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Was this a bad play? Didn't have any reads and put him on a 10 or the club draw...Seat 4 is the buttonTotal number of players : 10 Seat 1: gammmon ( $24.15 )Seat 2: bmousetrap ( $16.65 )Seat 3: big_cat_44 ( $50.31 )Seat 4: CGFCPFTF ( $14.05 )Seat 5: tombiss111 ( $49.60 )Seat 6: Kelesis99 ( $27.15 )Seat 7: alexanbo1 ( $27.90 )Seat 8: jdr999 ( $44.50 )Seat 9: real_keeper ( $15.70 )Seat 10: deceiver1026 ( $20.60 )tombiss111 posts small blind [$0.10].Kelesis99 posts big blind [$0.25].** Dealing down cards **Dealt to alexanbo1 [ Ad As 9h Td ]alexanbo1 raises [$0.85].jdr999 folds.real_keeper folds.deceiver1026 folds.gammmon folds.bmousetrap calls [$0.85].big_cat_44 calls [$0.85].CGFCPFTF calls [$0.85].tombiss111 folds.Kelesis99 folds.** Dealing Flop ** [ 6c, Tc, Ts ]alexanbo1 bets [$3.60].bmousetrap raises [$14.40].big_cat_44 folds.CGFCPFTF folds.alexanbo1 is all-In [$23.45]bmousetrap is all-In [$1.40]

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Well it depends on how much variance you can put up with. You have the third best hand on the flop, T6 and 66 beat you.If you want little variance play T6 only here for all your money.For a little more variance play 66. If you want more variance play AT with any 2 outs to an aces full house, or you could win/split with trips here.This is not an all in hand IMO, what else could the guy have that doesn't beat you or tie you?But it all depends on how you want to play.

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VERY GOOD questionLyle berman says that playing non boated trips on the flop is one of the hardest things to do in the game.1st off.....i dont raise aces if i am the 1st to raise (unless SH). its just too cheap for others to call. your aces are good and DEF playable (w/ one suited and connectors). limp preflop. if someone raises THEN you reraise if you can get at least 1/3-1/2 your stack in3rd nut flop is good but w/ that action you may have to dump it. absent of reads, worst scenerio is that you have only 5 outs (2 aces and 3 nines).IMO at this level the raiser may put you on aces, but not assume you have a 10 with it. with no reads i call all my chips. but this probly woundt be posted if you won.

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Thanks for your answers..Just seemed like it was an odd play for him to pot it here with 10 6 or 66, it didn't even let him get all his money in, and if I did have a flush draw I'd dump it there probably. Would it have been better for me to check/call the flop then?He turned out to have 6h, 6s, 7d, Ks ... which doesn't really seem like a hand I'd want to call a pre flop raise with. I managed to spike an Ace on the river though to bail me out.

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