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Wsop Bracelet Winner Arrested

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Gee. Great Idea. But why stop there?Let's make a Hierarchy of Offenses - we'll just use your sense of Priorities, I'm sure it reflects all of society's. We will rank all crimes in order from worst to most minor. We will forbid the Police from pursuing any lower crimes until ALL crimes higher on the spectrum are eliminated.I should be able to speed until child abuse is completely eliminated.
I would of never believed this even after seeing it until I actually logged onto the newspaper's site to verify it and I find the whole thing redundantly comical.Police are sworn to protect and serve the public not annoy and inconvienance. If this district has so little to do that they have to bust up a home poker game I think its time to make some budget cut backs. If you go to the casino or a home game to play poker you know what you are getting into. This is a victimless crime and total waste of police resources. They guys 82 at his house probably hosting a game amongst friends with maybe a few unfamiliar faces but none the less they are hanging out and passing the time without menacing society. Its on their property its in their comfort of their home and its not hurting anyone. Whether someone got felted and tipped them off or whatever lead to the raid this is total police harassment IMO. There are over 20,000 murders a year unsolved in my state alone. There are over 600,000 Victimful crimes unsolved each year in my state alone. Would you rather have this guy selling weed out his mailbox to kids in the neighborhood?Would you rather him out hunting squirrels on his front lawn of a neighborhood of 200 houses?Would you rather have him running through your neighborhood on a 4-wheeler? Who is the victim here?????Who is he hurting? Did he force people to come play at his or was it voluntary? And yes I totally agree police officers should take care of more offensive victimful crimes before they start enforcing victimless and petty crimes. Like speeding and parking meters, and cracked winshields, and broken brake lights, seat belts, turn with no signal, etc............... These are all victimless infractions that I dont need someone pulling me over holding me on the side of the road telling me my windshield is cracked and issue me a ticket for $100+ or whatever the case may be. If i had the money to fix the windshield I would of. Now i got to spend 100 for you reminding of the obvious and then whatever it costs. I dont need some guy walking the streets with a clip board handing out $80+tickets cuz that person didnt have a quater!!!!!!!!!!!!! I damn sure dont need some guy sitting on the side of the road supposively protecting and serving the public by handing out speeding tickets to Mom & Pop in the minivan on their way home from opening fishing, or grandma and grandpa on their way to the christmas party for doing 5-10-15 miles over the speed limit. I dont need to see 12 squad scars set up on a free way on memorial weekend just looking for the average joe in a hurry to get to thier cabin to hang with their peers. Theres definetly more important things out there to utilize police resources for other then victimless revenue generating petty bullshit tickets. If you havent guessed I hate everything about police and will not hold my tongue to their face or behind their back. HATE THEM just for the job they hold. They do way more harm than good. And there is no disputing that.
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I would of never believed this even after seeing it until I actually logged onto the newspaper's site to verify it and I find the whole thing redundantly comical.Police are sworn to protect and serve the public not annoy and inconvienance. If this district has so little to do that they have to bust up a home poker game I think its time to make some budget cut backs. If you go to the casino or a home game to play poker you know what you are getting into. This is a victimless crime and total waste of police resources. They guys 82 at his house probably hosting a game amongst friends with maybe a few unfamiliar faces but none the less they are hanging out and passing the time without menacing society. Its on their property its in their comfort of their home and its not hurting anyone. Whether someone got felted and tipped them off or whatever lead to the raid this is total police harassment IMO. There are over 20,000 murders a year unsolved in my state alone. There are over 600,000 Victimful crimes unsolved each year in my state alone. Would you rather have this guy selling weed out his mailbox to kids in the neighborhood?Would you rather him out hunting squirrels on his front lawn of a neighborhood of 200 houses?Would you rather have him running through your neighborhood on a 4-wheeler? Who is the victim here?????Who is he hurting? Did he force people to come play at his or was it voluntary? And yes I totally agree police officers should take care of more offensive victimful crimes before they start enforcing victimless and petty crimes. Like speeding and parking meters, and cracked winshields, and broken brake lights, seat belts, turn with no signal, etc............... These are all victimless infractions that I dont need someone pulling me over holding me on the side of the road telling me my windshield is cracked and issue me a ticket for $100+ or whatever the case may be. If i had the money to fix the windshield I would of. Now i got to spend 100 for you reminding of the obvious and then whatever it costs. I dont need some guy walking the streets with a clip board handing out $80+tickets cuz that person didnt have a quater!!!!!!!!!!!!! I damn sure dont need some guy sitting on the side of the road supposively protecting and serving the public by handing out speeding tickets to Mom & Pop in the minivan on their way home from opening fishing, or grandma and grandpa on their way to the christmas party for doing 5-10-15 miles over the speed limit. I dont need to see 12 squad scars set up on a free way on memorial weekend just looking for the average joe in a hurry to get to thier cabin to hang with their peers. Theres definetly more important things out there to utilize police resources for other then victimless revenue generating petty bullshit tickets. If you havent guessed I hate everything about police and will not hold my tongue to their face or behind their back. HATE THEM just for the job they hold. They do way more harm than good. And there is no disputing that.
