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Party Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $ BB (5 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)saw flop|saw showdownHero ($54.40)SB ($44.02)BB ($44.45)UTG ($47.20)MP =#A500AF(Villian)/ ($70)Played about 30 hands with villian. Likes to get aggressive pre-flop and on the flop, but is weak post-flop. I've already seen him fold hands on the river after check-raising the flop and betting the turn.Preflop: Hero is Button with 5 :D , T :) . SB posts a blind of $0.25. 1 fold, MP =#A500AF(Villian)/ raises to $2, Hero calls $2, 1 fold, BB calls $1.50.I know this call was loose, but it was soooooted! Seriously, though, given what I've observed of the guy's tendencies, I have great implied odds to either make a big hand and get paid off, or more likely win a decent pot without a showdown. As I've gotten used to $50 NL I've found you can play in position with just about anything because the players are so weak-tight after the flop. Don't spend too much time criticizing me on this - I'm more curious about the post-flop decisions.Flop: ($6.25) 8 :D , J :) , 5 :D(3 players)BB checks, Villian checks, Hero bets $5, BB folds, Villian raises to $10, Hero calls $5.Checked to me, I want to take it down right here, so I fire a pot-sized bet. Hell, I might even have the best hand right now, but I'm mostly betting to end the pot right here.Villian's check-raise tells me he has something, but it's not a huge sign of strength like it is from some players, because I've seen him do this before and then get weak later. No need to put him on a set here; more likely I think he's got KJ/AJ or a big pair. Since it's only a min-raise, I have great odds to call.Turn: ($26.25) T :club:(2 players)Villian bets $10, Hero calls $10.I hit two-pair; villian makes a weak-lead. After his bet there's $36 in the pot, which is about how much I have left. Is this an easy push? I called, but I think pushing would probably be better.River: ($46.25) 9 :)(2 players)Villian bets $23.87, Hero folds.Final Pot: $70.12With a four-straight on the board, I can't imagine anything he's betting with here that I can beat. This is an easy fold, right? I decided his most likely holding was QQ, or maybe QJ. Anyway, I don't like how I played this hand. Maybe I'll just fold preflop next time.

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You folded the winner.
yea I think you might have to call depending on the villians range. you gotta think QQ, KK, AA and you can beat two of those AK i suppose but it is a slight chance that the villian has AK but you can beat that too.FLOPAlso you really need to check the flop, someone raises like that and checks on the flop is going to check raise you 80% of the time. take a free card and see if you can hit your money card.TURN alright I hit a possible gin card. Lets get all the money in, if he had jacks so be it. I don't want a card to come and kill me action on AA or KK.
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Party Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $ BB (5 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)saw flop|saw showdownHero ($54.40)SB ($44.02)BB ($44.45)UTG ($47.20)MP =#A500AF(Villian)/ ($70)Played about 30 hands with villian. Likes to get aggressive pre-flop and on the flop, but is weak post-flop. I've already seen him fold hands on the river after check-raising the flop and betting the turn.Preflop: Hero is Button with 5 :D , T :) . SB posts a blind of $0.25. 1 fold, MP =#A500AF(Villian)/ raises to $2, Hero calls $2, 1 fold, BB calls $1.50.I know this call was loose, but it was soooooted! Seriously, though, given what I've observed of the guy's tendencies, I have great implied odds to either make a big hand and get paid off, or more likely win a decent pot without a showdown. As I've gotten used to $50 NL I've found you can play in position with just about anything because the players are so weak-tight after the flop. Don't spend too much time criticizing me on this - I'm more curious about the post-flop decisions.Flop: ($6.25) 8 :D , J :) , 5 :D(3 players)BB checks, Villian checks, Hero bets $5, BB folds, Villian raises to $10, Hero calls $5.Checked to me, I want to take it down right here, so I fire a pot-sized bet. Hell, I might even have the best hand right now, but I'm mostly betting to end the pot right here.Villian's check-raise tells me he has something, but it's not a huge sign of strength like it is from some players, because I've seen him do this before and then get weak later. No need to put him on a set here; more likely I think he's got KJ/AJ or a big pair. Since it's only a min-raise, I have great odds to call.Turn: ($26.25) T :club:(2 players)Villian bets $10, Hero calls $10.I hit two-pair; villian makes a weak-lead. After his bet there's $36 in the pot, which is about how much I have left. Is this an easy push? I called, but I think pushing would probably be better.River: ($46.25) 9 :)(2 players)Villian bets $23.87, Hero folds.Final Pot: $70.12With a four-straight on the board, I can't imagine anything he's betting with here that I can beat. This is an easy fold, right? I decided his most likely holding was QQ, or maybe QJ. Anyway, I don't like how I played this hand. Maybe I'll just fold preflop next time.
