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What's The Weakest Hand You'll Call With Here?

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Grabbed an old hand history and modified it for this post.PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t400 (6 handed) Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)UTG (t1500)MP (t11208)CO (t3895)Button (t3273)SB (t850)Hero (t3500)Preflop: Hero is BB with ??. UTG raises to t1500 (and is all in), 5 folds.Pot: t1500 (UTG's stack), t400 (BB), t200 (SB), t150 (antes).Total Pot: 2250To Call: 1100I have been calling here pretty lightly but I think I need to tighten up a bit.

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Has UTG made any steals during the orbit prior to this hand? Or has he folded through the orbit?He's pretty desperate, which gives him a pretty wide range, but if this is his first push of the orbit that tells me he doesn't have an understanding of low M play (is this a $1.75?). IMO that actually tightens his range a bit because he's folded his other hands and decided to push now, in the worst position. I'd venture to guess his range is probably any PP, Ax, KQ, KJ, QJ. You're getting about 2-1 on the call, so the question is what range would give you better than 2-1 against this range.I haven't done the calculation, but I'd probably want something along the lines of 88+ or A7+ here.

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Any pair, any ace, any two face cards, lots of other hands, this is close to being any two cards.Text results appended to pokerstove.txt 6,760,176,192 games 0.005 secs 1,352,035,238,400 games/secBoard: Dead: equity win tie pots won pots tied Hand 0: 61.583% 59.76% 01.82% 4040190456 122915748.00 { 22+, A2s+, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, A2o+, KTo+, QTo+, JTo }Hand 1: 38.417% 36.60% 01.82% 2474154240 122915748.00 { JTo }

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One thing you have to realize here is that he is UTG which means he will be BB next hand so hes going to be pushing with any marginal hands in this spot. You do have to call with any pair or even kq or better the odds are too much in your favor to have this best hand in this spot.

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Independent Chip Modelling is an attempt to convert T$ to real $It bases it's calculations on the amount of chips you have, the amount of chips everybody else has, how many people are left in the tournament and what the payout structure is.It's complicated and if you want to find out more about it there's tonnes out there if you google it.I'm not an ICM expert, but i don't really think it could be applied very well here.

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Independent Chip Modelling is an attempt to convert T$ to real $It bases it's calculations on the amount of chips you have, the amount of chips everybody else has, how many people are left in the tournament and what the payout structure is.It's complicated and if you want to find out more about it there's tonnes out there if you google it.I'm not an ICM expert, but i don't really think it could be applied very well here.
According to an article I am reading you can use pokerstove in conjunction with ICM to work out if a call is +EV. I am not sure exactly how it works yet though. It seems pretty math heavy.http://www.pokerhelper.com/icm-1.php
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Be careful when you use it, i'm not an expert, but Simo's raised some objections with the validity of it's results and it's by no means a completely accurate algorythm imo.Though yeh it'd be interesting to look at and see how T$ relate to real $

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88(maybe no less than 99)-AA, any two broadways, Ax.Even if he's short and desperate, we want to have a good shot at busting him and not to hand a short stack extra chips. I've seen enough desperate stacks UTG wake up with broadways and good pairs to set the bar where I have it.

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