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The Worst Play I Have Ever Seen In A Super Satelitte

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It was sooooooooo bad i thought people were colluding. I posted some hand histories in the thread titled 'colluding'. Stuff like, on the bubble, guy all in, three callers. checked down to the river. cheked to the guy in last position. He bets! Not only that, but he gets check raised! There was NO equity in raising there, or reraising. it ended up, the check raise guy had a set of nines and the ai guy had a set of kings. Then, a guy with 9k got it all in on a T5T flop, with QQ, lost to AA, was down to 1.5k (2 4k short stacks btw). Then, the short stack with 1.5k, dwindles down to 94 chips (doesnt play a hand even tho hes pot commited). Then, the guy with a set of kings, decides to get it all in with K7 on a KJ4x board. And he gets knocked out on bubble while the guy with 4 antes wins a seat

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It was sooooooooo bad i thought people were colluding. I posted some hand histories in the thread titled 'colluding'. Stuff like, on the bubble, guy all in, three callers. checked down to the river. cheked to the guy in last position. He bets! Not only that, but he gets check raised! There was NO equity in raising there, or reraising. it ended up, the check raise guy had a set of nines and the ai guy had a set of kings. Then, a guy with 9k got it all in on a T5T flop, with QQ, lost to AA, was down to 1.5k (2 4k short stacks btw). Then, the short stack with 1.5k, dwindles down to 94 chips (doesnt play a hand even tho hes pot commited). Then, the guy with a set of kings, decides to get it all in with K7 on a KJ4x board. And he gets knocked out on bubble while the guy with 4 antes wins a seat
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