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GG Team!We did our best...here's the tally sheet.CashedRoyal- $17.50Cubby- $35Total- $52.50BonusRoyal - Show's Krablar for $11Royal - All in 75% or better for $22PayoutsCubby- $35-$11 (stakeback) = $24...50% of $24 = $12 (Has shipped back $23)Royal- $17.50-$11 (stakeback) = $6.50....50% of $6.50 = $3.25...So...$33 (Bonus) - $14.25 (stakeback + 50%) = $18.75 to be shipped to RoyalFinal TallyCubby - $12Royal - $22Good job all and had a great time!!!

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GG Team!We did our best...here's the tally sheet.CashedRoyal- $17.50Cubby- $35Total- $52.50BonusRoyal - Show's Krablar for $11Royal - All in 75% or better for $22PayoutsCubby- $35-$11 (stakeback) = $24...50% of $24 = $12 (Has shipped back $23)Royal- $17.50-$11 (stakeback) = $6.50....50% of $6.50 = $3.25...So...$33 (Bonus) - $14.25 (stakeback + 50%) = $18.75 to be shipped to RoyalFinal TallyCubby - $12Royal - $22Good job all and had a great time!!!
Thanks a lot buddy!you're a great captain!I currently have no money online. All my playing has been live. thus my whole BR is cash. But with this money i have on stars, i'l try and play some MTT's. hopefully with better success.and i'm still gonna cut u in for % if i take anything down. cheers
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