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I don't know about insane, but it's rather silly to believe something on the basis that you'd rather it be true.
Yeah I know. Don't get me wrong, I don't 'believe' in things because I'd like them to be true, but in this case, I have decided to take a leap of faith. 99% of the time, I believe if in something if it makes sense for it to be true, not because it is convenient for it to be true.Things like heaven, and karma, are things where it would be fair if they were true, and it would be nice if they were true, and convenient if they were true, but there's no evidence they are true. People still believe in them though.
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Lol okay but you non-faith people aren't going to like it. By the way, I never saw this woman before or since.I was in Costco one day and I had my 3 kids with me (at that time ages 2,4 and 9). It was a very frustrating trip but I finally got my son (the 2 year old) to sit on the flatbed cart. Anyway, I was coming up to the checkout and at that moment my son decided to kick his foot out and hit a bottle of lemon juice on the cart which promptly flew off and broke. Anyway, I just lost it.Said, "Damn you N---- (not going to give his name here)!" Regretted it the moment I said it but it was just the last straw. Anyway, this woman in line ahead of me turned around and said, "Oh don't damn them, love them."Well it hit me hard what I had actually said and tears just started down my face. (Dumb me, I blubber over many many things).And then she just put her arm around me and asked, "Do you know that Jesus loves you?"And then she left. But it was a life-changer for me. I didn't become a Christian that minute but I did go home and her statement stayed with me for weeks until I ended up praying for help for myself and my children and became a believer in Christ. And yes I do believe that God sent her that day. Angel? maybe. Sent by God. I believe certainly.
that's how it happens. you bend over to clean up lemon juice & the next thing you know, you've been godomized.
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:club: I do that every single day, it's why I live near the beach. The whole reason I do science is because I am fascinated by the wonder of nature. If you think a sunset is awesome, take a look at a human brain. It's frigging incredible. The sunset is not less incredible when you know how it is producing its colors, it is even more incredible. I just think that nature does not need to contain fairies in order to be wonderful. Since it doesn't actually contain fairies, and it still is wonderful.It's a common misconception that science is about extinguishing awe, when in reality most of are in it because of the awe. I have this image framed above my desk to explicitly remind myself of the awe every day. BrainGlowSmall.jpg
Dear Sir, I don't recall how it came about but somehow I ended up on a small website you have. OMG!!! Doctor Nautilus! Seriously, it just blew me away. I think you may be getting a PM from me in the near future!
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Dear Sir, I don't recall how it came about but somehow I ended up on a small website you have. OMG!!! Doctor Nautilus! Seriously, it just blew me away. I think you may be getting a PM from me in the near future!
Uh oh, you're not supposed to be able to get from here to there. Stalker! :club:
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Congrats, DN! No doubt in my mind that your life will be altered by the Angel you met tonight, whether for a week or a lifetime. God puts people in our paths that we need to meet and it sounds like you were really needing this electricity at this point in your life!
This post makes me want to stab a puppy every time i read it (i dont have nothing against kittens)
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Uh oh, you're not supposed to be able to get from here to there. Stalker! :club:
You are VERY safe......like I said, I don't remember how I got there. However, I did save it in my favorites! LOL
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