"Victimless" crime is crime nonetheless. To "Hate Everyting about police" is blind aggression against authority that makes you sound like a teenager full of angst and arrogance. Police and the laws they enforce are a reflection of the will of Society. Neither are they "sworn to protect and serve" nor is their enforcement of the laws mere annoyance and inconvienance- except to the criminals who chose to break said laws. You act like if "this guy" wasn't chosing to break the local gambling laws then his only alternative is to be breaking other laws or committing other annoyances. Huh?You can't arrogantly selectively choose which laws you think are reasonable and therefore decide that your cracked windshield or decision to speed whenever noone else will be affected is therefore OK.Not your choice to make.
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"Victimless" crime is crime nonetheless. To "Hate Everyting about police" is blind aggression against authority that makes you sound like a teenager full of angst and arrogance. Police and the laws they enforce are a reflection of the will of Society. Neither are they "sworn to protect and serve" nor is their enforcement of the laws mere annoyance and inconvienance- except to the criminals who chose to break said laws. You act like if "this guy" wasn't chosing to break the local gambling laws then his only alternative is to be breaking other laws or committing other annoyances. Huh?You can't arrogantly selectively choose which laws you think are reasonable and therefore decide that your cracked windshield or decision to speed whenever noone else will be affected is therefore OK.Not your choice to make.
Why isnt my choice to make??? America is a democracy meaning we the people have the power if we so choose to take it. We should not fear our government our government should fear us. And in a democracy policy is passed/formed based on majority belief. When did our government stop considering our voice? Meaning I was never consulted on the local gambling laws. I was never consulted on the local speeding laws. I was never asked my thoughts on whether or not I want an individual in some ramped up Halloweeen costume patroling the streets looking for ways to take money out of my pocket and transfer it into theirs. I NEVER said this guy didnt choose to break the law. He did break the law, but who wrote that law? Who is harmed if that law is broken? Why was that law written? Why is their an individual out there actively looking for people breaking this law? Was I or you ever consulted on how we want the police officers to utilize the tax dollars they take out of everyone's paycheck for policing society? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What you fail to understand isn't transparent to you because you have never had to struggle. You make think you have had to struggle, and come against all odds but I assure you I am no kid no teenager and have come up from despair far below anything you have ever imagined and the police are LITERALLY a variation of organized crime. ALL OF THEM. THEIR INITIAL SOLE PURPOSE OF BEING IN TODAYS WORLD IS REVENUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT POLICING, NOT PROTECTING, NOT SERVING. THEY TAKE AN OATH TO POLICE, PROTECT AND TO SERVER. ITS WRITTEN ON EVERY DOOR OF EVERY SQUAD CAR IN AMERICA. ITS WRITTEN ON EVERY ALLOY'D BADGE PINNED TO THEIR CHEST TO POLICE, SWORN TO PROTECT AND SERVE. Yet all they do is aggressively seek means, situations, and ways to create revenue. NOTHING ELSE. And they target the struggling to no end. You think I am blind and arrogant. Theres a jail a federal jail I had the priviledge to investigate and document a couple years back. It didnt even exist 8 years ago now its the long sprawling extension of the Sherburne County Courthouse that butts up next to a waterside park and a suburban housing developement seconds out of downtown ELK RIVER, MN. Elk River is a town with one school and a city that is no more than 6 blocks long. Yet they have found a reason and the money to build a federal holding center and massive city jail system for a town in the middle of nowhere. There housing detainee's from the city of Elk River is 92% of the population. The police of that city got what they wanted. They got a huge federal governmetn contract to build this new jail for Federal prisoners waiting to go to court. We(america) didnt have enough places for ppl to just sit and wait we needed one in the middle of this rural township? Really we needed a place built in Minnesota to house ppl from Florida waiting trial? Really thats what a portion of my taxes were used for? Wish I would of known when that meeting was so I could of voice my opinion. O wait they never held anything. They told the public for the 2 years it took to build this they were just expanding the courthouse to hold more public needed services like social services, housing accomodations, wellfare, etc. No one said anything about parole officers, probation officers, and 20 more patroling officers for a town of 3,000 people. Keep in mind this is just one city in America. And