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43,873 at break.if i reraise the 3rd nuts there, i'm gonna run into A. bluff (unlikely) B. chop the pot with an Ace C. get shoved on and put myself to a gay spot.
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43,873 at break.if i reraise the 3rd nuts there, i'm gonna run into A. bluff (unlikely) B. chop the pot with an Ace C. get shoved on and put myself to a gay spot.
Tru and ty, for the thought process Baxter<---- MTT donk
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whoopsFull Tilt Poker Game #5299716791: FTOPS Main Event (35825263), Table 188 - 1000/2000 Ante 250 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:20:55 ET - 2008/02/17Seat 1: peterpan777 (81,960)Seat 2: lyras (22,364)Seat 3: guesswho3 (22,568)Seat 4: weeminer (48,473)Seat 5: krazykwanza (24,190)Seat 6: ComeOnPhish1 (77,246)Seat 7: SleepingCell (71,427)Seat 8: Stickman0 (106,287)Seat 9: DBmeplz (17,340)peterpan777 antes 250lyras antes 250guesswho3 antes 250weeminer antes 250krazykwanza antes 250ComeOnPhish1 antes 250SleepingCell antes 250Stickman0 antes 250DBmeplz antes 250peterpan777 posts the small blind of 1,000lyras posts the big blind of 2,000The button is in seat #9*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to DBmeplz [5h 6s]guesswho3 foldsweeminer foldskrazykwanza foldsComeOnPhish1 foldsSleepingCell foldsStickman0 foldsDBmeplz has 15 seconds left to actDBmeplz raises to 17,090, and is all inpeterpan777 foldslyras calls 15,090DBmeplz shows [5h 6s]lyras shows [Td Ts]DBmeplz: lol*** FLOP *** [3s 5c 7h]*** TURN *** [3s 5c 7h] [8d]*** RIVER *** [3s 5c 7h 8d] [4h]DBmeplz shows a straight, Eight highlyras shows a pair of TensDBmeplz wins the pot (37,430) with a straight, Eight high*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 37,430 | Rake 0Board: [3s 5c 7h 8d 4h]Seat 1: peterpan777 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 2: lyras (big blind) showed [Td Ts] and lost with a pair of TensSeat 3: guesswho3 folded before the FlopSeat 4: weeminer folded before the FlopSeat 5: krazykwanza folded before the FlopSeat 6: ComeOnPhish1 folded before the FlopSeat 7: SleepingCell folded before the FlopSeat 8: Stickman0 folded before the FlopSeat 9: DBmeplz (button) showed [5h 6s] and won (37,430) with a straight, Eight high

