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an interesting 3-6 hand or way out of line?

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button is a TAG, not too tricky, and a poster here. SB is an absolute idiot, the reason this table existed, and the reason every tag on party was on the waitlist for this game. he is 88-10-0.95 through 150 hands, and likely has trouble breathing without assistance. Party Poker 3/6 Hold'em (6 max, 6 handed) FTR converter on zerodivide.cxPreflop: Hero is BB with [Jc], [Jd]. 3 folds, SB calls, Hero calls.3 bet obvious right?Flop: (12 SB) [7d], [Kh], [4h] (3 players)SB checks, Hero bets, Button calls, SB calls.we can basically disregard SB flatcall. he could have almost anything here, but probably not a K or he would 3 bet. Turn: (10.50 BB) [2s] (3 players)SB checks, Hero bets, Button folds, SB folds.my plan was to bet-fold here...

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What's your reason for betting this flop?
so i can 3 bet. i think button is going to cap with a bunch of hands that a) miss this flop or B) are made before the flop and are scared of the K. I also think he is going to raise the flop with just about all of them. SB is pretty much donating to the winner either way, so i really just need to find out what the button has. if he caps the flop, i check-fold the turn. feel free to criticize, this hand is pretty much the edge of where my aggression takes me.
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So you are certain BB is calling 2 cold here?Also, will a TAG raise the flop with AQ?I ask because my usual line would be to check/raise this flop. Then again, I can see how the bet/3-bet line has it's benefits if you know the TAG will raise, and you know that the BB will call 2 cold. The bet/3-bet line will really increase your FE vs the TAG if he has a hand that's drawing live (AQ), or may even get him to lay down QQ. Interesting hand. For 1 extra sb, it seems like you have drastically increased your FE vs AQ and QQ. I think I really like this line.

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So you are certain BB is calling 2 cold here?Also, will a TAG raise the flop with AQ?I ask because my usual line would be to check/raise this flop. Then again, I can see how the bet/3-bet line has it's benefits if you know the TAG will raise, and you know that the BB will call 2 cold. The bet/3-bet line will really increase your FE vs the TAG if he has a hand that's drawing live (AQ), or may even get him to lay down QQ. Interesting hand. For 1 extra sb, it seems like you have drastically increased your FE vs AQ and QQ. I think I really like this line.
yes, SB will almost always call 2 cold. he has VPIP 88 and foldflop 11%, foldturn 12%. this guy was giving it away. (i have the foldflop and foldturn stats on my HUD). PS: QQ is a very good guess.Edit: the other thing is that it costs me the same if the TAG has a monster. if he caps the flop i can be 99% percent sure im drawing to 2 outs. if i c/r the flop, he can smoothcall, and then i have to lead out on turn. either way, i lose 4 small bets.
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Flop's a little light. If you're going to make this play, turn check/raise looks a lot more like what you want it to and not a missed flush draw. I'm raising this turn with almost anything I cap prelfop with. I'm bet/folding the turn a lot more often than I'm folding to this turn bet. good luck.

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