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LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLPokerStars Game #12463880005: Hold'em Limit ($0.02/$0.04) - 2007/10/06 - 01:56:19 (ET)Table 'Charybdis' 10-max Seat #7 is the buttonSeat 1: vbnautilus ($5.48 in chips) Seat 2: fitzinabox ($68.52 in chips) Seat 3: Chigorin ($0.78 in chips) Seat 5: tab__1982 ($4.05 in chips) Seat 6: coolneeley ($5.04 in chips) Seat 7: drcossack ($0.03 in chips) Seat 8: biggswolll ($18.76 in chips) Seat 9: tb17 ($5519 in chips) Seat 10: PTBalloon ($2.91 in chips) biggswolll: posts small blind $0.01tb17: posts big blind $0.02*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to tb17 [2s 5h]PTBalloon said, "so sick"PTBalloon: raises $0.02 to $0.04tb17 said, "lol"biggswolll said, "f'n river"vbnautilus: raises $0.02 to $0.06fitzinabox: raises $0.02 to $0.08Betting is cappeddrcossack said, "I had it on the goddamn turn"tb17 said, "who wants to bet tab will be broke"tb17 said, "in 2 days"Chigorin: folds drcossack said, "who wants to bet I'll be bust after this hand?"tab__1982: folds coolneeley: calls $0.08drcossack: calls $0.03 and is all-inbiggswolll: calls $0.07psufans2 said, "u playing newhere soz"tb17 said, "who wants to bet you all ****ing suck"psufans2 said, "sox?"tb17: calls $0.06PTBalloon: calls $0.04vbnautilus: calls $0.02*** FLOP *** [2h 7h Tc]biggswolll: bets $0.02tb17: raises $0.02 to $0.04psufans2 said, "respect teddys raise"PTBalloon: calls $0.04vbnautilus: raises $0.02 to $0.06fitzinabox: raises $0.02 to $0.08Betting is cappedcoolneeley: folds biggswolll: calls $0.06tb17: calls $0.04drcossack said, "yeah yeah, look at mr. sitting with 5k on a micro table"PTBalloon: calls $0.04vbnautilus: calls $0.02*** TURN *** [2h 7h Tc] [2d]biggswolll: bets $0.04PTBalloon said, "queen"tb17: raises $0.04 to $0.08PTBalloon: raises $0.04 to $0.12vbnautilus: raises $0.04 to $0.16Betting is cappedfitzinabox: calls $0.16tb17 said, "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPS"drcossack said, "7!"biggswolll: calls $0.12tb17: calls $0.08PTBalloon: calls $0.04*** RIVER *** [2h 7h Tc 2d] [5d]biggswolll: bets $0.04tb17 said, "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPS"psufans2 said, "garbagebag over there?"tb17: raises $0.04 to $0.08PTBalloon: calls $0.08vbnautilus: raises $0.04 to $0.12fitzinabox: raises $0.04 to $0.16Betting is cappedbiggswolll: folds tb17 said, "im gonna slowroll u ****ers"tb17 said, "weeeeeeeeeeeee"tb17 said, "I AM"PTBalloon said, "is tis a tell?"tb17 said, "THE"tb17 said, "BEST"fitzinabox said, "FK YOU"tb17 said, "YOU"tb17 said, "ALL"tb17 said, "SUCK"tb17 said, "****"fitzinabox said, "U SUCK"tb17 said, "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"fitzinabox said, "POS"tb17 has timed outtb17: folds tb17 is sitting outtb17 said, "OMG"tb17 said, "gsfd"tb17 said, "gfd"tb17 said, "hfdg"tb17 said, "hgf"tb17 said, "jhgf"PTBalloon said, "<<<<saving bes"tb17 said, "jgf"tb17 said, "jhgf"tb17 said, "jhgf"tb17 said, "j"coolneeley said, "wheres the weed"tb17 said, "gh"tb17 said, "gfh"tb17 said, "gfjh"tb17 said, "gfjh"PTBalloon: folds tb17 said, "fgj"tb17 said, "gfj"vbnautilus: calls $0.04tb17 said, "gf"tb17 said, "jhgf"tb17 said, "jhgf"*** SHOW DOWN ***fitzinabox: shows [4s Qs] (a pair of Deuces)vbnautilus: shows [Jd Ts] (two pair, Tens and Deuces)fitzinabox said, "PWND"drcossack said, "you all ****ing suck. Die. :club:"vbnautilus collected $1.99 from side potdrcossack: mucks hand tb17 said, "loooooooooooooooool"vbnautilus collected $0.20 from main pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $2.23 Main pot $0.20. Side pot $1.99. | Rake $0.04 Board [2h 7h Tc 2d 5d]Seat 1: vbnautilus showed [Jd Ts] and won ($2.19) with two pair, Tens and DeucesSeat 2: fitzinabox showed [4s Qs] and lost with a pair of DeucesSeat 3: Chigorin folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 5: tab__1982 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 6: coolneeley folded on the FlopSeat 7: drcossack (button) mucked [7c 3d]Seat 8: biggswolll (small blind) folded on the RiverSeat 9: tb17 (big blind) folded on the RiverSeat 10: PTBalloon folded on the River

