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this is god's deal to the human race:1. do what i say or you will go to hell. however, what i say to do will never be clear because i will never say anything myself. There will be a bible that may or may not be my words, you will never know for sure.2. believe in me or you will go to hell. However, whether i exist or not will never be clear because i will never show myself or give you any proof that i exist. you will never know for sure.he then gives you a rational mind and expects you to take this deal?and hes going to send you to hell for eternity if you reject it?nigga please :club:

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I like giving the Christians on this board a little hell (o yes, pun intended) sometimes too, but you're taking it to a level that's just not cool.

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I like giving the Christians on this board a little hell (o yes, pun intended) sometimes too, but you're taking it to a level that's just not cool.
Seconded, and the type of " hell " you give isn't really all that bad- that's more just funnin. This guy is just wrong, and not funny wrong- more like needs serious help wrong.
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I like giving the Christians on this board a little hell (o yes, pun intended) sometimes too, but you're taking it to a level that's just not cool.
you sound like the kid in junior high that everyone used to pick on.
Seconded, and the type of " hell " you give isn't really all that bad- that's more just funnin. This guy is just wrong, and not funny wrong- more like needs serious help wrong.
is funnin is a typo? if not, that explains a lot.anyway, judge not lois...
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im not trying to aggravate any1 i have better things to doi gave a terrific argument against christianity, so far no1 has argued successfully against it (not that they could)also religion forums star crusader lois has done nothing but humiliate himself, not that its very hard for him to do so...

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you sound like the kid in junior high that everyone used to pick on.
Did you go to Middle School in LaPorte, Indiana? If so, I have a bone to pick with all of you.
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i gave a terrific argument against christianity, so far no1 has argued successfully against it (not that they could)
you give the exact same "valid argument" that drunks at the bars do on sundays. come back with something with ANY kind of valid proof behind it, we might have a debate. but knowing you're intelligence is roughly the same as a moldy bottle of tabasco sauce, i doubt that will happen.
nigga please :club:
are there even black people straight outta moscow? :D if you had half the balls in real life as you do here, you wouldn't even be alive today.so sad.
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