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cheaters/bots in online poker?

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There are patterns to shuffle algorythms and how they're seeded. When they're seeded by using noise from an offline wholy independent source, as is ussually the case, they have to carry the seed with the shuffle to the client and it can be read.I just read it.
are you saying you know the cards dealt and to come with reasonable certainty?
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are you saying you know the cards dealt and to come with reasonable certainty?Oh for **** sake, I'm just messing around with someone who's paranoid about playing online.There's no such thing as a pattern mapper, it's a joke.

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I think it's hilarious that you say 5 bored college students would get together and do this.College students would rather sit around and drink beer than cheat the world at poker (Okay, they might go for drinking beer AND cheating). It takes some skill at poker to collude successfully and undetectably (especially with the server watching and logging your every move, trained and ready for you). If a person were good enough to get past all of the protections built in with online poker, they would 1) go cheat in a live game for much easier prey, or 2) play straight and win just as much.This is just a much more wordy explanation of something smash said above. Hopefully you understand now?

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I personally am using a Smearnof mark 85 series mod 84G crystal ball to detect what cards are coming down the pike and who has what. Works like a charm when it's in tune. (By the way and speaking of tune... does anyone know where I can lay my hands on a tuneup kit for this sucker? I've tried all of the old tricks like wiping it down with a silk cloth soaked in honey... but all that did was draw flies and a few nasty bees looking to reclaim their bounty.)Thumper

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are you saying you know the cards dealt and to come with reasonable certainty?Oh for censored sake, I'm just messing around with someone who's paranoid about playing online.There's no such thing as a pattern mapper, it's a joke.
You forget. Linux can do ANYTHING. Once you threw linux into the equation, I was a believer.
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You forget. Linux can do ANYTHING. Once you threw linux into the equation, I was a believer.
LOL this will be my new favorite quote, and remember the people who generally understand the sarcasm/wit/etc. are generally NOT the ones who will respond :-)
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This thread is like listening to two retards fight over who the biggest Star Trek fan is.Spend a lot of time listening to that sort of thing, huh?SO sad, so sad.
he's too good... smash is just too good at these internet comebacks... my hats off to you smash, i don't know how you constantly come up with these things
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hey smash, i agree this guy is seriously retarded if he's a descent player and not capitalizing on the great opportunity that is online poker. But smash...there is a thing such as collusion, i think you guys dont understand eachother. You dont understand him in that he's just saying there are colluders out there, which there is and you would be incredibly naive to think there weren't. He doesn't understand you in that it doesn't matter if their are or not...how many colluders out of how many players? the likelihood of running into a few are very slim and even still...you can use this against them (i sware to god i have: flop nut flush and let them cap it every street, took down pot of 230ish in 36) I think smash what youre saying is that he is retarded for not playing online simply for THAT reason...which i fully agree. Also, there is such a thing as a pattern recognizer...happened back in the dark ages of online poker. A software team created it. Then they reported to the poker site that it was possible and so it needed to be fixed...its actually very interesting, the original article is as www.cigital.com

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I personally am using a Smearnof mark 85 series mod 84G crystal ball to detect what cards are coming down the pike and who has what. Works like a charm when it's in tune. (By the way and speaking of tune... does anyone know where I can lay my hands on a tuneup kit for this sucker? I've tried all of the old tricks like wiping it down with a silk cloth soaked in honey... but all that did was draw flies and a few nasty bees looking to reclaim their bounty.) Thumper

hahahahahaha i wish i knew you in real life
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