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confusing ak hand 2/4 full ring

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MP1 plays any two cards and will sometimes bluff with anything, really weird idiot basically.SB seems okay so far but I haven't been able to observe him over that many hands, so I don't know what to think.Ultimate Bet 2/4 Hold'em (9 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxPreflop: Hero is Button with K:diamond:, A:spade:. 2 folds, MP1 calls, MP2 calls, MP3 calls.Flop: (11 SB) 7:spade:, 5:diamond:, 4:spade: (5 players)SB checks, MP1 bets, SB calls, MP1 calls.Turn: (8.50 BB) J:diamond: (3 players)SB checks, MP1 bets

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MP1 plays any two cards and will sometimes bluff with anything' date=' really weird idiot basically.SB seems okay so far but I haven't been able to observe him over that many hands, so I don't know what to think.Ultimate Bet 2/4 Hold'em (9 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxPreflop: Hero is Button with K:diamond:, A:spade:. 2 folds, MP1 calls, MP2 calls, MP3 calls.Flop: (11 SB) 7:spade:, 5:diamond:, 4:spade: (5 players)SB checks, MP1 bets, SB calls, MP1 calls.Turn: (8.50 BB) J:diamond: (3 players)SB checks, MP1 betsHe hit something on the flop. 1:9.50 for 6 outs is thin. Do you think your 6 outs are still live ? If he has some suited rags that hit a pair, your 6 outs aren't live. I would fold.
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He hit something on the flop. 1:9.50 for 6 outs is thin. Do you think your 6 outs are still live ? If he has some suited rags that hit a pair, your 6 outs aren't live. I would fold.
If you read my description of MP1 he may have hit the flop and he may not have. If he had some rags that hit one pair on the flop, how are my outs not live?Also note that everytime I pair on the river the flush misses.
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He hit something on the flop. 1:9.50 for 6 outs is thin. Do you think your 6 outs are still live ? If he has some suited rags that hit a pair, your 6 outs aren't live. I would fold.
If you read my description of MP1 he may have hit the flop and he may not have. If he had some rags that hit one pair on the flop, how are my outs not live?Also note that everytime I pair on the river the flush misses.
Bubba meant if he had something like A5 or K4 or something along those lines.Also either one of the flushes can hit when you pair. K of spades of Ace of diamonds. If you really to showdown just call here. He's not going to fold to another raise (or give you a free showdown) most likely and this point he's only been saying he's got you beat.
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Also either one of the flushes can hit when you pair. K of spades of Ace of diamonds. If you really to showdown just call here. He's not going to fold to another raise (or give you a free showdown) most likely and this point he's only been saying he's got you beat.
We have the ace of spades and the king of diamonds in our hand, therefor, if we hit a pair on the river, there will be no flushes possible. We can't worry we have dirty outs against K 4 or A 5 etc against a villain who may or may not have anything.The villain doesn't really worry me at all in this hand, it's the SB i'm worried about after calling 2 cold on the flop and checking the turn. I think this is an easy call on the turn if SB is not in the hand and i'm getting the same odds. I guess I'm wondering if it's worth calling when the SB could be check raising this turn, it's very nice to know if we pair the flush won't come.
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Ah yes, i'm missing the K:spade: and A:diamond: that could come. I folded in the hand because I thought SB might be check raising. He wasn't, he just called.Q:club: hits the riverSB checks, MP1 bets, SB calls and shows A:heart: 6:heart: to beat MP1's 8:diamond: 9:club: I run to the bathroom and throwup.

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