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Heres a hand thats been on my mind all day. . 2-60 spread limitUTG: (me $350) AJ Diamonds, Cutoff: Villian (Covers) ???ok a little backstory . . . In a hand 3 hands before with me on the button Villan raises to 10, 2 callers, I call with a/7 off on the button, BB calls, Flop comes 972 all spades. action checks to me I bet 20 trying to steal and get 1 caller(villian) turn comes Kd I get checked to again so I fire another 20. after some major hesitation I get a call. River comes a blank like a red 5 or 6 and again I get checked to and so I fire another 20. After some thought the villan mucks. he claims to have JJ and since I was leaving I showed the hand. Thats when he obviously got a little angry, I got a few compliments on nice play and he continued to talk to his neighbor about it for the next couple of minutes. then this hand comes up. last hand before I leave I get aj diamonds and limp (I do not like to raise good aces) utg folded to the villian who makes it 24, a common raise for him as does not limp much and usually way overbets preflop with any hand he likes but is a fairly tight range. . folded around to me and i make the call. flop J,T,4 rainbowI check, he bets 26 I call. . (my first mistake I think I should have raised to 60 to try to take it there) turn is 9 not doubling any suit. I check again he bets 60 I ponder and fold showing the hand. this is my problem, a I played it too passive, I call a 40 bet here but not 60. . . his range to me is 99+ which all beats me I dont think JJ but its possible. . KQ has the nuts qj has a draw and is beat ak is a big possibility too as he could be trying to steal still mad about the previous hand. another thought is a/tafter the hand is over someone asked if he had a pair and he said no. . pretty sure he was not lying so my thoughts was I was beat but I am still up in the airwhat do you think?

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Ok.. the first hand was played soo badly.. i'm going to comment on it.first, weak aces are so gross. especially to a raise... even from position. regardless, if you're good go ahead and play it.then the flop.. You make a pair, but bet 20 to steal?? 1 - if you're going to steal. bet more.2 - why steal when you have a hand? are you putting villain on something better than a pair of 7's? If so.. this brings me to my next pointWhat are you putting villain on?? an over pair? a missed Ace but with a big Spade?so we see the turn is a K. you again bet 20. a horrible bet. all you're doing is juicing up the pot so he can call down light on the river.If you've put him on something like AK,AQ AJ. KQ, 10,10 etc.. then you have to slow down here. Or bet more to push him off his hand But realize that the K could be a good card for him.You havent given any idea as to what you think he's holding. (I dont see him holding any overpairs ,because his turn call should be pretty standard)My line for you from here would be to check/call the river.. If he is on a spade draw that misses, let him bluff at it on the river.Now the river is the only thing that seemed to come across as "ok". Its possible that your small 1/6 the pot bet made him think "You must have something good cuz this is an insane value bet"Or - he chased a Big spade and missed. but again, this comes down to what you think he holds.. and in my opinion, you beat everything that he folds on the river anyways.You can make the argument that he folds JJ-10,10,8,8... but I have trouble seeing 8,8 stick around to the river, and i dont think JJ hesitates to call the turn.You played this hand blind and backwards IMO.

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You played this hand blind and backwards IMO.
totally agree. Why would you check call with AJ on that flop (either check raise that flop or probe bet the 4 bet but i like the check raise) and then fold to a single st8 making it KQ ( im assuming villain doesn't do this with Q8) so why in the world do you fold getting what 2.5 to 1 odds on the turn with top pair top kicker? He can have AJ,KJ, QJ and yes you could be beat my KQ and J10 J's+ but we have not made really any effort to see where we could even be in this hand, we just played it so passively
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Heres a hand thats been on my mind all day. . 2-60 spread limitUTG: (me $350) AJ Diamonds, Cutoff: Villian (Covers) ???ok a little backstory . . . In a hand 3 hands before with me on the button Villan raises to 10, 2 callers, I call with a/7 off on the button, BB calls, Flop comes 972 all spades. action checks to me I bet 20 trying to steal and get 1 caller(villian) turn comes Kd I get checked to again so I fire another 20. after some major hesitation I get a call. River comes a blank like a red 5 or 6 and again I get checked to and so I fire another 20. After some thought the villan mucks. he claims to have JJ and since I was leaving I showed the hand. Thats when he obviously got a little angry, I got a few compliments on nice play and he continued to talk to his neighbor about it for the next couple of minutes. then this hand comes up. last hand before I leave I get aj diamonds and limp (because I hate money)
FYPIf you're check calling the flop ... why? what changed on the turn? what changed on the river?
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FYPIf you're check calling the flop ... why? what changed on the turn? what changed on the river?
for someone who as a post with lots of info and seemed at first to possibly be a thinking player, the more i think about this hand the more i see no real rhyme or reason for taking this line at all
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i am. im just saying with someone putting a post this long together it is weird he didn't know how to play this hand, that is all

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i am. im just saying with someone putting a post this long together it is weird he didn't know how to play this hand, that is all
exactly what i was thinking.It seems apparent that OP is, like you said, a "thinking" player but a thinking player isnt making these plays.OP, it sounds like you know your stuff, but just maybe lost focus for a hand and then was steaming in the second hand??
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