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$10+1 Deep Stack On Stars

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Stack: largest 28395, smallest 60, average 6625Your current position is 844 out of 9753,620 at the first break. Lost a big chunk early with AA on a 8-2-8-10-K board. I prob should have folded on the river, it was obv he had it, but I couldn't.PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t20 (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)MP2 (t4515)MP3 (t5300)CO (t4050)Button (t4905)SB (t4610)BB (t4980)Hero (t4930)UTG+1 (t5400)MP1 (t16040)Preflop: Hero is UTG with A :club: , A :) . Hero raises to t60, 3 folds, MP3 calls t60, 1 fold, Button calls t60, 1 fold, BB calls t40.Flop: (t250) 8 :D , 2 :) , 8 :D(4 players)BB checks, Hero bets t175, MP3 folds, Button raises to t350, BB folds, Hero calls t175.Turn: (t950) K :)(2 players)Hero checks, Button bets t300, Hero calls t300.River: (t1550) T :D(2 players)Hero bets t500, Button raises to t1000, Hero calls t500.Final Pot: t3550

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4295 at first break when my kings lose to a flopped set of 4s on the third hand to lose around 1000 chips... chipped up for a few minutes then my wife woke up and wanted to "talk" to me real quick

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4295 at first break when my kings lose to a flopped set of 4s on the third hand to lose around 1000 chips... chipped up for a few minutes then my wife woke up and wanted to "talk" to me real quick
Did she spot your avatar over your shoulder?
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lol nah... my wife is asian... well endowed like my avatar, but dark skin, black hair and more of a "tushy"... she picked the avatar out tooedit: btw, how you like chitown? my wifes fam is from springfield and her grandma wants us to come move out there and live in her old house while I do some fixing up of it? hows the weather there?

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lol nah... my wife is asian... well endowed like my avatar, but dark skin, black hair and more of a "tushy"... she picked the avatar out tooedit: btw, how you like chitown? my wifes fam is from springfield and her grandma wants us to come move out there and live in her old house while I do some fixing up of it? hows the weather there?
I love it, but I don't mind cold weather. It was 70 and sunny on Thursday, and it was 19 degrees last night. Pretty much the norm around here. I don't know what the cost of living is in Idaho but it's fairly high here, not New York high, but high. I don't know where this house is, but if you like action you won't be able to get enough of it downtown, but if you don't the suburbs will suit you quite nicely, with action within a half hour drive.
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