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Netherlands Anyone?

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So, how's the weather there? lolSource: http://www.cardplayer.com/poker_news/article/8281 Dutch Poker News: Gov. Enters Online Poker MarketCryptoLogic Will Provide Poker and Casino SoftwareMuch to the joy of Dutch poker players, the state of poker is finally improving in the Netherlands. The liberal Dutch government has partnered with Holland Casino in entering the lucrative online gaming market. CryptoLogic, the leading public e-gaming software developer and supplier, will power a new Dutch, state-sponsored gaming portal. The site will launch in June 2007, and will only be open to Dutch players.Lewis Rose, CryptoLogic president and chief executive, said in a company statement, “We have an excellent template for other governments interested in realizing the benefits of safe, secure and regulated internet gaming.” Ron Gousmit, vice-president of business development at Holland Casino, said “We’re excited to develop and launch our online gaming site, which includes a comprehensive responsible gaming program, with a respected provider who can deliver a unique experience to our customers.”Governments struggling with the “Internet gaming dilemma” will no doubt closely follow the development of this triumvirate partnership.We can only dream...

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