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WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFull Tilt Poker Game #5299716791: FTOPS Main Event (35825263), Table 188 - 1000/2000 Ante 250 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:20:55 ET - 2008/02/17Seat 1: peterpan777 (81,960)Seat 2: lyras (22,364)Seat 3: guesswho3 (22,568)Seat 4: weeminer (48,473)Seat 5: krazykwanza (24,190)Seat 6: ComeOnPhish1 (77,246)Seat 7: SleepingCell (71,427)Seat 8: Stickman0 (106,287)Seat 9: DBmeplz (17,340)peterpan777 antes 250lyras antes 250guesswho3 antes 250weeminer antes 250krazykwanza antes 250ComeOnPhish1 antes 250SleepingCell antes 250Stickman0 antes 250DBmeplz antes 250peterpan777 posts the small blind of 1,000lyras posts the big blind of 2,000The button is in seat #9*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to DBmeplz [5h 6s]guesswho3 foldsweeminer foldskrazykwanza foldsComeOnPhish1 foldsSleepingCell foldsStickman0 foldsDBmeplz has 15 seconds left to actDBmeplz raises to 17,090, and is all inpeterpan777 foldslyras calls 15,090DBmeplz shows [5h 6s]lyras shows [Td Ts]DBmeplz: lol*** FLOP *** [3s 5c 7h]*** TURN *** [3s 5c 7h] [8d]*** RIVER *** [3s 5c 7h 8d] [4h]DBmeplz shows a straight, Eight highlyras shows a pair of TensDBmeplz wins the pot (37,430) with a straight, Eight high*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 37,430 | Rake 0Board: [3s 5c 7h 8d 4h]Seat 1: peterpan777 (small blind) folded before the FlopSeat 2: lyras (big blind) showed [Td Ts] and lost with a pair of TensSeat 3: guesswho3 folded before the FlopSeat 4: weeminer folded before the FlopSeat 5: krazykwanza folded before the FlopSeat 6: ComeOnPhish1 folded before the FlopSeat 7: SleepingCell folded before the FlopSeat 8: Stickman0 folded before the FlopSeat 9: DBmeplz (button) showed [5h 6s] and won (37,430) with a straight, Eight high
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LETS GOOOOOOOOFull Tilt Poker Game #5300002327: FTOPS Main Event (35825263), Table 188 - 1200/2400 Ante 300 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:44:44 ET - 2008/02/17Seat 1: peterpan777 (142,068)Seat 2: jman5j23 (51,864)Seat 3: jojo37 (148,436)Seat 4: weeminer (57,535)Seat 5: PiMpSlApPeD (67,178)Seat 6: ComeOnPhish1 (68,568)Seat 7: SleepingCell (47,232)Seat 8: Stickman0 (199,139)Seat 9: DBmeplz (30,330)peterpan777 antes 300jman5j23 antes 300jojo37 antes 300weeminer antes 300PiMpSlApPeD antes 300ComeOnPhish1 antes 300SleepingCell antes 300Stickman0 antes 300DBmeplz antes 300Stickman0 posts the small blind of 1,200DBmeplz posts the big blind of 2,400The button is in seat #7*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to DBmeplz [Ks Kd]peterpan777 foldsjman5j23 raises to 6,800jojo37 foldsweeminer foldsPiMpSlApPeD calls 6,800ComeOnPhish1 foldsSleepingCell foldsStickman0 has 15 seconds left to actStickman0 has requested TIMEStickman0 calls 5,600DBmeplz has 15 seconds left to actDBmeplz raises to 30,030, and is all injman5j23 has 15 seconds left to actjman5j23 has requested TIMEjman5j23 foldsPiMpSlApPeD has 15 seconds left to actPiMpSlApPeD foldsStickman0 calls 23,230DBmeplz shows [Ks Kd]Stickman0 shows [5c 5d]*** FLOP *** [2c Ac Qs]*** TURN *** [2c Ac Qs] [8h]*** RIVER *** [2c Ac Qs 8h] [9h]DBmeplz shows a pair of KingsStickman0 shows a pair of FivesDBmeplz wins the pot (76,360) with a pair of Kings*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 76,360 | Rake 0Board: [2c Ac Qs 8h 9h]Seat 1: peterpan777 folded before the FlopSeat 2: jman5j23 folded before the FlopSeat 3: jojo37 folded before the FlopSeat 4: weeminer folded before the FlopSeat 5: PiMpSlApPeD folded before the FlopSeat 6: ComeOnPhish1 folded before the FlopSeat 7: SleepingCell (button) folded before the FlopSeat 8: Stickman0 (small blind) showed [5c 5d] and lost with a pair of FivesSeat 9: DBmeplz (big blind) showed [Ks Kd] and won (76,360) with a pair of Kings

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knocked out eli elezra (real?) and then got donked by barry manilow (im sure not real) when i raised UTG, he called with J9, then called an almost PSB with J9 on a QJ3 board, then went ahead and spiked a jack for good measure. I know that my play was exuding '2nd pair 9 kicker is good, just keeping calling till you hit something else you like'

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on break. I HAVE SO MUCH WORK TO DO!!!!!!i got 43,448blinds gonna be 2500/5000 600i'm gonna be in the hijack so hopefully i can make a move soon.ty for the railers, much appreciated.

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