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fear the Varkonyi (aka the Mark sucks)PokerStars Game #12463913486: Hold'em Limit ($0.02/$0.04) - 2007/10/06 - 01:59:19 (ET)Table 'Charybdis' 10-max Seat #10 is the buttonSeat 1: vbnautilus ($6.75 in chips) Seat 2: ehuff2 ($0.75 in chips) Seat 3: Chigorin ($0.78 in chips) Seat 4: Timw44 ($0.79 in chips) Seat 5: tab__1982 ($4.05 in chips) Seat 6: coolneeley ($4.96 in chips) Seat 8: biggswolll ($19.24 in chips) Seat 9: tb17 ($7518.60 in chips) Seat 10: PTBalloon ($2.07 in chips) vbnautilus: posts small blind $0.01ehuff2: posts big blind $0.02Timw44: posts big blind $0.02tb17: posts small blind $0.01*** HOLE CARDS ***Chigorin: folds biggswolll said, "i know"biggswolll said, "i know"Timw44: checks tab__1982: calls $0.02coolneeley: calls $0.02biggswolll: folds tb17: raises $0.02 to $0.04PTBalloon: raises $0.02 to $0.06PTBalloon said, "Got me a Varkoni..going all the way"vbnautilus: calls $0.05ehuff2: folds Timw44: calls $0.04tab__1982: calls $0.04coolneeley: calls $0.04tb17: raises $0.02 to $0.08Betting is cappedPTBalloon: calls $0.02vbnautilus: calls $0.02Timw44: calls $0.02tab__1982: calls $0.02coolneeley: calls $0.02*** FLOP *** [Qd Ah 2h]biggswolll said, "i am varkoni"tb17 said, "I got the MARK"vbnautilus: bets $0.02Timw44: calls $0.02tab__1982: calls $0.02tb17 said, "AND IM GETTING THERE"coolneeley: calls $0.02tb17: raises $0.02 to $0.04PTBalloon: raises $0.02 to $0.06PTBalloon said, "shippppp it"vbnautilus: raises $0.02 to $0.08Betting is cappedbiggswolll said, "i am the mark"Timw44: calls $0.06tab__1982: calls $0.06biggswolll said, "wait"tb17 said, "T BALL"coolneeley: calls $0.06tb17: calls $0.04PTBalloon: calls $0.02*** TURN *** [Qd Ah 2h] [Qs]vbnautilus: checks Timw44: bets $0.04tab__1982: folds coolneeley: folds tb17: raises $0.04 to $0.08PTBalloon: raises $0.04 to $0.12tb17 said, "omg"vbnautilus: calls $0.12Timw44: raises $0.04 to $0.16Betting is cappedtb17 said, "im drawing dead"PTBalloon said, "SSSHHIIIPPPPPP IITIIIIITIIITIIT"TeamPoker007 joins the table at seat #7 tb17 said, "****ing mark is useless"tb17: folds PTBalloon: calls $0.04vbnautilus: calls $0.04*** RIVER *** [Qd Ah 2h Qs] [Tc]vbnautilus: checks tb17 said, "omg"Timw44: bets $0.04PTBalloon: raises $0.04 to $0.08vbnautilus: calls $0.08Timw44: raises $0.04 to $0.12PTBalloon said, "VARKONI FTW"tb17 said, "if u dont have the varkonyi"PTBalloon: raises $0.04 to $0.16Betting is cappedvbnautilus: calls $0.08tb17 said, "im gonna ****ing kill u"Timw44: calls $0.04*** SHOW DOWN ***PTBalloon: shows [Th Qh] (a full house, Queens full of Tens)vbnautilus: mucks hand tb17 said, "ok good"Timw44: mucks hand biggswolll said, "omg"PTBalloon collected $1.99 from potPTBalloon said, "like a glove"vbnautilus said, "haha nh mark"*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $2.03 | Rake $0.04 Board [Qd Ah 2h Qs Tc]Seat 1: vbnautilus (small blind) muckedSeat 2: ehuff2 (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 3: Chigorin folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: Timw44 muckedSeat 5: tab__1982 folded on the TurnSeat 6: coolneeley folded on the TurnSeat 8: biggswolll folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 9: tb17 folded on the TurnSeat 10: PTBalloon (button) showed [Th Qh] and won ($1.99) with a full house, Queens full of Tens

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Bunch a donks. Sorry kids, not waiting in line to nutbar a limit game. GL to everyone but Teddy, including that Tab guy.
