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$4.40 Tournament With Aa

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I have no reads on this table, this was the 3rd hand since the $4.40 tourney started.I could have bet more preflop (actually considering just moving all in and hoping someone would call with AK or pocket 10, etc)I could have bet / raised more on the flop, but I felt that I had the better hand 100% and that I should try to induce the most money out of this hand by just calling and playing sneakyI felt that I did well on the turn and was facing his 2 pair or setRiver, I felt that he became desperate and was pot committed into making a big semi-bluff with his hand.What would you have done differently?Tried to convert but it isnt working.Blinds 10/20 VernonME is UTG1Dealt to VernonME [Ac Ad]VernonME: raises 40 to 60All folds to the BBLIMPATIENT: calls 40*** FLOP *** [6h 3c Js]LIMPATIENT: checks VernonME: bets 60LIMPATIENT: calls 60*** TURN *** [6h 3c Js] [Ah]LIMPATIENT: bets 140VernonME: raises 160 to 300LIMPATIENT: calls 160*** RIVER *** [6h 3c Js Ah] [9h]LIMPATIENT: bets 500VernonME: raises 580 to 1080 and is all-inLIMPATIENT: calls 580 and is all-inPoker Stars VernonME :club::D:D:D

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Preflop min raise I like to go with is 3XBB,Flop, bet is a little low for me as well, I like 90 here.Turn, he seems to like the Ace, his bet is a little more than half the pot so I would think he probably has an Ace with a weak kicker, or he just hit two pair with AJ. Can't imagine A6 or A3, maybe a flush draw, but these 4.40's tend to be pretty bad so it's hard to tell. Your re-raise does show some strength, but it's not going to push out two pair in these things. Good for building the pot.River, Looks fine. Again, he bets a little more than half the pot, your push is fine. If you lost to a flush, so be it.

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I don't like such a small "std" preflop raise early in these 180s. I tend to make it more on the line of 5x the bb with a 3/4 pot C-bet. As played I don't care for the turn raise here. Either make a decent raise or call behind.

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My only problem is with the turn raise. Your giving him calling odds for the flush draw. I would push the turn.
i don't mind the flop bet either. there's no one card i'm too afraid of and our bet looks weak enough that he might try to push us of the hand.but given op's turn raise i can't think that this is he you bet that amount on the flop. shove the turn huh? not too big of an overbet? i think a good bet (one we can't get snowed with on the river), but not a shove, is more likely to be called by a lot of hands and then they might feel pot committed w/ something like A2 or JQ.
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i don't mind the flop bet either. there's no one card i'm too afraid of and our bet looks weak enough that he might try to push us of the hand.but given op's turn raise i can't think that this is he you bet that amount on the flop. shove the turn huh? not too big of an overbet? i think a good bet (one we can't get snowed with on the river), but not a shove, is more likely to be called by a lot of hands and then they might feel pot committed w/ something like A2 or JQ.
In a higher buy in I dont push the turn but a 4.40 you'll get calls with all kinds of garbage.
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