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Aqh... Re-raised Preflop

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PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t150 (9 handed) Poker Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)BB (t2425)UTG (t4635)Hero (t7064)MP1 (t8200)MP2 (t4797)MP3 (t2246)CO (t1369)Button (t4150)SB (t2135)Preflop: Hero is UTG+1 with Q :club: , A :D . 1 fold, Hero raises to t400, 1 fold, MP2 calls t400, MP3 calls t400, 3 folds, BB raises to t1200, Hero ?????1. Calls and sees the flop.2. Jams.3. Folds.

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Depending on reads, I'm either jamming or folding here. Calling isn't an option for me, since I don't want MP2 and MP3 along for the ride, and villain's considerably short. Most of the time I will jam here, since I'll assume that MP2 and MP3 will fold to an isopush and hence there will be enough dead money in the pot to justify it.

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His raise for half his stack is very suspicious - the only reason for him not to push is because he's hoping you'll call or reraise. So I think there is a good chance you're behind a big PP here. But with the dead money in the pot, BB with only 1200 more behind, and assuming the callers will fold to a push (and even if they don't, you have them all covered), I'd just jam.

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Calling sucks here..I think we should throw that option out right nowIf I did the math right, if we shove and get the other two players to fold and the BB calls (which I think is a fair assumption) we are basically getting 1.90 on our money, which treats the BB as an all in shove with all his money going in the first time, if that makes sense..That means we need about 34% equity to make it a break even play...Under a normal, reshoving player's range where he just goes all in the first time and doesn't sally around w/ the half stack raise, I think AQs has enough equity to make that call..However he made the 1/2 stack, I have a monster, lets 3x up type raise, which makes me think we have to weigh QQ-AA more heavily, which really puts us in a bad spot...I think that makes it a fold

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I'd agree with Throwemaway's analysis - you have to treat this as an all-in pot odds question and the 1/2 stack raise with three players already in is inviting action. I think that the likelihood that he has us crushed goes way up and I'd fold.

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I made the right fold.... well, kinda. Re-raiser had 1010... other person CALLED the raise... flop came Q x Q... I would have gone running hearts for the win.Oh, dude who smooth called preflop had AQ!BBFIDTS!!!!!

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