you make me cry
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Bunch a donks. Sorry kids, not waiting in line to nutbar a limit game. GL to everyone but Teddy, including that Tab guy.
lol i dont think people have money to do $5 flips, much less like $100-200 flips
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PokerStars Game #12464513865: Hold'em Limit ($0.02/$0.04) - 2007/10/06 - 03:00:34 (ET)Table 'Charybdis' 10-max Seat #10 is the buttonSeat 1: vbnautilus ($8.48 in chips) Seat 3: fitzinabox ($3.37 in chips) Seat 4: Timw44 ($5.86 in chips) Seat 5: tab__1982 ($10.68 in chips) Seat 6: AAsnake88 ($7.94 in chips) Seat 7: Deiter27 ($2.74 in chips) Seat 8: troyomac ($9528.52 in chips) Seat 9: tb17 ($9527.86 in chips) Seat 10: PTBalloon ($9.51 in chips) vbnautilus: posts small blind $0.01fitzinabox: posts big blind $0.02*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to tb17 [Ad As]fitzinabox said, "i need to win one"PTBalloon said, "That's how you play K5 off"troyomac said, "who plays K5 like that"tb17 said, "lol"tb17 said, "if i dont win this hand"AAsnake88 said, "I wanna win a pot so I can hit and run"vbnautilus said, "well played"Timw44: raises $0.02 to $0.04PTBalloon said, "you learn you might finally have some monbey"tab__1982: folds AAsnake88: raises $0.02 to $0.06Deiter27: folds troyomac: raises $0.02 to $0.08Betting is cappedtroyomac said, "TT first hand and i lose"tb17: calls $0.08PTBalloon: calls $0.08troyomac said, "poker rigged"vbnautilus: calls $0.07fitzinabox: calls $0.06Wsox08 said, "bye e-friends..."Timw44: calls $0.04PTBalloon said, "TT on that draw heavy board?"troyomac said, "bye"AAsnake88 said, "somebody bought you?"PTBalloon said, "any straight and youre beat"troyomac said, "i had a club"AAsnake88: calls $0.02*** FLOP *** [7s 6s Ts]Wsox08 said, "I'll see you tomorrow Balloon for 12 cents"tb17 said, "omg"vbnautilus: bets $0.02fitzinabox: raises $0.02 to $0.04tb17 said, "if"tb17 said, "i dont"tb17 said, "hold"tb17 said, "I'm"tb17 said, "going"tb17 said, "to"Timw44: raises $0.02 to $0.06tb17 said, "kill"AAsnake88 said, "later wsox"tb17 said, "all"PTBalloon said, "Ill be on the phone with my buddy DN"tb17 said, "your"AAsnake88: raises $0.02 to $0.08Betting is cappedtb17 said, "families"troyomac: calls $0.08tb17: calls $0.08PTBalloon: calls $0.08vbnautilus: calls $0.06fitzinabox: calls $0.04troyomac said, "ask DN how he plays TT there"Timw44: calls $0.02*** TURN *** [7s 6s Ts] [3d]vbnautilus: bets $0.04fitzinabox: raises $0.04 to $0.08Timw44: raises $0.04 to $0.12AAsnake88: raises $0.04 to $0.16Betting is cappedvbnautilus said, "lol"tb17 said, "if osmebody actually has TT"troyomac: calls $0.16PTBalloon said, "We're going to rap for a bit you know..hang"tb17 said, "I will go nuts"Wsox08 said, "okay, well tell DN that he can get in on the action too"AAsnake88 said, "OMG"tb17: calls $0.16PTBalloon: folds fitzinabox said, "when is the convo taking place"vbnautilus: calls $0.12fitzinabox: calls $0.08AAsnake88 said, "MY OUTS NO GOOD"PTBalloon said, "dont know"Timw44: calls $0.04*** RIVER *** [7s 6s Ts 3d] [Qh]vbnautilus said, "dont think dn has the br for this"tb17 said, "omg"troyomac said, "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIP"vbnautilus: bets $0.04fitzinabox: raises $0.04 to $0.08tb17 said, "this would be the hold of the