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flop gutshot decision

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Party Poker 2/4 Hold'em (10 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxPreflop: Hero is BB with 8:heart:, 6:spade:. UTG calls, UTG+1 calls, 4 folds, Button calls, SB completes, BB checks.Flop: (5 SB) Q:heart:, 7:diamond:, 4:spade: (5 players)SB checks, Hero checks, UTG bets

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I guess I want to get a feeling for what kind of pot odds are too small to call here. Here we are getting 8 to 1 on our money, our draw won't hit quite enough to make it worth it if the pot ended with no betting on the next card, but we will make more than enough to compensate for that when we make the straight. What if we were getting 7 to 1 here instead of 8 to 1? What about 6 to 1?

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What the fuck are you bumping for? Don't waste space.If you don't get it, ask. If you get it but think it proves some kind of valuable point, then highlight it.Don't just bump it for no reason.
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I don't think anyone mentioned implied odds. I think that's what the OP is missing here. You can expect to easily make up those 2-3 small bets on later streets when the turn complete's your straight.

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I don't think anyone mentioned implied odds. I think that's what the OP is missing here. You can expect to easily make up those 2-3 small bets on later streets when the turn complete's your straight.
Even a single bet on the turn improves you from 9-1 immediate to 11-1, giving you an overlay.If you bet and get called in two spots, that's 13-1, giving you a 1.25BB overlay.If you get 4 BBs into the pot on the turn/river, your overlay is a whopping 3.25BB, which is just huge.
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Here we are getting 8 to 1 on our money, our draw won't hit quite enough to make it worth it if the pot ended with no betting on the next card, but we will make more than enough to compensate for that when we make the straight. What if we were getting 7 to 1 here instead of 8 to 1? What about 6 to 1?Even at 6 to 1 you only need to get a couple more bets when you make the straight. Being a highly disguised hand it's almost impossible that you won't.The turn decisions is probably a lot closer when you miss.good luck.

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bump(sw)one thing i'll point out that some people might not see is that even though we need to get 10.5 to 1 to call with our four-outer, and the pot is only giving us 8 to 1, this is an easy call.we only earn 1 and a quarter more bets when we make our straight. why not 2 and a half more? because turn bets are twice as large as flop bets, which is what we are measuring our pot odds in. with multiway action, we have significant overlay to draw once the implied odds are considered.neon meat dream of an octafish.btw, i tried to get octafish as a sn on party, but it was taken. :club:

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I guess whether we call or not with smaller pot odds would depend on how agro the other players are in the hand. So it's always going to depend. Thanks for giving me a better idea though, instead of not reading what didn't get responded to and chewing me out like Mr. Wang.

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I guess whether we call or not with smaller pot odds would depend on how agro the other players are in the hand. So it's always going to depend. Thanks for giving me a better idea though, instead of not reading what didn't get responded to and chewing me out like Mr. Wang.
If you're up against a bunch of tight passives your odds are good enough to call a bet here. You're drawing to the nuts and in most cases you're good for at the very least 8 additional sb here. I think the least i call with is getting 5:1 as I want / need at least 2 additional players going to the turn with me to call this.
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