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In The Blinds, Flop The Nuts With Minraise Donks

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button has minraised from late pos a few times preflop, haven't seen what he's playing. no clue on the other guy. table seems weak all around (probably me included:P ).how do i get the most value out of this? i think i should have bet the turn.PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)saw flop|saw showdownCO ($25.75)Button ($29)Hero ($20.90)BB ($20.90)UTG ($19.20)UTG+1 ($23.15)MP1 ($15.50)MP2 ($7.80)MP3 ($13.65)Preflop: Hero is SB with A :club: , 2 :D . UTG calls $0.25, UTG+1 calls $0.25, 1 fold, MP2 calls $0.25, 1 fold, CO calls $0.25, Button raises to $0.5, Hero calls $0.40, 1 fold, UTG raises to $0.75, UTG+1 folds, MP2 calls $0.50, CO folds, Button calls $0.25, Hero calls $0.25.Flop: ($3.75) 9 :D , 8 :D , 4 :)(4 players)Hero checks, UTG bets $0.75, MP2 folds, Button calls $0.75, Hero calls $0.75.Turn: ($6) 3 :)(3 players)Hero checks, UTG checks, Button checks.River: ($6) 2 :)(3 players)Hero bets $2, UTG folds, Button folds.Final Pot: $8

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You should lead this flop for about 1/2 to 2/3 the pot. You're only going to get money if somebody had a hand or thinks you are bluffing. Just hope that UTG has an overpair that he can't lay down, or hit trips (or maybe has something like AK with the K of diamonds). In this case, it looks like you'd have gotten $1.50 left, but you'll more than make up for it on the times that some caught a good piece of it.

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I dont think your getting anymore from them after the flop, so why not check raise this. Some might call because they dont want to show that they fold to a check raise so they will call with the intention of folding on the turn. Then lead out the turn and go from there.

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You weren't getting any more out of them past the flop no matter how you played it.I'd still bet the turn, but I wouldn't expect a call.
I disagree with this.I lead out here and let these donks assume I wouldn't bet out with the made flush. They're not going to chase their 10d draw after the last card is out, so bet while they'll still put money in drawing to what might possibly win because that's what donks do.Also, you're certainly not getting raised by a bluffing donk unless you put a bet out there. :)Regardless, I think a flop bet and a turn bet gets called by someone holding a diamond. A river bet does not.
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This was played really badly. I always play super-aggro when I hit the flush on monotone flops, so that it looks like I either have a flush draw or am worried about one. Playing passive will fail to get money from flush draws, and if you bet small, it telegraphs that you have a flush. I'd lead for $2.50 on the flop, and then bet very close to the size of the pot on the turn again. On the river, you can decide whether you want to represent a missed flush draw by potting again or whether to slow down with the half-pot bet to make sure you get a call.

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This was played really badly. I always play super-aggro when I hit the flush on monotone flops, so that it looks like I either have a flush draw or am worried about one. Playing passive will fail to get money from flush draws, and if you bet small, it telegraphs that you have a flush.
I like playing these the same way for just these reasons. Although I'll play it on this way on any type of flop, monotone or not.
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