I'm going to agree with no neck. Raise the turn. As played I pay off getting 3:1 on the river.
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gettin 3:1 on ur money on the river, you described him as weak and yet you folded?
by weak, i meant not that his holding was weak but that his play was bad - he seemed to me to fold in too many big pots. of course, this was based on only about 30 or so hands, which is a small sample size.but his action here didn't strike me as weak, especially considering he had shut down in other pots after I called his check-raises. from OOP, he put me all-in on a very dangerous river card. that's not a weak play at all. if you think calling is right, what range do you put him on? I beat KK, AA, KJ, AJ, and a complete bluff. I'm behind to 77-QQ, 55, AQ, KQ, JQ-J7, 10/9-10/7, and some other very unlikely holdings (any random hand with a Q or 7). Based on his action, how are you weighting the likelihood of these holdings? Does KJ/AJ move all-in on this river very often? KK/AA? Is a hand as weak as KJ going for a check-raise on a draw-heavy flop, then making a weak turn lead, then moving all-in on a dangerous river?My first instinct was to fold, then I thought about it some more and almost talked myself into calling, but I don't think I'm seeing KK/AA often enough there to make it profitable.
FLOPAlso you really need to check the flop, someone raises like that and checks on the flop is going to check raise you 80% of the time. take a free card and see if you can hit your money card.TURN alright I hit a possible gin card. Lets get all the money in, if he had jacks so be it. I don't want a card to come and kill me action on AA or KK.
FLOPSeeing as I caught a low pair here, taking the freecard might be better because I have something decent I can improve to, so I may lose some value down the line if I hit by blowing him out of the pot. but at these limits, in my experience, you're just wrong about getting checkraised 80% of the time. The players at 50NL are really, really bad. They'll fold to this bet far more often than they'll checkraise. I would never have called pre-flop if I thought I was that likely to get check-raised.TURNyeah, I think you're right. pushing is best here.
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I think his check raise was used to slow you down. I think he probably had a flush draw with overs or OESD with T9. The fact that you just called makes him believe you are not that strong so when he hits second pair on the turn he bets out. I think you should have reraised here and make him pay for the draw.I think you folded the losing hand, but getting 3 to 1 it might have been worth a call.

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Flop: ($6.25) 8 :club: , J :D , 5 :D(3 players)BB checks, Villian checks, Hero bets $5, BB folds, Villian raises to $10, Hero calls $5 .
Should have folded here.You put out a bet to get information, and what do you know, you got it??? Amazingly your bottom pair is no good. Fold and wait for another awesome hand like 7 10 os.
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Should have folded here.You put out a bet to get information, and what do you know, you got it??? Amazingly your bottom pair is no good. Fold and wait for another awesome hand like 7 10 os.
Well, when I called I figured I would need to improve to continue beyond the turn. But the check-raise also told me Villian likes his hand and will probably lead the turn, so my implied odds are good. If his check-raise had been larger, I would have folded, but it was a min-raise, so I was getting better than 4:1 immediate odds (not good enough, but not bad) and around 12:1 implied odds if I can stack him. I had 5 outs, so I'm 8.4:1 against to improve on the turn. I thought that was good enough.The real mistake is that if I'm calling for implied odds if I hit, I have to push when I do hit. Otherwise it's a bad call because I won't get paid often enough. But I think the mistake was failing to push the turn, rather than failing to fold to the checkraise on the flop.
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Should have folded here.You put out a bet to get information, and what do you know, you got it??? Amazingly your bottom pair is no good. Fold and wait for another awesome hand like 7 10 os.
I like that call OK. We've sold that we're on a draw and we'll have plenty of bluffing opportunities. Plus we'll probably get paid off if we hit. It's a good price.
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