its not the crime mecca of the nation by any means. And since no one in the city public was aware of this and didnt vote on allowing it. the city council entered a new bill to its residents that basically sais .008% of all sales tax will be transfered to costs of the jail, 1% of all taxes paid in from paychecks will be sent to jail costs, and (wait for it) all local fines in the city of ELK RIVER and its township zip codes for sherburne county will increase 35% to pay for cost of the jail nobody wanted. On top of all that they consider the extra 20 patroling officers apart of the jail costs even though they never enter the jail except to drop off offenders. Do you know what the salary is for a police officer in Elk RIver is?? They had 9 officers patroling the streets before all this. Now they have 29 and yes even me and you not living in this state or county now help pay the salary of 20 more UNNEEDED officers for a city that averaged 100 incarcerated individuals for a rolling calendar of 365 days. What am I getting at??? Keep reading the clarity will come to you. They warehouse individuals that could best be categorized as "GOOFBALLS". No harm to society no harm to themselves no harm to anyone just a bunch of conglomarate GOOFBALLS. And after (for whatever reason they got incarcerated) sitting in a "pod" as they call it now; were you do nothing but read books, watch basic TV, play 3-4 different board games, or numerous card games for 12 hours day only to repeat this whole process over until the length of their sentence is up. No rehabilitation goes on. No form of counceling or anything with positive reinforcement goes on. Nothing, nothing more than glorified babysitting. No stabbings, no rapings, no smuggling, no assaults, no intense "movie" stare down drama built up tension race wars, nothing but average joes sitting around passing the time by playing cards, reading, board games or watchign tv. While they wait for someone to cook them 3 meals a day. And if they dont like the food they can have someone bring them money to put on thier account and they can go shopping at the local JAIL Grocery store that holds everything but marks it up 900% to help pay for costs of this jail no one wanted. If you ever make it to this place or interview the incarcerated here or sit in a courtroom in this county you would probably cry from laughing so hard. WHen you find out that people are getting tickets for sticker displacement. Yeah you know the tabs everyone has to have on their license plate. Do you know the proper location of these tabs? The EXACT location???? If not you better find out befor driving through those parts cuz it will cost you $283 dollars or you can choose to do 2 days in jail if you cant afford to pay it. Or you might hear about something like 5 kids under 13 that were on there own private property on a summer day and building a fort to hang out in for the summer who got cited and fined $312/piece for building a permanent structure without the proper permit and violation of zoning laws. Or theres the speed traps that will cite anyone at anytime for even a half mile over. And once they get you once they actively seek your car out to try and get you 2 more within a year so that your license can be suspended. How much are the speeding tickets for a mile over the posted speed limit in your area? Your neighboring area? There $232 in Sherburne county. How many speeders go to jail to pay their fine? Did I forget to mention thats 232 per mile. I could go on and on. I have investigated many police stations many police officers and many jails. This example here is extreme but a fair shake on how police around the country outside of major cities actually operate. This about how police do more harm than good that you cant seem to believe. First they somehow convinced federal authorites that they needed a temp jail to house federal inamtes from around the country from around the world. Why? Cuz the federal government pays them $88/day per federal inmate. On top of that the federal government also pays them $66/day for local inmates. How did a city that only incarcerated 100 per year jump to a city that now incacerates on average 212 people a day????????????????????? Was there really this much crime going on but they had nowhere to put them, not the resources to go after all this crime? Was this the last known crime mecca on the face of the earth? Not to mention they already get paid by the federal governement (yours & mine tax dollars) they also issue bills to each inmate released. Thats a good idea actually make the inmate pay for his crime right so they dont have to bill you and me. Nope!!!!! They keep the federal money that was already paid to them and then instead of even trying to recoupe from the inmate (they billed for $66/day or $88/day) they sell it to a third party collection agency for 20-40 cents on the dollar and let the collection agency hound them under the FDCPA. Because a jail is not allowed to garnish wages or hound an inmate for a bill under law but collections agency have much easier protocols to fal under. So they keep the federal