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I thought that was pretty ridiculous too. I thought reztes and crazyyy shoulda been more assertive in getting DN to stop cuz it does only encourage other railbirds to do the same thing.

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what a joke. i can't believe it when that douche bag posted a hand history over and over. plus, even if DN doesn't do anything for anybody (which is not true), it's his own life. the best part is when he said his brother is a doctor....what an idiot. half of my family is, but who gives a fck.

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Did anyone else recognize that guy? His name -- apparentheir -- is familiar to me. It's been driving me crazy trying to think of where I have encountered him before.Is he the guy who heckled Daniel once before ... and then someone claimed that his brother had hijacked his account? Is he that guy? Or is he some other guy who has railbirded (and heckled) Daniel before?I can't sleep ... trying to remember.llou

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