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Hello,I am fairly new to the game (about 3-4 months). Am playing on party poker, just for play cash, as well as playing in a few home games. When I play single table tournaments on pp, I am guaranteed to place 2nd about 90% of the time. I've literally placed second about 20 of 23 times. I play tight and agressive, and can survive untill the final three or four, even knocking multiple players out on big hands. When I get to heads up my game falls apart. I try not to let bigger stacks bowl me over with their agression, but whenever I call or raise, it seems like I'm making the wrong decision. Does anyone have any advice or resources on how to play heads up, particularly when you are somewhat shortstacked?

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Play heads up SNGs to refine your skills.There's just too much to get into specifically to learn how to be a great heads-up player.In general, when you are short-stacked you want to put the big stack in uncomfortable positions, which means being aggressive. If you are REALLY short-stacked you want to push all-in with A anything and any pocket pair. If you are moderately outstacked, just sit tight and wait for cards to play. You are really looking for a minimum of two-pair to call an all-in on the flop, and trips or better past the flop. Of course there are exceptions, but you want to make sure that if all your chips are in, you have the better hand at the time.

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Thanks for the advice. I've tried being more aggressive and have somewhat better luck. Also, I've found my tight play early on has allowed be to semi-bluff when the big stack raises me. I have been able to steal the pot often on a re-reaise-guess they're thinking I have something big, since I've been playing only premium hands early on. I just need to learn to pick and choose a little better when to go all in.

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