money and since they couldnt recoup them selves directly they use the loss as a tax write off and keep whatever they get from the collection agency as a profit. They have no crime syndicates or other large criminal forcers lurkign around so they prey on the very people they were sworn to protect. The local boy, mom & pop, grandam and grandpa, neighbor john, and friend kelly or who ever is unfortunate enough to live in these borders living from paycheck to paycheck is now getting shaken down by their local law enforcement that they didnt want there in the first place. That didnt need there. But because this new jail just had to be built now someone has to pay for it. But hey they built to be easy on the eyes. No razor wire, no watch tower, no armed guards patroling the paremete. Its a stone building with frosted slitted windows right next to a waterside park and suburban neighborhood and a block away from the local gas station, tanning bed, and a starbucks. I am no kid I am not ignorant to the fact of in todays society we are not free. You can get a ticket for crossing the street in the wrong place. We are babysat to no end and our law enforcement have transformed from honorable pillars in the community to a SHADY FORTUNE 500 business. "Police and the laws they enforce are a reflection of the will of Society. " Think this society willed this? Does society really want someone to have the power to pull you over and tell you to buckle your seat belt in combo with a fine for the reminder? POLICE ARE SWORN TO PROTECT AND SERVE. Their whole purpose from the start of the academy to putting on the uniform is to protect and serve you, me, THE PUBLIC. THATS THEIR JOB. TO PROTECT AND SERVE US. NOT SWINDLE, STEAL, ANNOY, INCONVIENANCE AND CON.
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Why isnt my choice to make??? America is a democracy meaning we the people have the power if we so choose to take it. We should not fear our government our government should fear us. And in a democracy policy is passed/formed based on majority belief. When did our government stop considering our voice? Meaning I was never consulted on the local gambling laws. I was never consulted on the local speeding laws. I was never asked my thoughts on whether or not I want an individual in some ramped up Halloweeen costume patroling the streets looking for ways to take money out of my pocket and transfer it into theirs. I NEVER said this guy didnt choose to break the law. He did break the law, but who wrote that law? Who is harmed if that law is broken? Why was that law written? Why is their an individual out there actively looking for people breaking this law? Was I or you ever consulted on how we want the police officers to utilize the tax dollars they take out of everyone's paycheck for policing society? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What you fail to understand isn't transparent to you because you have never had to struggle. You make think you have had to struggle, and come against all odds but I assure you I am no kid no teenager and have come up from despair far below anything you have ever imagined and the police are LITERALLY a variation of organized crime. ALL OF THEM. THEIR INITIAL SOLE PURPOSE OF BEING IN TODAYS WORLD IS REVENUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT POLICING, NOT PROTECTING, NOT SERVING. THEY TAKE AN OATH TO POLICE, PROTECT AND TO SERVER. ITS WRITTEN ON EVERY DOOR OF EVERY SQUAD CAR IN AMERICA. ITS WRITTEN ON EVERY ALLOY'D BADGE PINNED TO THEIR CHEST TO POLICE, SWORN TO PROTECT AND SERVE. Yet all they do is aggressively seek means, situations, and ways to create revenue. NOTHING ELSE. And they target the struggling to no end. You think I am blind and arrogant. Theres a jail a federal jail I had the priviledge to investigate and document a couple years back. It didnt even exist 8 years ago now its the long sprawling extension of the Sherburne County Courthouse that butts up next to a waterside park and a suburban housing developement seconds out of downtown ELK RIVER, MN. Elk River is a town with one school and a city that is no more than 6 blocks long. Yet they have found a reason and the money to build a federal holding center and massive city jail system for a town in the middle of nowhere. There housing detainee's from the city of Elk River is 92% of the population. The police of that city got what they wanted. They got a huge federal governmetn contract to build this new jail for Federal prisoners waiting to go to court. We(america) didnt have enough places for ppl to just sit and wait we needed one in the middle of this rural township? Really we needed a place built in Minnesota to house ppl from Florida waiting trial? Really thats what a portion of my taxes were used for? Wish I would of known when that meeting was so I could of voice my opinion. O wait they never held anything. They told the public for the 2 years it took to build this they were just expanding the courthouse to hold more public needed services like social services, housing accomodations, wellfare, etc. No one said anything about parole