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I didnt put him on the gutshot. oops. :club: bdccolbs is at seat 0 with 3665. CodyHartman is at seat 2 with 1205. kells69 is at seat 3 with 1465. FlopsKill is at seat 5 with 1320. hcliff69 is at seat 6 with 1550. MarkesanMike is at seat 7 with 1505. mase231 is at seat 8 with 1925. Fellbear is at seat 9 with 2365. The button is at seat 6. MarkesanMike posts the small blind of 20. mase231 posts the big blind of 40. bdccolbs: -- -- CodyHartman: Qh Qs kells69: -- -- FlopsKill: -- -- hcliff69: -- -- MarkesanMike: -- -- mase231: -- -- Fellbear: -- --Pre-flop: Fellbear folds. bdccolbs folds. CodyHartman raises to 120. kells69 folds. FlopsKill folds. hcliff69 folds. MarkesanMike folds. mase231 calls. Flop (board: Jh 7s 6h): mase231 bets 260. CodyHartman calls. Turn (board: Jh 7s 6h 4s): mase231 bets 780. CodyHartman goes all-in for 825. mase231 calls. Tournament all-in showdown -- players show: CodyHartman shows Qh Qs. mase231 shows Jd 3s. River (board: Jh 7s 6h 4s 5c): (no action in this round) Showdown: CodyHartman has Qh Qs Jh 7s 6h: a pair of queens. mase231 has 3s 7s 6h 4s 5c: straight, seven high. Hand #31842384-19 Summary: No rake is taken for this hand. mase231 wins 2430 with straight, seven high.

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I didnt put him on the gutshot. oops. :club: bdccolbs is at seat 0 with 3665. CodyHartman is at seat 2 with 1205. kells69 is at seat 3 with 1465. FlopsKill is at seat 5 with 1320. hcliff69 is at seat 6 with 1550. MarkesanMike is at seat 7 with 1505. mase231 is at seat 8 with 1925. Fellbear is at seat 9 with 2365. The button is at seat 6. MarkesanMike posts the small blind of 20. mase231 posts the big blind of 40. bdccolbs: -- -- CodyHartman: Qh Qs kells69: -- -- FlopsKill: -- -- hcliff69: -- -- MarkesanMike: -- -- mase231: -- -- Fellbear: -- --Pre-flop: Fellbear folds. bdccolbs folds. CodyHartman raises to 120. kells69 folds. FlopsKill folds. hcliff69 folds. MarkesanMike folds. mase231 calls. Flop (board: Jh 7s 6h): mase231 bets 260. CodyHartman calls. Turn (board: Jh 7s 6h 4s): mase231 bets 780. CodyHartman goes all-in for 825. mase231 calls. Tournament all-in showdown -- players show: CodyHartman shows Qh Qs. mase231 shows Jd 3s. River (board: Jh 7s 6h 4s 5c): (no action in this round) Showdown: CodyHartman has Qh Qs Jh 7s 6h: a pair of queens. mase231 has 3s 7s 6h 4s 5c: straight, seven high. Hand #31842384-19 Summary: No rake is taken for this hand. mase231 wins 2430 with straight, seven high.
He had top pair and probably figured you for unpaired over cards like AK. He happened to get lucky and hit the gutshot. Not much of a bad beat story if you ask me.Bear
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He had top pair and probably figured you for unpaired over cards like AK. He happened to get lucky and hit the gutshot. Not much of a bad beat story if you ask me.Bear
the fact that youre defending his play is sad
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I dont even care if it is a bad beat, I was high at the time and it made me laugh for some reason. It was just a $5 toruney fairly early on still, so I aint made, just cant believe how I lost.

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the fact that youre defending his play is sad
Eddie, I want you at my bedside when I'm dying of cancer, dude. You are the most understanding person I know.
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