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Sickest Counterfeit Ever?

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I was on the rail for a buddy of mine in the Early Double when this happened...Full Tilt Poker Game #8142887385: Early Double - B (61819932), Table 94 - 1000/2000 Ante 250 - No Limit Hold'em - 19:42:17 ET - 2008/09/19Seat 1: kickstand1962 (33,235)Seat 2: MexDC (24,005)Seat 4: davxlm (103,482)Seat 5: Napoletian (35,084)Seat 6: Hejupa (22,296)Seat 7: SNAKE0500 (20,209)Seat 8: BlancoMonk (19,509)Seat 9: Updog84 (52,538)kickstand1962 antes 250MexDC antes 250davxlm antes 250Napoletian antes 250Hejupa antes 250SNAKE0500 antes 250BlancoMonk antes 250Updog84 antes 250Napoletian posts the small blind of 1,000Hejupa posts the big blind of 2,000The button is in seat #4*** HOLE CARDS ***SNAKE0500 foldsBlancoMonk foldsUpdog84 foldskickstand1962 foldsMexDC foldsdavxlm raises to 5,555Napoletian foldsHejupa raises to 22,046, and is all indavxlm calls 16,491Hejupa shows [8c 8s]davxlm shows [7c As]*** FLOP *** [Kh Ks Kd]*** TURN *** [Kh Ks Kd] [Kc]*** RIVER *** [Kh Ks Kd Kc] [4s]Hejupa shows four of a kind, Kingsdavxlm shows four of a kind, Kingsdavxlm wins the pot (47,092) with four of a kind, Kingsdavxlm: ouchHejupa stands up*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 47,092 | Rake 0Board: [Kh Ks Kd Kc 4s]Seat 1: kickstand1962 folded before the FlopSeat 2: MexDC folded before the FlopSeat 4: davxlm (button) showed [7c As] and won (47,092) with four of a kind, KingsSeat 5: Napoletian (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 6: Hejupa (big blind) showed [8c 8s] and lost with four of a kind, KingsSeat 7: SNAKE0500 folded before the FlopSeat 8: BlancoMonk folded before the FlopSeat 9: Updog84 folded before the FlopSo...****ing...sick.

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Is this one better?I hold 88 in the pocket, Villain makes standard raise, I callFlop comes 228. Since I'm short I slow play through to the river and villain checks with me.Turn J, river J, I go all-in villain shows AJ for a better full house. After the flop I was 99% favorite.Full Tilt is rigged!Sorry if I counterfeited your thread. :club:

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Is this one better?I hold 88 in the pocket, Villain makes standard raise, I callFlop comes 228. Since I'm short I slow play through to the river and villain checks with me.Turn J, river J, I go all-in villain shows AJ for a better full house. After the flop I was 99% favorite.Full Tilt is rigged!Sorry if I counterfeited your thread. :club:
That's not a counterfeit; you just simply got sucked out on.
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That's not a counterfeit; you just simply got sucked out on.
Oh.What's the difference?
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Oh.What's the difference?
Counterfeit is when you have a pair lets say JJ, and are up against A10. The board comes down KKQQ2, well your pair has been counterfeited by the 2 pair on the board higher than yours and the A10 rakes in the pot with the higher kicker. Make since now?
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Counterfeit is when you have a pair lets say JJ, and are up against A10. The board comes down KKQQ2, well your pair has been counterfeited by the 2 pair on the board higher than yours and the A10 rakes in the pot with the higher kicker. Make since now?
Not really making "since".The Jack on the river improved both hands and made the other hand a winner, but whatever.
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Not really making "since".The Jack on the river improved both hands and made the other hand a winner, but whatever.
I was referring to the 1st hand, missed that second hand thrown in there. Guess next time I will pay more attention and spell sense right! :club:
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Not really making "since".The Jack on the river improved both hands and made the other hand a winner, but whatever.
Exactly. Since your cards played to make a hand at showdown, it wasn't counterfeited. It's a counterfeit if one or both of your cards do not play due to the strength of a board.
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