year"fitzinabox said, "have some phone secks"Timw44: folds AAsnake88: calls $0.08troyomac: raises $0.04 to $0.12tb17: raises $0.04 to $0.16Betting is cappedvbnautilus: calls $0.12fitzinabox: calls $0.08troyomac said, "<-------"AAsnake88: calls $0.08troyomac: calls $0.04tb17 said, "SIGH"*** SHOW DOWN ***tb17: shows [Ad As] (a pair of Aces)PTBalloon said, "with a blad vegan? no thank you"vbnautilus: shows [2s Qd] (a pair of Queens)fitzinabox: shows [2c Jc] (high card Queen)tb17 said, "YES"AAsnake88: shows [8d Kc] (high card King)troyomac: shows [7d Qs] (two pair, Queens and Sevens)tb17 said, "OMG"troyomac collected $2.84 from pottb17 said, "OMG"tb17 said, "**** YO"Wsox08 said, "LOL"troyomac said, "LOOOOOOL"*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $2.88 | Rake $0.04 Board [7s 6s Ts 3d Qh]Seat 1: vbnautilus (small blind) showed [2s Qd] and lost with a pair of QueensSeat 3: fitzinabox (big blind) showed [2c Jc] and lost with high card QueenSeat 4: Timw44 folded on the RiverSeat 5: tab__1982 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 6: AAsnake88 showed [8d Kc] and lost with high card KingSeat 7: Deiter27 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: troyomac showed [7d Qs] and won ($2.84) with two pair, Queens and SevensSeat 9: tb17 showed [Ad As] and lost with a pair of AcesSeat 10: PTBalloon (button) folded on the Turn

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PokerStars Game #12464896561: Hold'em Limit ($0.02/$0.04) - 2007/10/06 - 03:47:58 (ET)Table 'Charybdis' 10-max Seat #3 is the buttonSeat 1: fitzinabox ($70.33 in chips) Seat 3: Fluffdog87 ($102.64 in chips) Seat 4: Timw44 ($4.53 in chips) Seat 6: Ex_Matt ($18.68 in chips) Seat 7: mase_gotsem ($3.81 in chips) Seat 8: troyomac ($9522.82 in chips) Seat 9: tb17 ($9524.03 in chips) Seat 10: Mr. Nuss ($0.69 in chips) Timw44: posts small blind $0.01Ex_Matt: posts big blind $0.02*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to troyomac [9c 9d]mase_gotsem: raises $0.02 to $0.04tb17 said, "ira told me how he's gonna win 75 off of u"troyomac: raises $0.02 to $0.06tb17: folds Mr. Nuss: calls $0.06fitzinabox: raises $0.02 to $0.08Betting is cappedtb17 said, "o **** i folded"troyomac said, "i suck at betting"Fluffdog87: folds qyayqi has returnedtroyomac said, "he can't win 75 it's impoosiooble"tab__1982 is connected tab__1982 has returnedTimw44: calls $0.07Ex_Matt: calls $0.06mase_gotsem: calls $0.04troyomac said, "we bet on 4 series 25 each"troyomac: calls $0.02Mr. Nuss: calls $0.02*** FLOP *** [7d Ad 7h]Timw44: checks Ex_Matt: bets $0.02mase_gotsem: raises $0.02 to $0.04troyomac said, "with bonus 25 for a sc00p"troyomac: raises $0.02 to $0.06Mr. Nuss: calls $0.06fitzinabox: raises $0.02 to $0.08Betting is cappedTimw44: folds Ex_Matt: calls $0.06mase_gotsem: calls $0.04tb17 said, "50 then?"troyomac said, "andrea is your siter right"troyomac: calls $0.02tb17 said, "maybe he's a ****in ******"tb17 said, "lol"Mr. Nuss: calls $0.02*** TURN *** [7d Ad 7h] [9h]Ex_Matt: bets $0.04mase_gotsem: calls $0.04troyomac: raises $0.04 to $0.08tb17 said, "**** you"Mr. Nuss: calls $0.08fitzinabox: raises $0.04 to $0.12Ex_Matt: raises $0.04 to $0.16Betting is cappedmase_gotsem: calls $0.12troyomac said, "with either 125 or 50 i think"troyomac: calls $0.08mase_gotsem said, "habs>bruins thats