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Pokerstars America's Cup Of Poker

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From the terms and conditions...Fund a Friend Terms and Conditions 1. If a player transfers money to another player that enables the second player to play in an ACP 20c tournament and the second player final tables that ACP tournament the first player will receive $50. 2. The first player will earn the reward if the second player final tables any of the tournaments paid for by the transfer (i.e. $0.40 transfer means the next two $0.20 ACP tournaments played by the second player will be eligible for the reward, etc) 3. The reward will only be paid to the first player to transfer money to the second player – if a player receives multiple transfers only the oldest qualifying transfer will count. 4. The reward will only be paid if the following conditions are met: 1. The second player has less than $0.20 in his account at the time of receiving the transfer and has not transferred or withdrawn money to reach this balance 2. The first player transfers at least $0.20 to the second player 5. Creating multiple accounts, collusion, or any other action that breaches the PokerStars terms of service will render the player(s) involved ineligible for the reward and they may face further penalties, up to and including permanent account closure and forfeiture of account balances. 6. PokerStars decision is final.I guess this would only work if a staked player is completely busto right? Still a nice bonus for staking people.
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Well i fit the criteria of "busto" right now. So here I am.That's weird though. I thought at first it was saying that like even if a guy has 2 grand in his roll, if someone xfer's him .20, and then that person immediately plays a .20 in his next tourney, that it would count for a "stake". Who knows though, the fine print always kills me.

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I'm not looking to stake anyone and I'm not looking to get staked by anyone. I was just browsing the terms and conditions and saw what might be an opportunity for people who want to throw some stakes out, so I made a thread. That's all, just an FYI because of all of the stake threads I've seen lately.

If you're serious, do you care *who* stakes you 20c?
My point was more along the lines of, 'oh, look. people who throw stakes out for this tourney could make an extra $50. I wonder if anyone around FCP knows this.'
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My point was more along the lines of, 'oh, look. people who throw stakes out for this tourney could make an extra $50. I wonder if anyone around FCP knows this.'
I wasn't referring to you, I didn't take your post as asking for a stake at all - and meant no offense to anyone. I lurk a lot and I've seen Max post, if he's busto on Stars and wants to take a crack I'd be more than happy to share any hypothetical bonus. That was all.
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If you look at the other Americas Cup thread. This has already happened. Joeyfinngars threw me a dollar for 5 of the .20 tourneys. In the first one I FT'ed.
This is true. The $50 gets shipped once the promotion is over, which I will give Jason a little something for FTing.
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