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From $1.20 To $3.40 Turbo

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I've been playing the $1.20's on Stars and I've been thinking about giving the $3.40 turbos a try.Is there a noticeable difference between the quality of play at $1.20 vs. $3.40, or is it about the same? What kinds of adjustments are required to move from regulars to turbos?Thanks.

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I've been playing the $1.20's on Stars and I've been thinking about giving the $3.40 turbos a try.Is there a noticeable difference between the quality of play at $1.20 vs. $3.40, or is it about the same? What kinds of adjustments are required to move from regulars to turbos?Thanks.
I'd imagine the difference is tiny, except that the $3.40s are 10seaters.In terms of turbo strat, loosen up/get aggressive when the blinds get high. I play the 3.25/6.50 45man turbos and people have no concept of how to play when the blinds get big (e.g blinds 400/800, some guy in the BB fold to some guys raise with his stack at like 2K - :club: ). I'll have a think and see if I can remember any other things later.
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Well, I tried one tonight and busted out in 6th. The one major difference I found with the turbo is that you don't have nearly as much time in the early rounds to see flops cheaply in the hopes of hitting a big hand. If you don't win a big pot early, you find yourself shortstacked pretty quickly. I busted out when I open-pushed in the SB w/ 98s into a pair of 7's in the BB.Would it be fair to say that the luck factor is more emphasized in turbos because the blinds climb so quickly?

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Would it be fair to say that the luck factor is more emphasized in turbos because the blinds climb so quickly?
Definately.I played a lot of the 3.40s and in the end I just barely broke even. In my opinion they are pretty much crapshoots. If you have anywhere near a sufficient bankroll, I recommend that you play the regular $5 STTs, they are much easier to beat.
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after i fell apart in feb-apr, i sucked it up & went back to $1x9 s&g's to rebuild my game and my confidence. once i was cashing consistently i moved up to the $5x9 and have continued to build my br. i don't think switching to turbo is in your best interests.

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In the turbos I think you just have to be a bit more aggressive (not more loose, just more aggressive) and be more willing to steal. If you build up a decent stack, you have a really good chance of a top 3 finish just because by the table the FT comes around, its mostly filled with weak-tight players who don't compensate for the blind structure. The blind strucutres go up incredibly quick though, and by the time your down to the final 3 or 4, its pretty much a push or fold AIPF fest unless you have a big stack. As for the difference between 3.40's and 1.20's, not much. I find the 3.40's to a bit more tighter, but that's about it. I disagree with the idea that their crapshoots. There's higher variance, but in the long run, it's pretty easy to come out top with a fairly high margin. In general, the players just really aren't that GOOD. I play mostly 3.40's /45 turbos, and 5.50 STT's. My ROI for the 3.40's is about 65 - 70%, and for the 5.50's its about 30 - 35%. (granted my sample size isn't HUGE).Just be aggressive, pick your spots, and try to build a stack early. Take advantage of people who can't compensate for the fast strucutre, and you should be fine. Good luck.

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In the turbos I think you just have to be a bit more aggressive (not more loose, just more aggressive) and be more willing to steal.
Well, this may be why turbos aren't for me: aggression is one of my weaknesses (also why I've struggled the few times I tried 2-table SnG's).It sounds like some of you would recommend moving directly to the $5's rather than making a stop at the $3 turbos. Is the quality of play at all these micro levels pretty much similar, or is there a noticeable difference between $1 and $5? My bankroll could handle the jump but I don't think I'm fully satisfied with my play at the $1.20's yet. I've been getting a little antsy because even though I've been having a pretty good month the bankroll climbs really slowly that this level.
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^^I don't know exactly, I have only played a handful of $1.20s, but I have discussed exactly this question with my brother recently. He's been playing a lot of the $1.20s and occasionally a $5 Stt and he claims that the latter are significantly more difficult. I can't really confirm that observation, in my opinion the play at the $5 is really absolutely atrocious, sometimes it almost seems like the other players want to give you their chips. ;-)One thing that is obviously much better is the rake, which is only 10% as opposed to the 20% of the $1 STTs, at least take a stab and see how it goes. I don't think I'm a good player, I often make stupid mistakes and don't pay enough attention to the table, but I crushed the $5 STTs...As I said, I had no success in the turbo-stts, maybe some players can make a profit there, but I couldn't. Maybe it's because of my pretty tight style - the blinds go up so quickly, that often my whole tournament depended on exactly one hand. There isn't much space for postflop-play in the turbos in my opinion.edit: also because of the higher variance, you probably need a bigger bankroll for playing turbo tournaments compared to regular ones of the same buy-in anyway, so $3+.4 turbo might be quite similar to $5+.5 regular in regards to bankroll-requirements.

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One thing that is obviously much better is the rake, which is only 10% as opposed to the 20% of the $1 STTs
This is one of the reasons why I said that building a bankroll at $1.20 is such a challenge. Not only are you playing for small stakes, but the rake is 20%. You pretty much need a good win% (as opposed to just a good ITM%) in order to go up rather than sideways.
I often make stupid mistakes and don't pay enough attention to the table, but I crushed the $5 STTs...
I tend to put quite a bit of effort into making notes on players at the $1.20 tables but interestingly enough I won one last night without taking a single note. I was 2-tabling and the first table had my attention for quite a while, and by the time that game finished we were already on the bubble at the 2nd table and I hadn't paid much attention at all or had a chance to look at the hand history. Kind of makes you wonder how important it really is to develop reads on players at the $1.20 level.
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Increase in quality of play from $1 to $5 is noticable...but fairly small. In my experience $5 to $10 seemed to be a lot bigger jump.

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Can you elaborate on what the differences are? I'm assuming there aren't as many (or any) of those crazy early pushes with hands like AQ. Do players at $5 have some concept of bubble play? Because they don't at $1.20. Do $5 players in general play a big tighter and more careful?

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Can you elaborate on what the differences are? I'm assuming there aren't as many (or any) of those crazy early pushes with hands like AQ. Do players at $5 have some concept of bubble play? Because they don't at $1.20. Do $5 players in general play a big tighter and more careful?
1-3 chaps gone in the first 3 orbits is not uncommon, but play tightens up from there. It's pretty common to get to 100/200 with 5 players left. The crazy pushes are still there, and you can usually figure out who it's gonna be right away. Definately better bubble play in the $5, but still not outstanding. People still blind away. I find in the $5 there is more "cooperation" on the bubble by the larger stacks than in the $1. Bluffs are slightly more viable too. Once you get down to 3-4 you often have players who actually know your table image.
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Well, I tried one tonight and busted out in 6th. The one major difference I found with the turbo is that you don't have nearly as much time in the early rounds to see flops cheaply in the hopes of hitting a big hand. If you don't win a big pot early, you find yourself shortstacked pretty quickly. I busted out when I open-pushed in the SB w/ 98s into a pair of 7's in the BB.Would it be fair to say that the luck factor is more emphasized in turbos because the blinds climb so quickly?
Their is no luck at all in the long run. When I play turbo's, I push all in if people are limping in, if it is worth the risk to increase my stack by at least 25%. Also if the button minraises at the 75/50 and 100-200 level, I'm pushing all in over the top every single time regardless of what I have. Never let yourself get below 5 BBs. And be extremely aggressive on the bubble. Turbo's especially and even regular sit n goes to an extent are not real poker. I am never playing any flops, just pushing all in before the flop. When I do this, I always make sure I am first to the pot, unless I have a very strong hand. If you play the turbo's, just realize that its not going to be like seeing flops and outplaying people. Just push in.
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