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Late In A 4.40

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PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $4.00+$0.40 Tournament, 125/250 Blinds 25 Ante (9 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comMP3 (t3650)CO (t18650)Button (t29000)SB (t9365)BB (t4498)Hero (UTG) (t19235)UTG+1 (t7735)MP1 (t5315)MP2 (t6270)Hero's M: 32.06Preflop: Hero is UTG with 9diamond.gif, 9club.gifHero calls t250, 2 folds, MP2 calls t250, 2 folds, Button calls t250, SB raises to t1000, 1 fold, Hero calls t750, 1 fold, Button calls t750Flop: (t3725) 2diamond.gif, 5diamond.gif, 6spade.gif(3 players)SB bets t1000, Hero raises to t3000, 2 foldsTotal pot: t5725The guy tanks and says 10 10 in the chat box. Can he say that before he makes his move? And do you call if he does thinking he might be full of crap?

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OK so forget teh chatbox, what do you do if he shoves?
It's easier to know what to do if he shoves here if you had raised preflop. If he had 3 bet a raise pf - he is usually very strong so if he goes nuts on this flop you're probably behind an overpair. In this case he could have a wider range and be making a move with all sorts which makes the decision harder. I'm guessing it's probably also a fold if he shoves given this action.I also wouldn't reraise this flop this deep - I'm happy to keep it small with a fairly weak holding - especially given you are actually covered by an enormous stack left to act.
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Yeah I guess its my "tactic" to limp in on these pots and then make decisions afterwards. Since he was the button and the flop was so dry I figured he whiffed on it. I was wrong but he still folded.Im wondeing about his chat, can he say he has tens then shove?? Because I dont think I would have called after he said that, but I would have if I wouldnt have seen it.

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I don't think I fold 10s in that spot. You 100% have 22-99 given the limp/call preflop. Less likely to have flopped the sets then have the 77-99 also.Table talk from most players usually means a monster or nothing in my experience. I'm guessing he probably had air. If he says TT then shoves thats really lame so I don't let chatbox action my decision - I'd doubt he was telling the truth though. It's not something you see often. I'm not sure if it's against the rules or not.

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