officers, probation officers, and 20 more patroling officers for a town of 3,000 people. Keep in mind this is just one city in America. And its not the crime mecca of the nation by any means. And since no one in the city public was aware of this and didnt vote on allowing it. the city council entered a new bill to its residents that basically sais .008% of all sales tax will be transfered to costs of the jail, 1% of all taxes paid in from paychecks will be sent to jail costs, and (wait for it) all local fines in the city of ELK RIVER and its township zip codes for sherburne county will increase 35% to pay for cost of the jail nobody wanted. On top of all that they consider the extra 20 patroling officers apart of the jail costs even though they never enter the jail except to drop off offenders. Do you know what the salary is for a police officer in Elk RIver is?? They had 9 officers patroling the streets before all this. Now they have 29 and yes even me and you not living in this state or county now help pay the salary of 20 more UNNEEDED officers for a city that averaged 100 incarcerated individuals for a rolling calendar of 365 days. What am I getting at??? Keep reading the clarity will come to you. They warehouse individuals that could best be categorized as "GOOFBALLS". No harm to society no harm to themselves no harm to anyone just a bunch of conglomarate GOOFBALLS. And after (for whatever reason they got incarcerated) sitting in a "pod" as they call it now; were you do nothing but read books, watch basic TV, play 3-4 different board games, or numerous card games for 12 hours day only to repeat this whole process over until the length of their sentence is up. No rehabilitation goes on. No form of counceling or anything with positive reinforcement goes on. Nothing, nothing more than glorified babysitting. No stabbings, no rapings, no smuggling, no assaults, no intense "movie" stare down drama built up tension race wars, nothing but average joes sitting around passing the time by playing cards, reading, board games or watchign tv. While they wait for someone to cook them 3 meals a day. And if they dont like the food they can have someone bring them money to put on thier account and they can go shopping at the local JAIL Grocery store that holds everything but marks it up 900% to help pay for costs of this jail no one wanted. If you ever make it to this place or interview the incarcerated here or sit in a courtroom in this county you would probably cry from laughing so hard. WHen you find out that people are getting tickets for sticker displacement. Yeah you know the tabs everyone has to have on their license plate. Do you know the proper location of these tabs? The EXACT location???? If not you better find out befor driving through those parts cuz it will cost you $283 dollars or you can choose to do 2 days in jail if you cant afford to pay it. Or you might hear about something like 5 kids under 13 that were on there own private property on a summer day and building a fort to hang out in for the summer who got cited and fined $312/piece for building a permanent structure without the proper permit and violation of zoning laws. Or theres the speed traps that will cite anyone at anytime for even a half mile over. And once they get you once they actively seek your car out to try and get you 2 more within a year so that your license can be suspended. How much are the speeding tickets for a mile over the posted speed limit in your area? Your neighboring area? There $232 in Sherburne county. How many speeders go to jail to pay their fine? Did I forget to mention thats 232 per mile. I could go on and on. I have investigated many police stations many police officers and many jails. This example here is extreme but a fair shake on how police around the country outside of major cities actually operate. This about how police do more harm than good that you cant seem to believe. First they somehow convinced federal authorites that they needed a temp jail to house federal inamtes from around the country from around the world. Why? Cuz the federal government pays them $88/day per federal inmate. On top of that the federal government also pays them $66/day for local inmates. How did a city that only incarcerated 100 per year jump to a city that now incacerates on average 212 people a day????????????????????? Was there really this much crime going on but they had nowhere to put them, not the resources to go after all this crime? Was this the last known crime mecca on the face of the earth? Not to mention they already get paid by the federal governement (yours & mine tax dollars) they also issue bills to each inmate released. Thats a good idea actually make the inmate pay for his crime right so they dont have to bill you and me. Nope!!!!! They keep the federal money that was already paid to them and then instead of even trying to recoupe from the inmate (they billed for $66/day or $88/day) they sell it to a third party collection agency for 20-40 cents on the dollar and let the collection agency hound them under the FDCPA. Because a jail is not allowed to garnish wages