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do casinos rake river bets? For example, if it's checked to the river and then me and a chump get all our money in, would they rake a percent of our stack? always wondered :club:
Yes. It's a % of the pot with a ($10?) max. I don't get concerned with the rake amount. Some games don't have a rake; they charge each player $5 or $6 every half hour.
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Once a pot goes to the flop it gets rakes no matter how big. So ya it would
This is true for the most part except most have a minimum. I.e. 1/2 NL pots usually need to be $10 before they are raked. So if 4 players limp and then one bets and no one calls thats $6 rake free baby!!!
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Las Vegas at least is like this.10%/$4.00 maxSo..$1.00 @ $10.00 pot,another $1.00 at 20.00,another $1.00 at 30.00,and the last buck at $40.00.So no matter how the betting or checking goes, they follow that rule. The most there going to take is $4.00 even in a $1,000 pot thats checked at the river or not.

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