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Rake Back Experts

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I change my mind all the time, BUT.. in 09 I think I want to do the following.Id like to play 8 tables of 2-4 nl- ( fullring) (and then move up as i get more comfortable) for 6 hours a day 4 days a week.. This is just cash games, and Sunday wil lbe dedicated to tourneyssssss as always..My question is roughly how much rakeback can I expect to recieve back at those stakes if I maintain that schedule 40-50 weeks in 09??***Assuming 27 percent RB.. Thanks!

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if you play on stars...ull prob get around .5 vpp/hand. I'm not sure how many hands/hr at fullring, but at 6max it's usually around 100 hands/hour per table. Assuming FR u get fewer hands in, we'll just assume 500 hands/hour. 500 * .5 = 250vpp/hour. 250 * 6 hrs/day * 4 days/week * 45 weeks = 270000vpps. assuming u are supernova. thats 945k fpps, and 1 fpp is around 1.6cents. so ull get around 15k in rakeback, probably a little more since ull get the 200k vpp milestone and maybe the 300k milestone.

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if you play on stars...ull prob get around .5 vpp/hand. I'm not sure how many hands/hr at fullring, but at 6max it's usually around 100 hands/hour per table. Assuming FR u get fewer hands in, we'll just assume 500 hands/hour. 500 * .5 = 250vpp/hour. 250 * 6 hrs/day * 4 days/week * 45 weeks = 270000vpps. assuming u are supernova. thats 945k fpps, and 1 fpp is around 1.6cents. so ull get around 15k in rakeback, probably a little more since ull get the 200k vpp milestone and maybe the 300k milestone.
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