or hound an inmate for a bill under law but collections agency have much easier protocols to fal under. So they keep the federal money and since they couldnt recoup them selves directly they use the loss as a tax write off and keep whatever they get from the collection agency as a profit. They have no crime syndicates or other large criminal forcers lurkign around so they prey on the very people they were sworn to protect. The local boy, mom & pop, grandam and grandpa, neighbor john, and friend kelly or who ever is unfortunate enough to live in these borders living from paycheck to paycheck is now getting shaken down by their local law enforcement that they didnt want there in the first place. That didnt need there. But because this new jail just had to be built now someone has to pay for it. But hey they built to be easy on the eyes. No razor wire, no watch tower, no armed guards patroling the paremete. Its a stone building with frosted slitted windows right next to a waterside park and suburban neighborhood and a block away from the local gas station, tanning bed, and a starbucks. I am no kid I am not ignorant to the fact of in todays society we are not free. You can get a ticket for crossing the street in the wrong place. We are babysat to no end and our law enforcement have transformed from honorable pillars in the community to a SHADY FORTUNE 500 business. "Police and the laws they enforce are a reflection of the will of Society. " Think this society willed this? Does society really want someone to have the power to pull you over and tell you to buckle your seat belt in combo with a fine for the reminder? POLICE ARE SWORN TO PROTECT AND SERVE. Their whole purpose from the start of the academy to putting on the uniform is to protect and serve you, me, THE PUBLIC. THATS THEIR JOB. TO PROTECT AND SERVE US. NOT SWINDLE, STEAL, ANNOY, INCONVIENANCE AND CON.
Show me one person doing prison time for driving 1/2 mile over the speed limit.
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http://www.startribune.com/local/12493606.htmljust another example that i accidentally came across the other day and this is just in one city, one paper, one day. Try it sometime looking through your own local papers archives you will find countless others. Just another case of the police policy to annoy & innconvienance. A bunch of power tripping assholes that ignore you when it doesnt help the bottom line but throw the book at you for victimless crimes to generate more revenue to get more power tripping assholes on the street. Yes eventually the police finally did the right thing only because of the publicity they received over this, but why did it become an incident in the first place???? Where was protect and serve?
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Yes, the article that you cited does make for an embarrassing story for the police department, BUT......Did Lisa nicely ask the cop if she could borrow the shovel for only a few minutes to help the busload of freezing elderly bingo players ? No, she chose to bait him with...."It'll just take a few minutes," Bellanger said. "What are you going to do? Arrest me? "Is she related to you ?

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Poker champ arrested in raidMcKinney charged with setting up, pomoting eventKINGSPORT, Tenn. (AP) -- A divisional winner of the World Series of Poker was arrested with 15 other men during a gambling raid that yielded almost $20,000, police said.Paul McKinney and the others were sitting around a table playing poker Friday night when the raid occurred, police said. Authorities said they seized cash, playing cards and poker chips, as well as betting slips for the weekend's sporting events.McKinney, 82, of Weber City, Va., won the 2005 Seniors Division of the World Series of Poker tournament in Las Vegas, taking home $202,725, series spokesman Dave Curley said. At the time he was the oldest winner in World Series of Poker history.Police in Kingsport, in eastern Tennessee, conducted the raid after getting a tip. All those arrested were charged with gambling.McKinney was one of two people charged with aggravated gambling promotion on suspicion of organizing and promoting the event, according to police reports. Police also said McKinney was charged with possession of Schedule III narcotics after pills were found in his pocket.McKinney was released Friday on $3,250 bond.There was no phone number listed for McKinney in Weber City, and it was not immediately clear whether he had an attorney. No court date had been set Tuesday.http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/more...t.ap/index.html
If this is the same story as I remember, this game was taking place in the "back room" of an establishment and yes, gambling of any sort other than the lottery is illegal in TN (BAH HUMBUG!!) Of course, that doesn't usually stop anyone. Just greasing a few palms at the local sheriff's department usually works wonders for keeping the game going. There is much more to the story than the short piece written here......
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