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Villain is running at 20.00% /12.86%/ 1.78. He has only three bet me once before and I folded, so I didn't get any info.I am running at 30.30% /19.70%/ 1.69.Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (6 handed) Full-Tilt Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver Cards)Button ($14.05)SB ($25.55)BB ($14.75)UTG ($7.80)Hero ($32.60)CO ($27)Preflop: Hero is MP with kh.gif, ah.gif. 1 fold, Hero raises to $0.85, 2 folds, SB raises to $2.9, 1 fold, Hero raises to $10.1, SB calls $6.45.Flop: ($19.70) 6c.gif, 5c.gif, 3c.gif(2 players)SB checks, Hero...Do we shove here hoping he folds? Or do we check and give up the pot, because he is obv going to bet any turn.Thanks.

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against a villain with those stats you should either just be calling the 3bet with position, or 4bet shoving (while mixing in AA and KK into this action). you're not folding anything on this flop that called that 4bet. just take the free card.EDIT - your preflop stats of 30/19 seem a little spewy to me. you're either open-limping (big sin) or just flat calling too many raises preflop.

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I agree on both points. But my reasoning for not shoving pre-flop is that I wanted him to think I had aces or kings, which I think most people would 4-bet like I did rather than just shoving there trying to induce a call. Not sure if this is good thinking, but its what I thought regardless.And yes, I am not in love with my stats. I am working on it.

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I agree on both points. But my reasoning for not shoving pre-flop is that I wanted him to think I had aces or kings, which I think most people would 4-bet like I did rather than just shoving there trying to induce a call. Not sure if this is good thinking, but its what I thought regardless.
The trouble with this is that after you 4-bet without shoving, you really can't fold preflop because of all the dead $ in there. So you end up in the same situation against AA/KK that you would if you shoved while not applying max pressure to QQ-/AK. And sometimes you end up in gross spots like this when villain refuses to fold QQ but doesn't shove it either.Against this villain, it's probably better just to call the 3bet preflop and play poker.
And yes, I am not in love with my stats. I am working on it.
Sorry if I sounded mean or anything. Not my intent.
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Do you have any reason to believe that he will fold JJ or QQ here? Because that is what you're looking at here usually like 100% of the time. Otherwise it's another AK.I think I lean towards checking behind and folding pretty much every turn card except a non club A or K. It's just incredibly risky to shove here and find a guy that (they're pretty common btw) won't fold QQ or JJ, but won't put their money in unless you make them. Plus it's going to be fairly common he has QcQx or JcJx.Like Nomad said, you should be looking to 4 bet shove this pretty often too. Making it $10 is just sort of spewy if you really intend to fold flops like these. Don't try to make people think you have aces or kings, because at 25nl, they are just like "IT'S ****ING POCKET QUEENS, WTF, STOP RAISING ME, OMGZ."

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Give up on this flop/hand. He's virtually never folding any pair here and if he's got AK, he's way more likely to have a club than you are, since you have none :club:

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