break even at the most. Can anyone explain why or help me become a strong cash game player? I've been thinking and maybe its because I'm 1) tight agg and this doesnt fit cash games? I usually make my money from sng's being tag 2) I don't like to bet my money itself, more as I'd rather bet chips (something mental?) 3) I always seemed to get pushed around in cash games. Right now my br is at $250, but I can hardly make fifty cents on cash games fr .02/.05 tables, should i move down to the .01/.02 or just keep working on my current table? What can i do to make myself better? I seem to do much better at sng's and headsup tables, should i just stick to that?
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In my opinion your post sounds like you expect too much. At NLHE 02/.05 if you make 50 cent /100 hands that would be very good, if you play LHE anything around 10cent-15cent/100hands would be excellent [although I'm not sure about these microlimits, it might be possible to make a little more] - and you probably haven't even played nearly enough to know what your winrate is. So until you have played thousands of hands, you won't be very far from breaking even.

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Like everyone else said, except for that one reject, read those appropriate books (depending on whether you play limit or nl), read and post in the strat forims here, and once you are sitting at the table, YOU ARE PLAYING WITH CHIPS, NOT MONEY. You can't play well if you think of it as real money. Play at very low limits for a while if you struggle with this concept.

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