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Boredament Barrage

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Ok, i'm officially bored. I got my breadmaker going and laundry washing. Hubby is sleeping and there is NOTHING on tv. Anyone wanna barrage this with me? I'll do 2 stakes. Requirements are i have to know you and you CAN'T be a scammer.

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Ok, i'm officially bored. I got my breadmaker going and laundry washing. Hubby is sleeping and there is NOTHING on tv. Anyone wanna barrage this with me? I'll do 2 stakes. Requirements are i have to know you and you CAN'T be a scammer.
I don't wanna play but I'll throw in a couple stakes to get a barrage going for RG. Also, I don't care if I know you and I prefer if you are a scammer. DrC, CanadaPoker, anyone?
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Not playing many tourneys these days, mostly cash, but I will run one for youchuckgellasch(east china)
shipping gl chuckbtw, i knew there was no h at the end
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3 hands in a rowFTR Hand History Converter Output (intended for copying and pasting into poker forums!):PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $2.00+$0.20 Tournament, 200/400 Blinds 50 Ante (9 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comMP3 (t3080)CO (t4705)Button (t6476)SB (t8150)Hero (BB) (t18980)UTG (t11852)UTG+1 (t2440)MP1 (t8695)MP2 (t3115)Hero's M: 18.08Preflop: Hero is BB with 4s, 6sUTG raises to t1200, 7 folds, Hero calls t800Flop: (t3050) 8s, 10h, 6h (2 players)Hero checks, UTG bets t2000, Hero raises to t4000, UTG calls t2000Turn: (t11050) 3s (2 players)Hero bets t6800, 1 foldTotal pot: t11050PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $2.00+$0.20 Tournament, 200/400 Blinds 50 Ante (9 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comMP2 (t3030)MP3 (t4655)CO (t6426)Button (t7900)Hero (SB) (t24780)BB (t6602)UTG (t2390)UTG+1 (t8645)MP1 (t3065)Hero's M: 23.60Preflop: Hero is SB with Qc, Qh4 folds, MP3 raises to t4605 (All-In), 1 fold, Button raises to t7850 (All-In), Hero calls t7650, BB calls t6152 (All-In)Flop: (t27307) 6s, 9s, 2h (4 players, 3 all-in)Turn: (t27307) 10c (4 players, 3 all-in)River: (t27307) 2d (4 players, 3 all-in)Total pot: t27307PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $2.00+$0.20 Tournament, 200/400 Blinds 50 Ante (8 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comUTG+1 (t2980)MP1 (t10700)MP2 (t6376)CO (t8492)Hero (Button) (t44187)SB (t2340)BB (t8595)UTG (t3015)Hero's M: 44.19Preflop: Hero is Button with 8c, Ah5 folds, Hero raises to t1000, 1 fold, BB calls t600Flop: (t2600) 6c, 10c, 4c (2 players)BB checks, Hero bets t1600, BB calls t1600Turn: (t5800) 3c (2 players)BB checks, Hero checksRiver: (t5800) 9s (2 players)BB bets t1200, Hero calls t1200Total pot: t8200

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