why"troyomac said, "bruins suck"Mr. Nuss: calls $0.08fitzinabox: calls $0.04*** RIVER *** [7d Ad 7h 9h] [4s]Ex_Matt: bets $0.04troyomac said, "i watched them today"mase_gotsem: folds troyomac said, "terrible"troyomac: raises $0.04 to $0.08Mr. Nuss: calls $0.08fitzinabox: folds Ex_Matt: raises $0.04 to $0.12troyomac said, "ted you folded"troyomac said, "wtf"tb17 said, "i hit auto fold"troyomac said, "i think i'm good here"tb17 said, "bet it"troyomac has timed outtroyomac: folds troyomac is sitting outMr. Nuss: calls $0.04*** SHOW DOWN ***Ex_Matt: shows [5d 7c] (three of a kind, Sevens)troyomac has returnedtroyomac said, "is it andrea?"Mr. Nuss: mucks hand troyomac said, "omgmmag;ldskjag;aklsg"troyomac said, "awt"troyomac said, "flwjg;lakjwgt"Ex_Matt collected $1.96 from pottroyomac said, "ds;adgslkjgklas"troyomac said, "a'jdskgjas"troyomac said, "dg"troyomac said, "asjgskd"troyomac said, "agj"troyomac said, "asdjgas;"troyomac said, "jg"troyomac said, "dsajg"troyomac said, "asdjg;adsjg"troyomac said, ";kadsjgagj"troyomac said, "ask;dgj"tb17 said, "LOLOLOLOLOL"troyomac said, "asgj"troyomac said, "askjg"*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $2 | Rake $0.04 Board [7d Ad 7h 9h 4s]Seat 1: fitzinabox folded on the RiverSeat 3: Fluffdog87 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: Timw44 (small blind) folded on the FlopSeat 6: Ex_Matt (big blind) showed [5d 7c] and won ($1.96) with three of a kind, SevensSeat 7: mase_gotsem folded on the RiverSeat 8: troyomac folded on the RiverSeat 9: tb17 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 10: Mr. Nuss mucked [Jh Ac]

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PokerStars Game #12464928721: Hold'em Limit ($0.02/$0.04) - 2007/10/06 - 03:52:10 (ET)Table 'Charybdis' 10-max Seat #6 is the buttonSeat 1: MEX123 ($10.80 in chips) Seat 3: Fluffdog87 ($102.56 in chips) Seat 4: Timw44 ($4.45 in chips) Seat 5: tab__1982 ($13.81 in chips) Seat 6: Ex_Matt ($19.72 in chips) Seat 7: mase_gotsem ($3.41 in chips) Seat 8: troyomac ($9521.94 in chips) Seat 9: tb17 ($9525.51 in chips) Seat 10: Mr. Nuss ($0.17 in chips) mase_gotsem: posts small blind $0.01troyomac: posts big blind $0.02MEX123: posts big blind $0.02tab__1982: posts small & big blinds $0.03*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Fluffdog87 [Jc 2c]troyomac said, "sick"tb17: raises $0.02 to $0.04Mr. Nuss: raises $0.02 to $0.06MEX123: raises $0.02 to $0.08Betting is cappedtroyomac said, "i had 99 lasat hand"troyomac said, "omg"Fluffdog87: calls $0.08tb17 said, "lol"MEX123 said, "hi"Timw44: calls $0.08tab__1982: folds Ex_Matt: calls $0.08mase_gotsem: calls $0.07troyomac: calls $0.06tb17: calls $0.04Mr. Nuss: calls $0.02*** FLOP *** [3c Qc 9s]tb17 said, "it did that to me once too"tb17 said, "for some reason"mase_gotsem: bets $0.02troyomac: raises $0.02 to $0.04tb17 said, "this ****ing table has no time bank"mase_gotsem said, "i flopped the joint"tb17 said, "dont they know that we need time to think?"tb17: raises $0.02 to $0.06Mr. Nuss: raises $0.02 to $0.08Betting is cappedtroyomac said, "it doesn't give you warning or time bank"MEX123: calls $0.08Fluffdog87: calls $0.08Timw44: calls $0.08Ex_Matt: calls $0.08qyayqi has returnedmase_gotsem: calls $0.06troyomac: calls $0.04tb17: calls $0.02*** TURN *** [3c Qc 9s] [3d]mase_gotsem: bets $0.04troyomac: raises $0.04 to $0.08tb17: raises $0.04 to $0.12Mr. Nuss: calls $0.01 and is all-introyomac said, "let me get there please!"mase_gotsem said, "omg i turned the joint"MEX123: calls $0.12troyomac said, "one time"Fluffdog87: calls $0.12Timw44: raises $0.04 to $0.16Betting is cappedEx_Matt: folds troyomac said, "i won't slowroll"mase_gotsem: calls $0.12troyomac: calls $0.08tb17: calls $0.04mase_gotsem said, "3333333333333333333"MEX123: calls $0.04Fluffdog87: calls $0.04*** RIVER *** [3c Qc 9s 3d] [Ac]mase_gotsem: bets $0.04troyomac: raises $0.04 to $0.08tb17: raises $0.04 to $0.12MEX123: raises $0.04 to $0.16Betting is cappedtroyomac said, "weeeeee"Fluffdog87: calls $0.16troyomac said, "i got there"Timw44: calls $0.16mase_gotsem said, "fkn joke cant ever hit quads"Fluffdog87 said, "YESSSSSSSSS"mase_gotsem said, "seriously"mase_gotsem said, "sik"tb17 said, "I think I have the best hand here"MEX123 said, "lol"mase_gotsem: calls $0.12Fluffdog87 said, "WEEEEEEEEE"troyomac: calls $0.08tb17: calls $0.04*** SHOW DOWN ***MEX123: shows [As Jh] (two pair, Aces and Threes)Fluffdog87: shows [Jc 2c] (a flush, Ace high)troyomac said, "jw;lkdsjaf;lkdsj"Timw44: mucks hand mase_gotsem: shows [3h 9h] (a full house, Threes full of Nines)troyomac said, "ladsgjs;"troyomac: shows [5c 7c] (a flush, Ace high)tb17: shows [6s Ts] (a pair of Threes)troyomac said, "** FLUFF"mase_gotsem collected $1.86 from side potMr. Nuss: mucks hand tb17 said, "LOOOOOOOOOOOL SLOWROLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL"troyomac said, "** MASE"troyomac said, "omg"mase_gotsem collected $1.34 from main pottroyomac said, "wow"Fluffdog87 said, "OMG"*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $3.24 Main pot $1.34. Side pot $1.86. | Rake $0.04 Board [3c Qc 9s 3d Ac]Seat 1: MEX123 showed [As Jh] and lost with two pair, Aces and ThreesSeat 3: Fluffdog87 showed [Jc 2c] and lost with a flush, Ace highSeat 4: Timw44 mucked [6c 8c]Seat 5: tab__1982 folded before FlopSeat 6: Ex_Matt (button) folded on the TurnSeat 7: mase_gotsem (small blind) showed [3h 9h] and won ($3.20) with a full house, Threes full of NinesSeat 8: troyomac (big blind) showed [5c 7c] and lost with a flush, Ace highSeat 9: tb17 showed [6s Ts] and lost with a pair of ThreesSeat 10: Mr. Nuss mucked [7d 9d]

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tb17: NIG-GERmase_gotsem: dnt go brokeMEX123: cyamase_gotsem: u mean nigeria ?Dealer: ESKIEBABYS, it's your turn. You have 15 seconds to acttroyomac [observer]: tedtb17: ?Dealer: ESKIEBABYS is connected but did not act in time - hand is foldedtroyomac [observer]: does your sister speak like that?troyomac [observer]: if so then i'm outtb17: u dont have to worry u aren't a nigg-erFluffdog87: loltroyomac [observer]: LOLtroyomac [observer]: wowmase_gotsem: lmaotroyomac [observer]: omgtroyomac [observer]: i feel bad for laughingFluffdog87: loltb17: im onyl racist when i nutbartb17: i swearFluffdog87: llllllllllllllolmase_gotsem: thats fair

