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in daniel's blog why just smooth call?

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I wondering why DN thinks that Carlos should have just smooth called on the flop instead of moving all in. Carlos was a favourite post flop and I think there is nothing wrong with him moving all in on the flop to make it very expensive for DN to draw. I think smooth calling for Carlos would be weak on the flop. So, Carlos got outdrawn that's all. I also don't fault DN for calling either as he was only a slight dog and the whole point to these tournaments is to amass chips. Thoughts? Please say something constructive.

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I could be wrong but I think it would be better for Carlos to smooth call the flop and jam the turn when no cards hit to help possible draws. This way Carlos is getting his money in as the best hand. Post flop its really a race situation but after the turn DN may be more willing to let it go when his draw hasn't hit.

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Normally, I agree that you should push all-in to prevent any draws from chasing. But, I think he said Carlos thought he was on a 'Big' draw meaning a straight and flush draw. That makes calling an all-in close to a 50/50 shot. It would be hard for Daniel to lay that down.

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I think what they were saying was that Carlos had put Daniel on a draw. He also knows Daniel well enough to know that Daniel will probably call the all-in on the flop with a draw. So they are saying he should have called on the flop and see if a draw hit on the turn. If a draw hits Carlos could have gotten away from the hand. If the draw doesn't hit he could move in then and probably take the pot right there. Against another player moving in was probably correct but Carlos should have known he couldn't move Daniel off the draw on the flop.

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I think what they were saying was that Carlos had put Daniel on a draw. He also knows Daniel well enough to know that Daniel will probably call the all-in on the flop with a draw. So they are saying he should have called on the flop and see if a draw hit on the turn. If a draw hits Carlos could have gotten away from the hand. If the draw doesn't hit he could move in then and probably take the pot right there. Against another player moving in was probably correct but Carlos should have known he couldn't move Daniel off the draw on the flop.

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If Carlos put Daniel on a huge draw, a smooth call would allow Carlos to see whether the turn was a scary card. If the turn was a blank, Daniel is less likely to call a big bet with one card to come. With two cards to come, there's a good chance Daniel would call with a big draw, putting Carlos' tourney life at risk with only slightly favorable odds. It's a tough one.

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