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ace queen suited facing a raise from a rock (5-10)

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There was a hand posted awhile ago (CinciKid) where I made a mistake and didn't realize OP was on the BB with A-Q suited facing a raise. That was a definite call. But here is a little different.Rock has a 1 PFR over 80 hands.5-10 NINE HANDEDI'm in CO with Ah-QhUTG limps, Rock RAISES (MP1), fold, I...

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Not tiny, but not insignificant either.I'd lean towards folding AQ. If i was going to play it, i'd 3bet from the CO. With AK, i probably would 3bet.It's alos important to consider his post flop abilities. Is he weak/tight post flop too? If he never bluffs and checks to the raiser (or bettor) without a huge hand, it makes things a lot easier.

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