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PokerStars Game #12464896561: Hold'em Limit ($0.02/$0.04) - 2007/10/06 - 03:47:58 (ET)Table 'Charybdis' 10-max Seat #3 is the buttonSeat 1: fitzinabox ($70.33 in chips) Seat 3: Fluffdog87 ($102.64 in chips) Seat 4: Timw44 ($4.53 in chips) Seat 6: Ex_Matt ($18.68 in chips) Seat 7: mase_gotsem ($3.81 in chips) Seat 8: troyomac ($9522.82 in chips) Seat 9: tb17 ($9524.03 in chips) Seat 10: Mr. Nuss ($0.69 in chips) Timw44: posts small blind $0.01Ex_Matt: posts big blind $0.02*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to troyomac [9c 9d]mase_gotsem: raises $0.02 to $0.04tb17 said, "ira told me how he's gonna win 75 off of u"troyomac: raises $0.02 to $0.06tb17: folds Mr. Nuss: calls $0.06fitzinabox: raises $0.02 to $0.08Betting is cappedtb17 said, "o **** i folded"troyomac said, "i suck at betting"Fluffdog87: folds qyayqi has returnedtroyomac said, "he can't win 75 it's impoosiooble"tab__1982 is connected tab__1982 has returnedTimw44: calls $0.07Ex_Matt: calls $0.06mase_gotsem: calls $0.04troyomac said, "we bet on 4 series 25 each"troyomac: calls $0.02Mr. Nuss: calls $0.02*** FLOP *** [7d Ad 7h]Timw44: checks Ex_Matt: bets $0.02mase_gotsem: raises $0.02 to $0.04troyomac said, "with bonus 25 for a sc00p"troyomac: raises $0.02 to $0.06Mr. Nuss: calls $0.06fitzinabox: raises $0.02 to $0.08Betting is cappedTimw44: folds Ex_Matt: calls $0.06mase_gotsem: calls $0.04tb17 said, "50 then?"troyomac said, "andrea is your siter right"troyomac: calls $0.02tb17 said, "maybe he's a ****in ******"tb17 said, "lol"Mr. Nuss: calls $0.02*** TURN *** [7d Ad 7h] [9h]Ex_Matt: bets $0.04mase_gotsem: calls $0.04troyomac: raises $0.04 to $0.08tb17 said, "**** you"Mr. Nuss: calls $0.08fitzinabox: raises $0.04 to $0.12Ex_Matt: raises $0.04 to $0.16Betting is cappedmase_gotsem: calls $0.12troyomac said, "with either 125 or 50 i think"troyomac: calls $0.08mase_gotsem said, "habs>bruins thats why"troyomac said, "bruins suck"Mr. Nuss: calls $0.08fitzinabox: calls $0.04*** RIVER *** [7d Ad 7h 9h] [4s]Ex_Matt: bets $0.04troyomac said, "i watched them today"mase_gotsem: folds troyomac said, "terrible"troyomac: raises $0.04 to $0.08Mr. Nuss: calls $0.08fitzinabox: folds Ex_Matt: raises $0.04 to $0.12troyomac said, "ted you folded"troyomac said, "wtf"tb17 said, "i hit auto fold"troyomac said, "i think i'm good here"tb17 said, "bet it"troyomac has timed outtroyomac: folds troyomac is sitting outMr. Nuss: calls $0.04*** SHOW DOWN ***Ex_Matt: shows [5d 7c] (three of a kind, Sevens)troyomac has returnedtroyomac said, "is it andrea?"Mr. Nuss: mucks hand troyomac said, "omgmmag;ldskjag;aklsg"troyomac said, "awt"troyomac said, "flwjg;lakjwgt"Ex_Matt collected $1.96 from pottroyomac said, "ds;adgslkjgklas"troyomac said, "a'jdskgjas"troyomac said, "dg"troyomac said, "asjgskd"troyomac said, "agj"troyomac said, "asdjgas;"troyomac said, "jg"troyomac said, "dsajg"troyomac said, "asdjg;adsjg"troyomac said, ";kadsjgagj"troyomac said, "ask;dgj"tb17 said, "LOLOLOLOLOL"troyomac said, "asgj"troyomac said, "askjg"*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $2 | Rake $0.04 Board [7d Ad 7h 9h 4s]Seat 1: fitzinabox folded on the RiverSeat 3: Fluffdog87 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: Timw44 (small blind) folded on the FlopSeat 6: Ex_Matt (big blind) showed [5d 7c] and won ($1.96) with three of a kind, SevensSeat 7: mase_gotsem folded on the RiverSeat 8: troyomac folded on the RiverSeat 9: tb17 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 10: Mr. Nuss mucked [Jh Ac]
I was running SOOOOOOOOOO good loooool.
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