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Ncaa Draft Pool 2009

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One of my friends introduced me to this a couple years ago and I thought this was a fun concept. Eight people enter into a formatted snake draft. Player who draws 1.1 will have 2.8, 3.1, etc.. as their picks. The 8 people will have an 8 team roster, and winner will be determined by who's team has the most wins. You may pick the NCAA Champs, but you might not win the pool. Example from 2008 bracket.By round:1.1- UNC (Team A)1.2- UCLA (Team B)1.3- Kansas (Team C)1.4- Georgetown (Team D)etc...Rosters:Team A1.1 UNC2.8 Wisconsin3.1 Pittsburghetc... Tiebreakers: If two teams or more tie, the team that drafted the highest placed finish (aka if you're team won the National Title), that team will be awarded first place. Prize distribution: 1st= 80%, 2nd= 20%.I'll run more than one if there's enough interest. Looking to do a $25 buyin myself. Anyone else interested in doing high/lower limits please feel free to add your input.We can run a live draft on the IRC chat room, through PM's, or just within the topic. Hope we can draw enough interest to get a couple pools together.

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Seems like it may work well with four people rather than 8. Getting a seemingly worst two and best three compared to overall 1 seems pretty up against you.

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Seems like it may work well with four people rather than 8. Getting a seemingly worst two and best three compared to overall 1 seems pretty up against you.
trust me it'll work w/ 8. if you get a #1 you'll get 'stuck' with a 4 and 5 prolly. you also get a 16 seed too. it's based on most wins combined, not who wins the total thing. aka anyone who chose davidson last year got great value obviously.
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lol die. That was from last year. Wisco was a 3 seed.
I think I'm aware of all seedings from last year, let alone Wisconsin :club:.
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I think I'm aware of all seedings from last year, let alone Wisconsin :club:.
At least they made it to the Sweet 16. Hopefully they can do some damage this year. I hope Florida St. takes it down somehow though, got them @ 200/1 few weeks ago to win it.
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Since I am always on IRC - if this goes down and I'm there i'll do one :club: (Unless wifey pops, then I won't be available).Though i'd prefer doing a couple at $10 rather than one at $25.I think 4 or 6 team would be better too and since I don't see 20 people knockin down the door for this it would be easier to fill (you could skip 15-16 seeds too just to shorten the draft a bit).

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I'll do a 4 or 6 person one tonight after the brackets come out :club: You can put me on the maybe or "in if available" for later in the week.Anyone who wants to play come to chat room tonight after the brackets are out. http://holonet.org - channel FCP

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I'll do a 4 or 6 person one tonight after the brackets come out :club: You can put me on the maybe or "in if available" for later in the week.Anyone who wants to play come to chat room tonight after the brackets are out. http://holonet.org - channel FCP
4 just seems too little and 6 would only work if you have like 8-10 teams. I'll put up an interest list, but would like to get main one filled first. How much Yoda?
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4 just seems too little and 6 would only work if you have like 8-10 teams. I'll put up an interest list, but would like to get main one filled first. How much Yoda?
Ya i'd rather do $10, im in a lot. But 6 could still work, you just leave a few teams off at the end, nobody wants 15/16 seeds anyway. I'm down for whatever, I just agree with the comment it would suck to be first pick in an 8 team snake, but it still works.
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Lets tentatively schedule a $10 draft tonight on IRC (info above) at 9pm EST. I think I can make it, but even if I can't, we'll see how many people join up and start a 4, 6 or 8. Then we can always have more throughout the week at whatever buyins/sizes people want. There's plenty of people in the chat room now if anyone is bored, although a lot of them aren't talking haha.

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Will be there. So that's two of us.$10 Draft TonightMeYoda
I'll update in mine. I'll get in this one too since my friends $50 on IRL doesn't have any openings.
if you can wait til tomorrow to get the 25 bucks I'm down
No problem, I know you're trustworthy :club:
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