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Daniel on 60 minutes?

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"Are you kidding? News is fine, but 60 minutes has to be one of the most biased and agenda driven news I've never seen. It is completely intended to sway people to their agenda rather than just report investigative news. "Let me guess…your list of unbiased reporters would include Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh.

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"Are you kidding? News is fine, but 60 minutes has to be one of the most biased and agenda driven news I've never seen. It is completely intended to sway people to their agenda rather than just report investigative news.  "Let me guess…your list of unbiased reporters would include Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh.
Nope, Hannity, O'Reilly and Limbaugh are all conservatives and never claim otherwise. CBS, 60 Minutes and Dan Rather on the other hand "CLAIM" to be fair and balanced when they are in fact so far to the left it's laughable that they claim the otherwise.60 Minutes has a few good segments now and again...so I do watch it but I always take their views as biased.
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"Nope, Hannity, O'Reilly and Limbaugh are all conservatives and never claim otherwise. CBS, 60 Minutes and Dan Rather on the other hand "CLAIM" to be fair and balanced when they are in fact so far to the left it's laughable that they claim the otherwise."Well, I don't watch much Hannity or listen to Rush very often, but O'Reilly very frequently claims he's not a conservative and he claims to be "fair and balanced" (his exact words) at least 3 or 4 times a day.

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60 minutes is and has been for the last 30, THE most respected news program in the U.S......Being on the conservative hit list doesn't change that....As to the Dan Rather thing, 1 bad story in a long career. He got bad information....Bush got bad info on WMD's and he didn't get fired....

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Actually most of the players seem to not really care one way or the other.The sports media on the other hand demonizes the kid constantly.
I'm not sure what interviews you've seen, but that isn't true at all. You think the players don't care that the most important member of their team decided to walk out on them two weeks before the season?If any of them seem indifferent in an interview I'm sure it is because they have been making an effort to put a good face on the situation.
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All News is biased one way or another, some more than others.60 minutes is a good show IMO, Rather got spanked because of ladder climbing underlings. I could see it in his eyes, that it really tore him up too.Felt kinda sorry for the guy.I watch a lot of news & shows on PBS, Oregon has great public broadcasting.Probably the most UNbiased you can get in the states!

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lol when did this post turn into "ricky williams on 60 minutes"? lol ah well, as long as the post is still kickin, i just got a question.. i know the dolphins have been tryin to get him back for guite some time now. any of u guys actually think he's gonna stop his wacked out stoner ways to get back with the team?

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I think he'll come back after another year or so off, but probably not with the dolphins....Whatever team he goes to will probably have to buy out his contract with them......I think he said he wanted to play for the Raiders...

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